home » zplus/dokk.git
Author zPlus <zplus@peers.community> 2024-11-12 06:43:40
Committer zPlus <zplus@peers.community> 2024-11-12 06:43:40
Commit f3150c6 (patch)
Tree cc56f19

Merge "documentation" and "manpages" repositories. The DOKK graph is split among several repositories, one containing nodes that are added manually, and another one for every script that is used to import data from other sources. This commit merges all the scripts into the same repositories with the other nodes, in order to have a single repository instead of many.

commits diff: 9b62882..f3150c6
260 files changed, 9958 insertions, 0 deletionsdownload

-rw-r--r-- nodes/blob.ttl 0
-rw-r--r-- nodes/fenrispunk.ttl 0
-rw-r--r-- nodes/file_system.ttl 0
-rw-r--r-- nodes/learning_topics.ttl 0
-rw-r--r-- nodes/library.ttl 0
-rw-r--r-- nodes/license.ttl 0
-rw-r--r-- nodes/mimi_and_eunice.ttl 0
-rw-r--r-- nodes/operating_system.ttl 0
-rw-r--r-- nodes/software.ttl 0
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/README 3
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/addok/Makefile 48
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aeon-toolkit/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aerleon/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aiobotocore/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aiofrozenlist/Makefile 59
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aioftp/Makefile 46
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aiohttp-admin/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aiohttp-demos/Makefile 40
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aiohttp-jinja2/Makefile 49
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aiohttp-mako/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aiohttp-remotes/Makefile 65
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aiohttp-security/Makefile 34
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aiohttp-session/Makefile 49
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aiohttp/Makefile 34
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aiojobs/Makefile 64
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aiokafka/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aiomonitor/Makefile 47
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aiomultidict/Makefile 62
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aiomysql/Makefile 46
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aiopg/Makefile 46
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aiosignal/Makefile 44
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aioyarl/Makefile 45
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aiozipkin/Makefile 34
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/aiozmq/Makefile 48
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/alabaster/Makefile 28
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/alakazam/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/alembic/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/amdis/Makefile 37
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/amplmp/Makefile 46
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/amplpy/Makefile 34
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/anndata/Makefile 67
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/anyio/Makefile 41
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/apache_mod_wsgi/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/apsw/Makefile 34
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/arb/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/astropy-astroquery/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/astropy-reproject/Makefile 37
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/astropy/Makefile 45
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/asyncssh/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/autofac/Makefile 48
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/autohotkey-ahk/Makefile 34
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/bedops/Makefile 47
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/bigsdb/Makefile 39
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/biothings-biothings.api/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/biothings-clientpy/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/biothings-mychem.info/Makefile 36
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/biothings-mydisease.info/Makefile 36
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/biothings-mygene.info/Makefile 37
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/biothings-mygeneset.info/Makefile 37
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/biothings-myvariant.info/Makefile 36
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/biothings-schemapy/Makefile 35
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/bootstrap-datepicker/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/borg-backup/Makefile 45
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/boris/Makefile 36
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/bottlepy/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/breathe/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/buildbot/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/ceph/Makefile 27
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/certbot/Makefile 29
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/ckan/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/cltk/Makefile 50
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/cookiecutter/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/coreboot/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/couchdb/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/cratedb/Makefile 30
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/cython/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/dallinger/Makefile 38
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/dask/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/ddev/Makefile 43
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/designpatternsphp/Makefile 38
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/discord.py/Makefile 46
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/django-asgiref/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/django-channels/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/django-cms/Makefile 43
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/django-hijack/Makefile 42
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/django/Makefile 42
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/easybuild-tutorial/Makefile 37
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/easybuild/Makefile 36
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/emcee/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/enzoamr-e/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/enzoamr/Makefile 34
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/ezdxf/Makefile 34
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/faucet/Makefile 48
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/firesim/Makefile 38
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/flake8/Makefile 30
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/flask-limiter/Makefile 34
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/flask/Makefile 66
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/flexmock/Makefile 52
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/flycheck/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/gabbi/Makefile 42
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/geotrek-admin/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/gevent/Makefile 43
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/ghc/Makefile 29
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/gokapi/Makefile 43
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/guzzle/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/h5py/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/idris-lang/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/ipython/Makefile 35
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/itsdangerous/Makefile 62
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/jinja2/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/jsonpickle/Makefile 42
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/jupyter-notebook/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/jupyter-sphinx/Makefile 55
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/jupyter-tutorial/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/jupyterhub-repo2docker/Makefile 50
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/jupyterhub/Makefile 64
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/latexindent.pl/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/ldap3/Makefile 36
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/libtmux/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/linguistica-lxa5/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/lmod/Makefile 43
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mahotas/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/markupsafe/Makefile 62
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mathjax/Makefile 38
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/matplotlib-adjusttext/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mediagoblin/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mesa3d/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mila-docs/Makefile 41
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mkdocs/Makefile 40
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mmaction2/Makefile 40
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mockery/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mopidy/Makefile 35
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-addons-frontend/Makefile 30
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-addons-server/Makefile 58
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-addons/Makefile 39
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-bedrock/Makefile 46
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-bleach/Makefile 90
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-dennis/Makefile 46
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-django-csp/Makefile 82
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-django-oidc/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-frost/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-kitsune/Makefile 30
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-normandy/Makefile 35
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-pontoon/Makefile 39
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-treeherder/Makefile 36
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mriqc/Makefile 50
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/music21/Makefile 38
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/mypy/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/nbsphinx/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/nextflow/Makefile 39
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/numpydoc/Makefile 119
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/openpyxl/Makefile 30
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pagure/Makefile 30
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pallets-click/Makefile 50
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pelican/Makefile 45
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/phpmyadmin/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/prospector/Makefile 47
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/psrqpy/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/psycopg/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pycuda/Makefile 42
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pydash/Makefile 79
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pyinstaller/Makefile 59
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pyinvoke/Makefile 28
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylinac/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylmdb/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-colander/Makefile 30
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-deform/Makefile 30
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-hupper/Makefile 30
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-hypatia/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-pastedeploy/Makefile 56
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-peppercorn/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-plaster/Makefile 30
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-pyramid/Makefile 30
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-pyramid_debugtoolbar/Makefile 43
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-pyramid_jinja2/Makefile 39
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-pyramid_mako/Makefile 30
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-pyramid_retry/Makefile 40
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-pyramid_tm/Makefile 44
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-translationstring/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-venusian/Makefile 30
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-waitress/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-webob/Makefile 30
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-webtest/Makefile 44
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-zodburi/Makefile 56
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pymunk/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pypubsub/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-aspectlib/Makefile 30
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-cerberus/Makefile 50
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-construct/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-curio/Makefile 34
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-enrico/Makefile 47
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-faker/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-ftfy/Makefile 30
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-greenlet/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-luigi/Makefile 50
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-nox/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-pip/Makefile 48
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-poetry-cleo/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-requests-cache/Makefile 55
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-requests/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-setuptools/Makefile 80
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-six/Makefile 29
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-soundfile/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-sqlparse/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-tenacity/Makefile 54
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-tox-filelock/Makefile 46
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-tox-pipenv/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-tox-travis/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-tox/Makefile 44
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-trio/Makefile 45
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-virtualenv/Makefile 43
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-waitress/Makefile 30
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/python-websockets/Makefile 59
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pywavelets/Makefile 34
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/pyyawt/Makefile 41
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/qtile/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/quart/Makefile 37
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/rdflib/Makefile 27
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/readthedocs/Makefile 36
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/robotpy/Makefile 42
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/ruamel.yaml/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/rust-cargo/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/s3fs/Makefile 48
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/scrapy/Makefile 30
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/seaborn/Makefile 35
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/searxng/Makefile 41
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/securedrop/Makefile 27
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/simplejson/Makefile 29
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/sonos-controller/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/sphinx-releases/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/splinter-framework/Makefile 35
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/sqlalchemy-mako/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/sqlalchemy/Makefile 44
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/statsmodels/Makefile 39
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/sympy/Makefile 126
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/tablib/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/tmuxp/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/tomobank/Makefile 39
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/torchio/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/trafilatura/Makefile 49
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/turbustat/Makefile 48
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/twarc/Makefile 33
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/twisted/Makefile 80
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/txtorcon/Makefile 35
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/urllib3/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/vcs-python-libvcs/Makefile 28
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/vcs-python-vcspull/Makefile 27
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/wagtail/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/wandpy/Makefile 48
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/weblate/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/werkzeug/Makefile 32
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/wtforms/Makefile 53
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/youtube-dl/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/zodb/Makefile 45
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/zope.interface/Makefile 47
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/zope/Makefile 31
-rw-r--r-- scripts/documentation/docs/zulip/Makefile 33
-rwxr-xr-x scripts/manpages/Makefile 43
-rw-r--r-- scripts/manpages/README 33
-rwxr-xr-x scripts/manpages/rdf.py 121

Diff options
Context lines
Inter-hunk lines
+0/-0 R   data/blob.ttl -> nodes/blob.ttl
index 1772649..1772649
old size: 423K - new size: 423K

+0/-0 R   data/fenrispunk.ttl -> nodes/fenrispunk.ttl
index 4c63fc7..4c63fc7
old size: 433B - new size: 433B

+0/-0 R   data/file_system.ttl -> nodes/file_system.ttl
index 9ed8c2a..9ed8c2a
old size: 343B - new size: 343B

+0/-0 R   data/learning_topics.ttl -> nodes/learning_topics.ttl
index cafc414..cafc414
old size: 393B - new size: 393B

+0/-0 R   data/library.ttl -> nodes/library.ttl
index 47ffd6f..47ffd6f
old size: 195K - new size: 195K

+0/-0 R   data/license.ttl -> nodes/license.ttl
index 96997b6..96997b6
old size: 4M - new size: 4M

+0/-0 R   data/mimi_and_eunice.ttl -> nodes/mimi_and_eunice.ttl
index 615ced4..615ced4
old size: 407K - new size: 407K

+0/-0 R   data/operating_system.ttl -> nodes/operating_system.ttl
index bc90c8b..bc90c8b
old size: 1K - new size: 1K

+0/-0 R   data/software.ttl -> nodes/software.ttl
index 116b618..116b618
old size: 9K - new size: 9K

+3/-0 A   scripts/documentation/README
index 0000000..430c0b6
old size: 0B - new size: 38B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 + Compile:
2 +
3 + OUTPUT_PATH= make <tag>

+48/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/addok/Makefile
index 0000000..8dea151
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/addok/addok.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.6:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.6
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + 1.1.1: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
28 + mkdocs build
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + cp --recursive site "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
32 + 1.0.4: check_env_vars venv-3.6 repository
33 + source venv/bin/activate
34 + cd repository
35 + git checkout tags/$@
36 + # There is a dependency conflict. requirements-dev.txt defines pytest==7.1.3 but
37 + # pip18 (installed by pyenv) can only find versions up to 7.0.1. Therefore we
38 + # install mkdocs manually, with the version number taken from requirements-dev.txt.
39 + #pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
40 + pip install "mkdocs == 0.17.2"
41 + mkdocs build
42 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
43 + cp --recursive site "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
44 +
47 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aeon-toolkit/Makefile
index 0000000..bad850e
old size: 0B - new size: 630B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aeon-toolkit/aeon.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aeon-toolkit
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v0.9.0: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install .[all_extras,dl,dev,binder,docs]
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + cd docs
26 + make clean
27 + make dirhtml
28 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aerleon/Makefile
index 0000000..52ef8b4
old size: 0B - new size: 778B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aerleon/aerleon.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aerleon
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 1.0.0 1.1.0 1.2.3 1.3.0 1.4.0 1.5.0 1.6.0 1.7.0 1.8.0 1.9.0: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
24 + # Upgrade mkdocstrings version beacuse the one in requirements.txt doesn't work
25 + pip install "mkdocstrings == 0.25.1" "mkdocstrings-python == 1.10.3"
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
27 + mkdocs build --site-dir "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aiobotocore/Makefile
index 0000000..2a45d86
old size: 0B - new size: 634B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/aiobotocore.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aiobotocore
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.6:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.6
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 0.12.0 1.4.2 2.11.1: check_env_vars venv-3.6 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean
26 + make dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+59/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aiofrozenlist/Makefile
index 0000000..a1de727
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/frozenlist.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aiofrozenlist
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.7:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + v1.4.1: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r requirements/doc.txt
28 + cd docs
29 + make clean
30 + make dirhtml
31 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
32 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
33 +
34 + v1.2.0 v1.3.3: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
35 + source venv/bin/activate
36 + cd repository
37 + git checkout tags/$@
38 + pip install -r requirements/doc.txt
39 + cd docs
40 + make clean
41 + make dirhtml
42 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
43 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
44 +
45 + v1.0.0 v1.1.1: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
46 + source venv/bin/activate
47 + cd repository
48 + git checkout tags/$@
49 + pip install -r requirements/doc.txt "jinja2 < 3.1"
50 + cd docs
51 + make clean
52 + make dirhtml
53 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
54 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
55 +
58 + .PHONY:

+46/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aioftp/Makefile
index 0000000..bf15c1b
old size: 0B - new size: 999B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/aioftp.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aioftp
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 0.22.3: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
24 + pip install .
25 + cd docs
26 + make clean
27 + make dirhtml
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
31 + 0.9.0 0.10.0 0.10.1 0.11.1 0.12.0 0.13.0 0.14.0 0.15.0 0.16.1 0.17.2 0.18.1 0.19.0 0.20.0 0.21.4: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
32 + source venv/bin/activate
33 + cd repository
34 + git checkout tags/$@
35 + pip install -r doc-requirements.txt
36 + pip install .
37 + cd docs
38 + make clean
39 + make dirhtml
40 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
41 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
42 +
45 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aiohttp-admin/Makefile
index 0000000..7b18414
old size: 0B - new size: 624B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp-admin.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aiohttp-admin
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.6:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.6
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v0.0.4: check_env_vars venv-3.6 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements-doc.txt
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean
26 + make dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+40/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aiohttp-demos/Makefile
index 0000000..9c8af39
old size: 0B - new size: 885B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp-demos.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aiohttp-demos
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + # This repo doesn't use tags for releases, therefore we checkout specific commits.
20 + # The date is the commit's date.
21 + # Requires pg_config executable (from libpq-dev)
22 + 2024-01-30-17c335ec: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
23 + # Extract commit hash
24 + commit_hash=$@
25 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
26 +
27 + source venv/bin/activate
28 + cd repository
29 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
30 + pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
31 + cd docs
32 + make clean
33 + make dirhtml
34 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
35 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
36 +
39 + .PHONY:

+49/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aiohttp-jinja2/Makefile
index 0000000..db88bfc
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp-jinja2.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aiohttp-jinja2
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.9:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.9
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + v1.5.1 v1.6: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt
28 + cd docs
29 + make clean
30 + make dirhtml
31 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
32 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
33 +
34 + v0.17.0 v1.4.2: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
35 + source venv/bin/activate
36 + cd repository
37 + git checkout tags/$@
38 + pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
39 + pip install "markupsafe == 2.0.1" "sphinx == 5"
40 + cd docs
41 + make clean
42 + make dirhtml
43 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
44 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
45 +
48 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aiohttp-mako/Makefile
index 0000000..0a7e2ef
old size: 0B - new size: 636B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp-mako.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aiohttp-mako
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.7:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v0.3.0 v1.0.0: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements-dev.txt sphinx
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean
26 + make dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+65/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aiohttp-remotes/Makefile
index 0000000..2e3de25
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp-remotes.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aiohttp-remotes
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.8:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + venv-3.6:
21 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.6
22 + python3 -m venv venv
23 +
24 + repository:
25 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
26 +
27 + v1.1.0 v1.2.0: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
28 + source venv/bin/activate
29 + cd repository
30 + git checkout tags/$@
31 + pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
32 + pip install "sphinx == 5"
33 + cd docs
34 + make clean
35 + make dirhtml
36 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
37 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
38 +
39 + v1.0.0: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
40 + source venv/bin/activate
41 + cd repository
42 + git checkout tags/$@
43 + pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
44 + pip install "sphinx == 5"
45 + cd docs
46 + make clean
47 + make dirhtml
48 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
49 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
50 +
51 + v0.1.2: check_env_vars venv-3.6 repository
52 + source venv/bin/activate
53 + cd repository
54 + git checkout tags/$@
55 + pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
56 + cd docs
57 + make clean
58 + make dirhtml
59 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
60 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
61 +
64 + .PHONY:

+34/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aiohttp-security/Makefile
index 0000000..ab7ee66
old size: 0B - new size: 671B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp-security.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aiohttp-security
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.8:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v0.5.0: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
24 + pip install "sphinx < 4" "jinja2 < 3.1"
25 + cd docs
26 + make clean
27 + make dirhtml
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
33 + .PHONY:

+49/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aiohttp-session/Makefile
index 0000000..49b5096
old size: 0B - new size: 982B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp-session.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aiohttp-session
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.6:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.6
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + v2.12.0: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
28 + pip install "sphinx == 5"
29 + cd docs
30 + make clean
31 + make dirhtml
32 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
33 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
34 +
35 + v1.2.1: check_env_vars venv-3.6 repository
36 + source venv/bin/activate
37 + cd repository
38 + git checkout tags/$@
39 + pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
40 + cd docs
41 + make clean
42 + make dirhtml
43 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
44 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
45 +
48 + .PHONY:

+34/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aiohttp/Makefile
index 0000000..0f84d49
old size: 0B - new size: 653B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aiohttp
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v3.9.1: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements/base.txt
24 + pip install -r requirements/doc.txt
25 + cd docs
26 + make clean
27 + make dirhtml
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
33 + .PHONY:

+64/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aiojobs/Makefile
index 0000000..ce17a39
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/aiojobs.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aiojobs
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.10:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + venv-3.7:
21 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
22 + python3 -m venv venv
23 +
24 + repository:
25 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
26 +
27 + v1.1.0 v1.2.1: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
28 + source venv/bin/activate
29 + cd repository
30 + git checkout tags/$@
31 + pip install -r requirements/doc.txt
32 + cd docs
33 + make clean
34 + make dirhtml
35 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
36 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
37 +
38 + v1.0.0: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
39 + source venv/bin/activate
40 + cd repository
41 + git checkout tags/$@
42 + pip install -r requirements/doc.txt
43 + pip install "sphinx == 5"
44 + cd docs
45 + make clean
46 + make dirhtml
47 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
48 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
49 +
50 + v0.3.0: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
51 + source venv/bin/activate
52 + cd repository
53 + git checkout tags/$@
54 + pip install -r requirements/doc.txt "jinja2 < 3.1"
55 + cd docs
56 + make clean
57 + make dirhtml
58 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
59 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
60 +
63 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aiokafka/Makefile
index 0000000..4d6b1d9
old size: 0B - new size: 630B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/aiokafka.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aiokafka
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.8:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v0.8.1 v0.9.0 v0.10.0: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements-docs.txt
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean
26 + make dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+47/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aiomonitor/Makefile
index 0000000..4931fd1
old size: 0B - new size: 986B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/aiomonitor.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aiomonitor
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v0.5.0 v0.6.0 v0.7.0: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements-doc.txt
24 + pip install .
25 + cd docs
26 + make clean
27 + make dirhtml
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
31 + v0.2.1 v0.3.1 v0.4.5: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
32 + source venv/bin/activate
33 + cd repository
34 + git checkout tags/$@
35 + pip install -r requirements-doc.txt
36 + pip install "jinja2 < 3.1" "sphinx == 5"
37 + pip install .
38 + cd docs
39 + make clean
40 + make dirhtml
41 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
42 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
43 +
46 + .PHONY:

+62/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aiomultidict/Makefile
index 0000000..6ec7787
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/multidict.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aiomultidict
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.7:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + v6.0.4: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r requirements/doc.txt
28 + pip install .
29 + cd docs
30 + make clean
31 + make dirhtml
32 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
33 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
34 +
35 + v5.2.0: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
36 + source venv/bin/activate
37 + cd repository
38 + git checkout tags/$@
39 + pip install -r requirements/doc.txt
40 + pip install .
41 + cd docs
42 + make clean
43 + make dirhtml
44 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
45 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
46 +
47 + v4.7.6: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
48 + source venv/bin/activate
49 + cd repository
50 + git checkout tags/$@
51 + pip install -r requirements/doc.txt "jinja2 < 3.1"
52 + pip install .
53 + cd docs
54 + make clean
55 + make dirhtml
56 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
57 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
58 +
61 + .PHONY:

+46/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aiomysql/Makefile
index 0000000..80dfcc2
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/aiomysql.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aiomysql
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v0.2.0: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
24 + pip install .
25 + cd docs
26 + make clean
27 + make dirhtml
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
31 + v0.1.1: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
32 + source venv/bin/activate
33 + cd repository
34 + git checkout tags/$@
35 + pip install -r requirements-dev.txt "sphinxcontrib-applehelp < 1.0.8" "sphinxcontrib-devhelp < 1.0.6" "sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp < 2.0.5" "sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml < 1.1.10" "sphinxcontrib-qthelp < 1.0.7"
36 + pip install .
37 + cd docs
38 + make clean
39 + make dirhtml
40 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
41 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
42 +
45 + .PHONY:

+46/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aiopg/Makefile
index 0000000..9ba2fda
old size: 0B - new size: 930B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/aiopg.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.7:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v1.4.0: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements.txt
24 + pip install .
25 + cd docs
26 + make clean
27 + make dirhtml
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
31 + v0.16.0: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
32 + source venv/bin/activate
33 + cd repository
34 + git checkout tags/$@
35 + pip install -r requirements.txt "jinja2 < 3" "markupsafe == 2.0.1"
36 + pip install .
37 + cd docs
38 + make clean
39 + make dirhtml
40 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
41 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
42 +
45 + .PHONY:

+44/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aiosignal/Makefile
index 0000000..a1f4e0b
old size: 0B - new size: 974B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/aiosignal.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aiosignal
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.7:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v1.2.0 v1.3.1: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements/doc.txt -r requirements/doc-spelling.txt
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean
26 + make dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
30 + v1.0.0 v1.1.2: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
31 + source venv/bin/activate
32 + cd repository
33 + git checkout tags/$@
34 + pip install -r requirements/doc.txt -r requirements/doc-spelling.txt "jinja2 == 3"
35 + cd docs
36 + make clean
37 + make dirhtml
38 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
39 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
40 +
43 + .PHONY:

+45/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aioyarl/Makefile
index 0000000..8ac50dd
old size: 0B - new size: 927B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/yarl.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aioyarl
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v1.9.4: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements/doc.txt
24 + pip install . --config-settings=pure-python=true
25 + cd docs
26 + make clean
27 + make dirhtml
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
31 + v1.8.2: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
32 + source venv/bin/activate
33 + cd repository
34 + git checkout tags/$@
35 + pip install -r requirements/doc.txt
36 + cd docs
37 + make clean
38 + make dirhtml
39 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
40 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
41 +
44 + .PHONY:

+34/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aiozipkin/Makefile
index 0000000..f86d20f
old size: 0B - new size: 657B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/aiozipkin.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aiozipkin
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.9:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.9
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v0.7.1 v1.0.0 v1.1.1: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements-doc.txt
24 + pip install "sphinx == 5"
25 + cd docs
26 + make clean
27 + make dirhtml
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
33 + .PHONY:

+48/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/aiozmq/Makefile
index 0000000..7fa683f
old size: 0B - new size: 963B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/aio-libs/aiozmq.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/aiozmq
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.8:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + v1.0.0: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r requirements.txt
28 + cd docs
29 + make clean
30 + make dirhtml
31 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
32 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
33 +
34 + v0.9.0: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
35 + source venv/bin/activate
36 + cd repository
37 + git checkout tags/$@
38 + pip install -r requirements.txt "jinja2 < 3" "markupsafe == 2.0.1"
39 + cd docs
40 + make clean
41 + make dirhtml
42 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
43 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
44 +
47 + .PHONY:

+28/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/alabaster/Makefile
index 0000000..a6866da
old size: 0B - new size: 535B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/sphinx-doc/alabaster.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/alabaster
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 0.7.10 0.7.11 0.7.12 0.7.13: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
23 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml docs "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
24 +
27 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/alakazam/Makefile
index 0000000..5ca123c
old size: 0B - new size: 594B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://bitbucket.org/kleinstein/alakazam.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/alakazam
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.9:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.9
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 1.2.1 1.3.0: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
24 + mkdocs build
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive site "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/alembic/Makefile
index 0000000..ac7cd19
old size: 0B - new size: 684B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/sqlalchemy/alembic.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/alembic
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + rel_1_5_0 rel_1_6_0 rel_1_7_0 rel_1_8_0 rel_1_9_0 rel_1_10_0 rel_1_11_0 rel_1_12_0 rel_1_13_0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install .
24 + pip install -r docs/build/requirements.txt
25 + cd docs/build/
26 + make dirhtml
27 + cp --recursive output/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+37/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/amdis/Makefile
index 0000000..0fabe31
old size: 0B - new size: 779B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://gitlab.com/amdis/amdis.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.9:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.9
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + # This repo doesn't use tags for releases, therefore we checkout specific commits.
20 + # The date is the commit's date.
21 + 2024-01-23-0e3fed6d: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
22 + # Extract commit hash
23 + commit_hash=$@
24 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
25 +
26 + source venv/bin/activate
27 + cd repository
28 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
29 + pip install -r requirements.txt
30 + mkdocs build
31 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
32 + cp --recursive site "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
33 +
36 + .PHONY:

+46/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/amplmp/Makefile
index 0000000..2e54683
old size: 0B - new size: 840B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
1 +
2 + ###################
5 + ###################
6 +
7 +
8 + SHELL = /bin/bash
9 +
10 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/ampl/mp.git
11 +
12 + check_env_vars:
13 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
14 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/amplmp
15 + else
16 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
17 + endif
18 +
19 + venv-3.11:
20 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
21 + python3 -m venv venv
22 +
23 + repository:
24 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
25 +
26 + # See /intro.html#building-the-documentation for instructions
27 + 2024-02-03-9774069e: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
28 + # Extract commit hash
29 + commit_hash=$@
30 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
31 +
32 + source venv/bin/activate
33 + cd repository
34 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
35 + pip install -r doc/requirements.txt
36 + mkdir build
37 + cd build
38 + cmake ..
39 + make mp-doc
40 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
41 + cp --recursive . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
42 +
45 + .PHONY:

+34/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/amplpy/Makefile
index 0000000..18c8b25
old size: 0B - new size: 644B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/ampl/amplpy.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/amplpy
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v0.9.3 v0.13.2: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
24 + pip install "sphinx == 5"
25 + cd docs
26 + make clean
27 + make dirhtml
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
33 + .PHONY:

+67/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/anndata/Makefile
index 0000000..9002320
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/scverse/anndata.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/anndata
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.10:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + venv-3.7:
21 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
22 + python3 -m venv venv
23 +
24 + repository:
25 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
26 +
27 + 0.10.7: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
28 + source venv/bin/activate
29 + cd repository
30 + git checkout tags/$@
31 + # This is required to download the "docs/tutorials/notebooks" git submodule
32 + git submodule update --init --recursive
33 + pip install .[doc] matplotlib
34 + cd docs
35 + make clean
36 + make dirhtml
37 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
38 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
39 +
40 + 0.9.2: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
41 + source venv/bin/activate
42 + cd repository
43 + git checkout tags/$@
44 + # This is required to download the "docs/tutorials/notebooks" git submodule
45 + git submodule update --init --recursive
46 + pip install .[doc] matplotlib
47 + cd docs
48 + make clean
49 + make dirhtml
50 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
51 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
52 +
53 + 0.7.8 0.8.0: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
54 + source venv/bin/activate
55 + cd repository
56 + git checkout tags/$@
57 + pip install .[doc] matplotlib
58 + cd docs
59 + make clean
60 + make dirhtml
61 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
62 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
63 +
66 + .PHONY:

+41/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/anyio/Makefile
index 0000000..05cba8e
old size: 0B - new size: 828B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/agronholm/anyio.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + venv-3.8:
16 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
17 + python3 -m venv venv
18 +
19 + repository:
20 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
21 +
22 + 3.7.1 4.0.0 4.1.0 4.2.0: check_env_vars venv repository
23 + source venv/bin/activate
24 + cd repository
25 + git checkout tags/$@
26 + pip install .[doc]
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml docs/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
30 + 3.3.4 3.4.0 3.5.0 3.6.2: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
31 + source venv/bin/activate
32 + cd repository
33 + git checkout tags/$@
34 + pip install .[doc]
35 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
36 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml docs/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
37 +
40 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/apache_mod_wsgi/Makefile
index 0000000..f4ef25a
old size: 0B - new size: 679B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/GrahamDumpleton/mod_wsgi.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/apache_mod_wsgi
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 4.1.0 4.1.3 4.2.0 4.2.8 4.3.0 4.3.2 4.4.0 4.4.23 4.5.0 4.5.24 4.6.8 4.7.0 4.7.1 4.8.0 4.9.0 4.9.4 5.0.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + cd docs
24 + pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
25 + make dirhtml
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+34/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/apsw/Makefile
index 0000000..3c07053
old size: 0B - new size: 557B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
1 +
2 +
4 +
5 +
6 + SHELL = /bin/bash
7 +
8 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/rogerbinns/apsw.git
9 +
10 + check_env_vars:
11 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
13 + else
14 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
15 + endif
16 +
17 + venv:
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + check_env_vars venv repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + make docs
28 + #mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + #cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
33 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/arb/Makefile
index 0000000..2445428
old size: 0B - new size: 548B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/fredrik-johansson/arb.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 2.23.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install sphinx
23 + cd doc
24 + make dirhtml
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/astropy-astroquery/Makefile
index 0000000..9649c5d
old size: 0B - new size: 614B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/astropy/astroquery.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/astropy-astroquery
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.8:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v0.4.5 v0.4.6: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install .[all,docs]
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean dirhtml
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
27 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+37/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/astropy-reproject/Makefile
index 0000000..151fd6b
old size: 0B - new size: 674B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/astropy/reproject.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/astropy-reproject
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.9:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.9
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.7:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + v0.9.1 v0.13.0: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install .[docs]
28 + cd docs
29 + make clean
30 + make dirhtml
31 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
32 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
33 +
36 + .PHONY:

+45/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/astropy/Makefile
index 0000000..5b99094
old size: 0B - new size: 867B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/astropy/astropy.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/astropy
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + venv-3.8:
16 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
17 + python3 -m venv venv
18 +
19 + repository:
20 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
21 +
22 + v5.3.4 v6.0.0: check_env_vars venv repository
23 + source venv/bin/activate
24 + cd repository
25 + git checkout tags/$@
26 + pip install .[all,docs]
27 + cd docs
28 + make clean dirhtml
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
32 + v4.3.1: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
33 + source venv/bin/activate
34 + cd repository
35 + git checkout tags/$@
36 + pip install .[docs]
37 + cd docs
38 + make clean dirhtml
39 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
40 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
41 +
44 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/asyncssh/Makefile
index 0000000..ac081fc
old size: 0B - new size: 645B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/ronf/asyncssh.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/asyncssh
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v2.14.2: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
24 + pip install -r docs/rtd-req.txt
25 + pip install "sphinx == 5"
26 + cd docs
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+48/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/autofac/Makefile
index 0000000..2af0aa6
old size: 0B - new size: 1010B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/autofac/Documentation.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/autofac
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v6.0.0 v7.0.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
24 + cd docs
25 + make dirhtml
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
28 + v4.0.0 v4.9.4 v5.2.0: check_env_vars venv repository
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + source venv/bin/activate
31 + cd repository
32 + git checkout tags/$@
33 + pip install sphinx
34 + cd docs
35 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
36 +
37 + v3.5.2: check_env_vars venv repository
38 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
39 + source venv/bin/activate
40 + cd repository
41 + git checkout tags/$@
42 + pip install sphinx
43 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
44 +
47 + .PHONY:

+34/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/autohotkey-ahk/Makefile
index 0000000..ad1328f
old size: 0B - new size: 671B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/spyoungtech/ahk.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/autohotkey-ahk
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v1.0.0 v1.7.6: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements-dev.txt -r docs/docrequirements.txt
24 + pip install .
25 + cd docs
26 + make clean
27 + make dirhtml
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
33 + .PHONY:

+47/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/bedops/Makefile
index 0000000..ef5dc21
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/bedops/bedops.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/bedops
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.6:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.6
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v2.4.41: check_env_vars venv-3.6 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
24 + pip install sphinx
25 + cd docs
26 + make clean
27 + make html
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + cp --recursive _build/html "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
31 + # This build gives this error: sphinx.ext.mathjax: other math package is already loaded
32 + # I don't know how to fix it, but it compiles if I remove (manually) sphinx.ext.pngmath from docs/conf.py
33 + v2.3.0: check_env_vars venv-3.6 repository
34 + source venv/bin/activate
35 + cd repository
36 + git checkout tags/$@
37 + pip install "sphinx < 1.8"
38 + cd docs
39 + make clean
40 + make html
41 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
42 + cp --recursive _build/html "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
43 +
46 + .PHONY:

+39/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/bigsdb/Makefile
index 0000000..3c2ae7e
old size: 0B - new size: 829B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/kjolley/BIGSdb_documentation.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/bigsdb
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v1.39.0 v1.42.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r requirements.txt
23 + make clean dirhtml
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
27 + v1.9.0 v1.19.0 v1.29.0: check_env_vars venv repository
28 + source venv/bin/activate
29 + cd repository
30 + git checkout tags/$@
31 + pip install "sphinx < 5"
32 + make clean dirhtml
33 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
34 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
35 +
38 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/biothings-biothings.api/Makefile
index 0000000..5bdd60e
old size: 0B - new size: 585B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/biothings/biothings.api.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/biothings-biothings.api
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v0.12.3: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install .[dev] redis
23 + cd docs
24 + make clean dirhtml
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/biothings-clientpy/Makefile
index 0000000..ebcd896
old size: 0B - new size: 603B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/biothings/biothings_client.py.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/biothings-clientpy
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v0.2.6 v0.3.1: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
23 + cd docs
24 + make clean dirhtml
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+36/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/biothings-mychem.info/Makefile
index 0000000..114f5ae
old size: 0B - new size: 749B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/biothings/mychem.info.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/biothings-mychem.info
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-2.7:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=2.7
14 + pyenv virtualenv $$PYENV_VERSION venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 2023-11-14-8520433e: check_env_vars venv-2.7 repository
20 + # Extract hash id
21 + commit_hash=$@
22 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
23 +
24 + source ~/.pyenv/versions/venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
27 + pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
28 + cd docs
29 + make clean dirhtml
30 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
31 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
32 +
35 + .PHONY:

+36/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/biothings-mydisease.info/Makefile
index 0000000..d055fad
old size: 0B - new size: 738B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/biothings/mydisease.info.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/biothings-mydisease.info
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-2.7:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=2.7
14 + pyenv virtualenv $$PYENV_VERSION venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 2023-11-28-38d67e0d: check_env_vars venv-2.7 repository
20 + # Extract hash id
21 + commit_hash=$@
22 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
23 +
24 + source ~/.pyenv/versions/venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
27 + pip install sphinx
28 + cd docs
29 + make clean dirhtml
30 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
31 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
32 +
35 + .PHONY:

+37/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/biothings-mygene.info/Makefile
index 0000000..af562d1
old size: 0B - new size: 801B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/biothings/mygene.info.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/biothings-mygene.info
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.8:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 2023-12-26-cf69777c: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
20 + # Extract hash id
21 + commit_hash=$@
22 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
23 +
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
27 + # Lock dependencies because it won't compile with newer versions
28 + pip install "sphinx < 4" sphinx_rtd_theme "jinja2 < 3.1"
29 + cd docs
30 + make clean dirhtml
31 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
32 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
33 +
36 + .PHONY:

+37/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/biothings-mygeneset.info/Makefile
index 0000000..0c75092
old size: 0B - new size: 807B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/biothings/mygeneset.info.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/biothings-mygeneset.info
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.8:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 2023-11-30-a6e751dd: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
20 + # Extract hash id
21 + commit_hash=$@
22 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
23 +
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
27 + # Lock dependencies because it won't compile with newer versions
28 + pip install "sphinx < 4" sphinx_rtd_theme "jinja2 < 3.1"
29 + cd docs
30 + make clean dirhtml
31 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
32 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
33 +
36 + .PHONY:

+36/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/biothings-myvariant.info/Makefile
index 0000000..e2c523e
old size: 0B - new size: 738B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/biothings/myvariant.info.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/biothings-myvariant.info
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-2.7:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=2.7
14 + pyenv virtualenv $$PYENV_VERSION venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 2023-12-26-643995dd: check_env_vars venv-2.7 repository
20 + # Extract hash id
21 + commit_hash=$@
22 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
23 +
24 + source ~/.pyenv/versions/venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
27 + pip install sphinx
28 + cd docs
29 + make clean dirhtml
30 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
31 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
32 +
35 + .PHONY:

+35/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/biothings-schemapy/Makefile
index 0000000..9a322fb
old size: 0B - new size: 668B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/biothings/biothings_schema.py.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/biothings-schemapy
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 2023-03-18-fad784fc: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + # Extract hash id
20 + commit_hash=$@
21 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
22 +
23 + source venv/bin/activate
24 + cd repository
25 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
26 + pip install sphinx
27 + cd docs
28 + make clean dirhtml
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
34 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/bootstrap-datepicker/Makefile
index 0000000..cd84e9b
old size: 0B - new size: 653B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/uxsolutions/bootstrap-datepicker.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/bootstrap-datepicker
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v1.4.1 v1.5.1 v1.6.0 v1.6.4 v1.7.0 v1.7.1 v1.8.0 v1.9.0 v1.10.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
24 + cd docs
25 + make dirhtml
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+45/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/borg-backup/Makefile
index 0000000..af31f71
old size: 0B - new size: 984B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/borgbackup/borg.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/borg-backup
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 1.2.7: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r requirements.d/development.lock.txt
23 + pip install -r requirements.d/docs.txt
24 + pip install .
25 + cd docs
26 + make clean dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
30 + 1.1.18: check_env_vars venv repository
31 + source venv/bin/activate
32 + cd repository
33 + git checkout tags/$@
34 + pip install -r requirements.d/development.lock.txt
35 + pip install -r requirements.d/docs.txt "sphinx < 6"
36 + pip install -e .
37 + cd docs
38 + make clean dirhtml
39 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
40 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
41 +
44 + .PHONY:

+36/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/boris/Makefile
index 0000000..68e2531
old size: 0B - new size: 800B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/olivierfriard/boris_docs.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + # This repo doesn't use tags for releases, therefore we checkout specific commits.
20 + # The date is the commit's date.
21 + 2024-01-27-123c9fbe: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
22 + # Extract commit hash
23 + commit_hash=$@
24 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
25 +
26 + source venv/bin/activate
27 + cd repository
28 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
29 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
30 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
31 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml -c docs . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
32 +
35 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/bottlepy/Makefile
index 0000000..560c44d
old size: 0B - new size: 634B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/bottlepy/bottle.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/bottlepy
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.7:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 0.12.25: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install setuptools wheel twine coverage sphinx sphinx-intl transifex-client
24 + make docs
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive build/docs/html "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/breathe/Makefile
index 0000000..bf1ab6d
old size: 0B - new size: 621B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/breathe-doc/breathe.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/breathe
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v4.32.0 v4.33.1 v4.34.0 v4.35.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements/development.txt
24 + make data
25 + cd documentation
26 + make dirhtml
27 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/buildbot/Makefile
index 0000000..eb1ea7e
old size: 0B - new size: 568B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/buildbot
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v3.9.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -e master[docs]
23 + cd master/docs/
24 + make dirhtml
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+27/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/ceph/Makefile
index 0000000..2c761a5
old size: 0B - new size: 626B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/ceph/ceph.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + repository:
13 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
14 +
15 + v0.94.10 v9.2.1 v10.2.11 v11.2.1 v12.2.14 v13.2.10 v14.2.22 v15.2.17 v16.2.14 v17.2.7: check_env_vars repository
16 + cd repository
17 + git checkout tags/$@
18 + sudo apt-get install `cat doc_deps.deb.txt`
19 + admin/build-doc
20 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
21 + # They build sphinx "dirhtml" by default
22 + cp --recursive build-doc/output/html "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
23 +
26 + .PHONY:

+29/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/certbot/Makefile
index 0000000..716d4c9
old size: 0B - new size: 546B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/certbot/certbot.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/certbot
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v2.0.0 v2.7.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install certbot[docs]
23 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
24 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml certbot/docs "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
25 +
28 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/ckan/Makefile
index 0000000..559bf1b
old size: 0B - new size: 642B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/ckan/ckan.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + # Requires Python 3.7
14 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
15 + python3 -m venv venv
16 +
17 + repository:
18 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
19 +
20 + # Requires pg_config (libpq-dev in Debian)
21 + ckan-2.9.10 ckan-2.10.3: check_env_vars venv repository
22 + source venv/bin/activate
23 + cd repository
24 + git checkout tags/$@
25 + pip install -r requirements-docs.txt
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
27 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml doc/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+50/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/cltk/Makefile
index 0000000..a1485a2
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/cltk/cltk.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + venv-3.7:
16 + # Requires "_sqlite3" module to compile.
17 + # Install libsqlite3-dev (Debian) and then rebuild Python with "pyenv install 3.7"
18 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
19 + python3 -m venv venv
20 +
21 + repository:
22 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
23 +
24 + v1.1.7 v1.2.1: check_env_vars venv repository
25 + source venv/bin/activate
26 + cd repository
27 + git checkout tags/$@
28 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
29 + pip install .
30 + cd docs
31 + make clean dirhtml
32 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
33 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
34 +
35 + 1.0.15: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
36 + source venv/bin/activate
37 + cd repository
38 + git checkout tags/$@
39 + # Lock jinja2 because the docs uses deprecated calls
40 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt "jinja2 < 3.1"
41 + pip install .
42 + cd docs
43 + make clean dirhtml
44 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
45 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
46 +
49 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/cookiecutter/Makefile
index 0000000..1f5b878
old size: 0B - new size: 614B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/cookiecutter/cookiecutter.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/cookiecutter
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 1.7.3 2.5.0: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
24 + pip install .
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml docs "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/coreboot/Makefile
index 0000000..fa22723
old size: 0B - new size: 723B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://review.coreboot.org/coreboot.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/coreboot
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 4.22.01: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + # They don't have a "requirements" file for pip. Dependencies taken from /Documentation/getting_started/writing_documentation.md
23 + pip install sphinx recommonmark sphinx_rtd_theme sphinxcontrib-ditaa
24 + cd Documentation
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/couchdb/Makefile
index 0000000..0f4e7ad
old size: 0B - new size: 691B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/apache/couchdb.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/couchdb
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 3.3.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + cd src/docs/
24 + pip3 install -r requirements.txt
25 + # couchdb only has Makefile rules for "html", but not "dirhtml". Therefore, instead of
26 + # calling "make dirhtml" we call sphinx-build directly
27 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml src "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+30/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/cratedb/Makefile
index 0000000..fbfe593
old size: 0B - new size: 549B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/crate/crate.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/cratedb
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 4.8.4 5.5.2: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
23 + cd docs
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
29 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/cython/Makefile
index 0000000..1e1f020
old size: 0B - new size: 583B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/cython/cython.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/cython
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 0.29.36 3.0.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r doc-requirements.txt
24 + pip install .
25 + cd docs
26 + make dirhtml
27 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+38/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/dallinger/Makefile
index 0000000..e3605ad
old size: 0B - new size: 702B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Dallinger/Dallinger.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/dallinger
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.8:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + v9.12.0 v10.0.0: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
28 + pip install .
29 + cd docs
30 + make clean
31 + make dirhtml
32 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
33 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
34 +
37 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/dask/Makefile
index 0000000..e2f2d50
old size: 0B - new size: 564B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/dask/dask.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 2023.12.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements-docs.txt
24 + cd docs
25 + make dirhtml
26 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+43/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/ddev/Makefile
index 0000000..1fae84d
old size: 0B - new size: 908B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/ddev/ddev.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.9:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.9
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + v1.22.7 v1.23.0: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r docs/setuptools.txt
28 + pip install -r docs/mkdocs-pip-requirements
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + mkdocs build --site-dir "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
32 + v1.19.5: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
33 + source venv/bin/activate
34 + cd repository
35 + git checkout tags/$@
36 + pip install -r docs/mkdocs-pip-requirements
37 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
38 + mkdocs build --site-dir "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
39 +
42 + .PHONY:

+38/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/designpatternsphp/Makefile
index 0000000..ea9755e
old size: 0B - new size: 840B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/DesignPatternsPHP/DesignPatternsPHP.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/designpatternsphp
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + # This repo doesn't use tags for releases, therefore we checkout specific commits.
20 + # The date is the commit's date.
21 + 2023-09-28-13af79cc: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
22 + # Extract commit hash
23 + commit_hash=$@
24 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
25 +
26 + source venv/bin/activate
27 + cd repository
28 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
29 + pip install -r requirements.txt
30 + make clean
31 + make dirhtml
32 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
33 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
34 +
37 + .PHONY:

+46/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/discord.py/Makefile
index 0000000..18b155c
old size: 0B - new size: 910B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/discord.py
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.8:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.7:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + v2.3.2: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install .[docs]
28 + cd docs
29 + make clean dirhtml
30 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
31 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
32 +
33 + v1.7.3: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
34 + source venv/bin/activate
35 + cd repository
36 + git checkout tags/$@
37 + pip install .[docs] "jinja2 < 3.1"
38 + cd docs
39 + make clean dirhtml
40 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
41 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
42 +
45 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/django-asgiref/Makefile
index 0000000..f4a0103
old size: 0B - new size: 596B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/django/asgiref.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/django-asgiref
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 3.1.4 3.2.10 3.3.4 3.4.1 3.5.2 3.6.0 3.7.2: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install sphinx
23 + cd docs
24 + make clean dirhtml
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/django-channels/Makefile
index 0000000..6b6117b
old size: 0B - new size: 618B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/django/channels.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/django-channels
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 0.17.3 2.4.0 3.0.0 3.0.1 3.0.2 3.0.3 3.0.4 3.0.5 4.0.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install sphinx
23 + cd docs
24 + make clean dirhtml
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+43/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/django-cms/Makefile
index 0000000..43a3618
old size: 0B - new size: 850B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/django-cms/django-cms.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/django-cms
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + venv-3.8:
16 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
17 + python3 -m venv venv
18 +
19 + repository:
20 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
21 +
22 + 4.1.0: check_env_vars venv repository
23 + source venv/bin/activate
24 + cd repository
25 + git checkout tags/$@
26 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
27 + cd docs
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
31 + 3.11.4: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
32 + source venv/bin/activate
33 + cd repository
34 + git checkout tags/$@
35 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
36 + cd docs
37 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
38 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
39 +
42 + .PHONY:

+42/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/django-hijack/Makefile
index 0000000..ecce6d0
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/django-hijack/django-hijack.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/django-hijack
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 3.4.5: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements.txt
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + mkdocs build --site-dir "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
27 + # The mkdocs.yml file is in docs/ but for some reasons it's only building the documentation
28 + # correctly when compiling from the root folder, that's why we copy docs/mkdocs.yml before
29 + # building the docs
30 + 2.3.0: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
31 + source venv/bin/activate
32 + cd repository
33 + git checkout tags/$@
34 + pip install -r requirements.txt "mkdocs < 1.3"
35 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
36 + cp docs/mkdocs.yml .
37 + mkdocs build --site-dir "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
38 +
41 + .PHONY:

+42/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/django/Makefile
index 0000000..3a36be5
old size: 0B - new size: 897B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/django/django.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/django
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.8:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 3.2.23 4.2.8 5.0: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean dirhtml
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}/en"
27 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/en/$@"
28 +
29 + 2.2.28: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
30 + source venv/bin/activate
31 + cd repository
32 + git checkout tags/$@
33 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt "sphinx < 6"
34 + cd docs
35 + make clean dirhtml
36 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}/en"
37 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/en/$@"
38 +
41 + .PHONY:

+37/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/easybuild-tutorial/Makefile
index 0000000..b0c0168
old size: 0B - new size: 869B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-tutorial.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/easybuild-tutorial
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + # This repo doesn't have any tags, therefore we checkout specific commits.
19 + # The date is the commit's date.
20 + 2023-04-28-8e6e147c: check_env_vars venv repository
21 + # Extract hash id
22 + commit_hash=$@
23 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
24 +
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + source venv/bin/activate
27 + cd repository
28 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
29 + # Installation instructions from README
30 + pip install mkdocs mkdocs-material mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin mkdocs-redirects
31 + mkdocs build
32 + cp --recursive site "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
33 +
36 + .PHONY:

+36/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/easybuild/Makefile
index 0000000..603f610
old size: 0B - new size: 753B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-docs.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/easybuild
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + # This repo doesn't have any tags, therefore we checkout specific commits.
19 + # The date is the commit's date.
20 + 2023-10-29-4b663dfc: check_env_vars venv repository
21 + # Extract hash id
22 + commit_hash=$@
23 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
24 +
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + source venv/bin/activate
27 + cd repository
28 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
29 + pip install -r requirements.txt
30 + mkdocs build
31 + cp --recursive site "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
32 +
35 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/emcee/Makefile
index 0000000..9cd686a
old size: 0B - new size: 607B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/dfm/emcee.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v3.1.0 v3.1.1 v3.1.2 v3.1.3 v3.1.4: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
23 + pip install .
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean dirhtml
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
27 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/enzoamr-e/Makefile
index 0000000..a81b4eb
old size: 0B - new size: 660B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/enzo-project/enzo-e.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/enzoamr-e
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + enzoe-1.0: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r doc/source/requirements.txt "sphinx < 8" "sphinx_rtd_theme"
24 + cd doc
25 + make clean
26 + make dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+34/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/enzoamr/Makefile
index 0000000..5ada1c8
old size: 0B - new size: 647B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/enzo-project/enzo-dev.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/enzoamr
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + # Requires package "dvipng"
20 + enzo-2.6.1: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
21 + source venv/bin/activate
22 + cd repository
23 + git checkout tags/$@
24 + pip install "sphinx < 6"
25 + cd doc/manual/
26 + make clean
27 + make dirhtml
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
33 + .PHONY:

+34/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/ezdxf/Makefile
index 0000000..382ccb3
old size: 0B - new size: 671B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mozman/ezdxf.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v1.1.4: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
24 + pip install -r requirements.txt
25 + pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
26 + pip install .
27 + cd docs
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml source/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
33 + .PHONY:

+48/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/faucet/Makefile
index 0000000..78e9b0c
old size: 0B - new size: 983B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/faucetsdn/faucet.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/faucet
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.6:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.6
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + 1.10.10: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
28 + pip install .
29 + cd docs
30 + make clean dirhtml
31 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
32 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
33 +
34 + 1.8.37 1.9.55: check_env_vars venv-3.6 repository
35 + source venv/bin/activate
36 + cd repository
37 + git checkout tags/$@
38 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt "docutils < 0.17"
39 + pip install .
40 + cd docs
41 + make clean dirhtml
42 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
43 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
44 +
47 + .PHONY:

+38/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/firesim/Makefile
index 0000000..7a2e604
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/firesim/firesim.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/firesim
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + # This repository uses the Conda environment manager.
19 + # No matter what I try, I cannot get it to work!!!!!!!! I think it worked once, but then
20 + # it gave me more errors when building from a Makefile.
21 + # For this reason all the dependencies are installed manually with pip (list of dependencies
22 + # extracted from conda-reqs/docs.yaml).
23 + 1.17.1 : check_env_vars venv repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install pygments "sphinx < 7" sphinx_autobuild "sphinx_rtd_theme < 1.2.0" requests sphinx_tabs sphinx_copybutton sphinx_substitution_extensions
28 + cd docs
29 + # Cannot run "make clean" because it only removes _build/html/*
30 + rm -rf _build/
31 + make dirhtml
32 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
33 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
34 +
37 + .PHONY:

+30/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/flake8/Makefile
index 0000000..b31cc51
old size: 0B - new size: 579B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/flake8
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 5.0.4 6.0.0 6.1.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/source/requirements.txt
24 + pip install .
25 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml docs/source/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
29 + .PHONY:

+34/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/flask-limiter/Makefile
index 0000000..04a078b
old size: 0B - new size: 650B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/alisaifee/flask-limiter.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/flask-limiter
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.9:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.9
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 2.9.2 3.0.0 3.5.0: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
24 + pip install .
25 + cd doc
26 + make clean
27 + make dirhtml
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
33 + .PHONY:

+66/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/flask/Makefile
index 0000000..22dfbf9
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/pallets/flask.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.8:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + venv-3.5:
21 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.5
22 + python3 -m venv venv
23 +
24 + repository:
25 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
26 +
27 + 2.3.3 3.0.1: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
28 + source venv/bin/activate
29 + cd repository
30 + git checkout tags/$@
31 + pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
32 + pip install .
33 + cd docs
34 + make clean
35 + make dirhtml
36 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
37 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
38 +
39 + 1.1.4: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
40 + source venv/bin/activate
41 + cd repository
42 + git checkout tags/$@
43 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt "markupsafe == 2.0.1"
44 + pip install .
45 + cd docs
46 + make clean
47 + make dirhtml
48 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
49 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
50 +
51 + 0.12.5: check_env_vars venv-3.5 repository
52 + source venv/bin/activate
53 + cd repository
54 + git checkout tags/$@
55 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
56 + pip install .
57 + cd docs
58 + make clean
59 + make dirhtml
60 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
61 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
62 +
65 + .PHONY:

+52/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/flexmock/Makefile
index 0000000..a1b5d40
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/flexmock/flexmock.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/flexmock
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.8:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 0.12.1: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
20 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
21 + source venv/bin/activate
22 + cd repository
23 + git checkout tags/$@
24 + poetry install
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + poetry run mkdocs build --site-dir "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
28 + 0.11.3: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
29 + source venv/bin/activate
30 + cd repository
31 + git checkout tags/$@
32 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
33 + pip install .
34 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
35 + mkdocs build --site-dir "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
36 +
37 + 0.10.10: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
38 + source venv/bin/activate
39 + cd repository
40 + git checkout tags/$@
41 + pip install .
42 + pip install sphinx
43 + cd docs
44 + make clean
45 + make dirhtml
46 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
47 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
48 +
51 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/flycheck/Makefile
index 0000000..09a41c2
old size: 0B - new size: 579B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/flycheck
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.6:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.6
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 32: check_env_vars venv-3.6 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r doc/requirements.txt
24 + cd doc
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+42/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/gabbi/Makefile
index 0000000..478ffc7
old size: 0B - new size: 960B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/cdent/gabbi.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 1.49.0 2.0.4 2.1.0 2.2.0 2.3.4 2.4.0 2.5.0 2.6.0 2.7.2 2.8.0 2.9.0 2.10.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r requirements.txt
23 + pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
24 + pip install -r test-requirements.txt
25 + cd docs/source/
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
27 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
29 + 0.101.2: check_env_vars venv repository
30 + source venv/bin/activate
31 + cd repository
32 + git checkout tags/$@
33 + pip install -r requirements.txt
34 + pip install -r test-requirements.txt
35 + cd docs/source/
36 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
37 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
38 +
41 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/geotrek-admin/Makefile
index 0000000..fac82f3
old size: 0B - new size: 672B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/GeotrekCE/Geotrek-admin.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/geotrek-admin
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 2.49.0 2.59.0 2.69.0 2.79.0 2.89.1 2.99.0 2.101.5: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean
26 + make dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+43/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/gevent/Makefile
index 0000000..92548d5
old size: 0B - new size: 877B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/gevent/gevent.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/gevent
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 23.9.1: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install .[docs]
23 + cd docs
24 + make clean dirhtml
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
28 + 22.10.2: check_env_vars venv repository
29 + source venv/bin/activate
30 + cd repository
31 + git checkout tags/$@
32 + pip install .[docs]
33 + # Lock version because it won't compile with sphin==6
34 + pip install "sphinx < 6" furo
35 + cd docs
36 + make clean dirhtml
37 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
38 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
39 +
42 + .PHONY:

+29/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/ghc/Makefile
index 0000000..7564744
old size: 0B - new size: 532B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + : check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r requirements-docs.txt
23 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
24 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml doc/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
25 +
28 + .PHONY:

+43/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/gokapi/Makefile
index 0000000..b0925d5
old size: 0B - new size: 856B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Forceu/Gokapi.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/gokapi
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v1.8.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
23 + cd docs
24 + make clean
25 + make dirhtml
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
27 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
29 + v1.3.1 v1.5.2 v1.6.2 v1.7.2: check_env_vars venv repository
30 + source venv/bin/activate
31 + cd repository
32 + git checkout tags/$@
33 + pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
34 + cd docs
35 + make clean
36 + make dirhtml
37 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
38 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
39 +
42 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/guzzle/Makefile
index 0000000..bb0e887
old size: 0B - new size: 790B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/guzzle
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 4.2.4 5.3.4 6.0.2 6.1.1 6.2.3 6.3.3 6.4.1 6.5.5 7.0.1 7.1.1 7.2.0 7.3.0 7.4.5 7.5.3 7.6.1 7.7.1 7.8.1: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + cd docs
23 + pip install -r requirements.txt
24 + # Must upgrade because it doesn't compile with the version in the requirements.txt
25 + pip install --upgrade sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
26 + make clean dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/h5py/Makefile
index 0000000..458998e
old size: 0B - new size: 579B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/h5py/h5py.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 3.7.0 3.8.0 3.9.0 3.10.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements-rtd.txt
24 + cd docs
25 + make dirhtml
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/idris-lang/Makefile
index 0000000..4cce1b7
old size: 0B - new size: 587B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/idris-lang/Idris-dev.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/idris-lang
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v1.3.2 v1.3.3 v1.3.4: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme
24 + cd docs
25 + make dirhtml
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+35/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/ipython/Makefile
index 0000000..f356fb9
old size: 0B - new size: 649B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/ipython/ipython.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/ipython
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + # Requies graphviz
20 + 7.34.0 8.25.0: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
21 + source venv/bin/activate
22 + cd repository
23 + git checkout tags/$@
24 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
25 + pip install .
26 + cd docs
27 + make clean
28 + make html
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + cp --recursive build/html "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
34 + .PHONY:

+62/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/itsdangerous/Makefile
index 0000000..44cdf06
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/pallets/itsdangerous.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/itsdangerous
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.8:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + 2.1.2: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
28 + pip install .
29 + cd docs
30 + make clean
31 + make dirhtml
32 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
33 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
34 +
35 + 1.1.0: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
36 + source venv/bin/activate
37 + cd repository
38 + git checkout tags/$@
39 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt "jinja2 < 3" "markupsafe == 2.0.1"
40 + pip install .
41 + cd docs
42 + make clean
43 + make dirhtml
44 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
45 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
46 +
47 + 0.24: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
48 + source venv/bin/activate
49 + cd repository
50 + git checkout tags/$@
51 + pip install sphinx "jinja2 < 3" "markupsafe == 2.0.1"
52 + pip install .
53 + cd docs
54 + make clean
55 + make dirhtml
56 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
57 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
58 +
61 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/jinja2/Makefile
index 0000000..1703b2b
old size: 0B - new size: 561B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/pallets/jinja.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/jinja2
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 3.1.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
24 + cd docs
25 + make dirhtml
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+42/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/jsonpickle/Makefile
index 0000000..5a60353
old size: 0B - new size: 896B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/jsonpickle/jsonpickle.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/jsonpickle
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.10:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + v3.0.3 v3.0.4: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install .[docs]
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml docs/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
31 + v1.5.2 v2.0.0 v2.1.0 v2.2.0 v3.0.0 v3.0.1 v3.0.2: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
32 + source venv/bin/activate
33 + cd repository
34 + git checkout tags/$@
35 + pip install .[docs]
36 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
37 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml docs/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
38 +
41 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/jupyter-notebook/Makefile
index 0000000..78259d7
old size: 0B - new size: 684B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/jupyter/notebook.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/jupyter-notebook
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + # For this to compile, it requires node.js and pandoc to be installed (packages
19 + # "node-base" and "pandoc" in Debian).
20 + v7.0.0 v7.0.6: check_env_vars venv repository
21 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
22 + source venv/bin/activate
23 + cd repository
24 + git checkout tags/$@
25 + pip install .[docs]
26 + cd docs
27 + make dirhtml
28 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+55/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/jupyter-sphinx/Makefile
index 0000000..b9599db
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter-sphinx.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/jupyter-sphinx
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.8:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v0.5.3: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install .[doc]
24 + cd doc
25 + make clean
26 + make dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
30 + v0.4.0: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
31 + source venv/bin/activate
32 + cd repository
33 + git checkout tags/$@
34 + pip install -r requirements.txt
35 + cd doc
36 + make clean
37 + make dirhtml
38 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
39 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
40 +
41 + v0.3.2: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
42 + source venv/bin/activate
43 + cd repository
44 + git checkout tags/$@
45 + pip install -r requirements.txt "jinja2 < 3.1"
46 + cd doc
47 + make clean
48 + make dirhtml
49 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
50 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
51 +
54 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/jupyter-tutorial/Makefile
index 0000000..854df65
old size: 0B - new size: 599B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/veit/jupyter-tutorial.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/jupyter-tutorial
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v1.1.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
23 + cd docs
24 + make clean
25 + make dirhtml
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}/en"
27 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/en/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+50/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/jupyterhub-repo2docker/Makefile
index 0000000..970b6ba
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/jupyterhub/repo2docker.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/jupyterhub-repo2docker
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.8:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + 2023.06.0: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
28 + pip install matplotlib
29 + pip install .
30 + cd docs
31 + make clean
32 + make dirhtml
33 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
34 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
35 +
36 + 2021.08.0 2022.10.0: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
37 + source venv/bin/activate
38 + cd repository
39 + git checkout tags/$@
40 + pip install -r docs/doc-requirements.txt
41 + pip install matplotlib
42 + pip install .
43 + cd docs/source/
44 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
45 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
46 +
49 + .PHONY:

+64/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/jupyterhub/Makefile
index 0000000..9cdc492
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/jupyterhub/jupyterhub.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/jupyterhub
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.9:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.9
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.7:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + 4.0.2: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r requirements.txt
28 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
29 + pip install matplotlib
30 + pip install -e .
31 + cd docs
32 + make clean
33 + make dirhtml
34 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
35 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
36 +
37 + 2.3.1 3.1.1: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
38 + source venv/bin/activate
39 + cd repository
40 + git checkout tags/$@
41 + pip install -r requirements.txt
42 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
43 + pip install matplotlib
44 + pip install -e .
45 + cd docs/source/
46 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
47 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
48 +
49 + 1.5.1: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
50 + source venv/bin/activate
51 + cd repository
52 + git checkout tags/$@
53 + pip install -r requirements.txt
54 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
55 + pip install matplotlib
56 + pip install -e .
57 + cd docs/source/
58 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
59 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
60 +
63 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/latexindent.pl/Makefile
index 0000000..b4c8327
old size: 0B - new size: 721B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/cmhughes/latexindent.pl.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/latexindent.pl
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + V3.20.6 V3.21.1 V3.22.2 V3.23: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r documentation/requirements.txt
24 + # Manually install theme because it's giving a "configuration error"
25 + pip install sphinx-rtd-theme
26 + cd documentation
27 + make dirhtml
28 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+36/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/ldap3/Makefile
index 0000000..b229ce7
old size: 0B - new size: 709B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/cannatag/ldap3.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.8:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v2.9.1: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements.txt
24 + pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
25 + pip install -r docs/manual/requirements.txt
26 + pip install .
27 + cd docs/manual/
28 + make clean
29 + make dirhtml
30 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
31 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
32 +
35 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/libtmux/Makefile
index 0000000..8812d8c
old size: 0B - new size: 563B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/tmux-python/libtmux.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/libtmux
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v0.19.1 v0.25.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + poetry install
23 + cd docs
24 + make clean dirhtml
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/linguistica-lxa5/Makefile
index 0000000..e8855fe
old size: 0B - new size: 623B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/linguistica-uchicago/lxa5.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/linguistica-lxa5
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v5.2.1: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements.txt
24 + pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
25 + pip install .
26 + cd docs/sources/
27 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+43/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/lmod/Makefile
index 0000000..7b2fe6f
old size: 0B - new size: 907B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/TACC/Lmod.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 8.6 8.7: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
24 + # Upgrade sphinx because it's pinned to v1 in the requirements, but it isn't compiling.
25 + pip install --upgrade sphinx
26 + cd docs
27 + make dirhtml
28 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
30 + 6.6 7.8: check_env_vars venv repository
31 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
32 + source venv/bin/activate
33 + cd repository
34 + git checkout tags/$@
35 + pip install sphinx
36 + cd docs
37 + make dirhtml
38 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
39 +
42 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mahotas/Makefile
index 0000000..a971a22
old size: 0B - new size: 647B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/luispedro/mahotas.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mahotas
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v1.4.15: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r readthedocs-requirements.txt
24 + pip install .
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cd docs
27 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml source _output
28 + cp --recursive _output "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+62/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/markupsafe/Makefile
index 0000000..074bb47
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/pallets/markupsafe.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/markupsafe
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.8:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + 2.1.4: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
28 + pip install .
29 + cd docs
30 + make clean
31 + make dirhtml
32 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
33 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
34 +
35 + 2.0.1: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
36 + source venv/bin/activate
37 + cd repository
38 + git checkout tags/$@
39 + pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
40 + pip install .
41 + cd docs
42 + make clean
43 + make dirhtml
44 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
45 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
46 +
47 + 1.1.1: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
48 + source venv/bin/activate
49 + cd repository
50 + git checkout tags/$@
51 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt "jinja2 < 3" "markupsafe == 2.0.1"
52 + pip install .
53 + cd docs
54 + make clean
55 + make dirhtml
56 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
57 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
58 +
61 + .PHONY:

+38/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mathjax/Makefile
index 0000000..ec7cdba
old size: 0B - new size: 939B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mathjax/MathJax-docs.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mathjax
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + # This repository uses branches instead of tags
19 + v3.2-latest: check_env_vars venv repository
20 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
21 + source venv/bin/activate
22 + cd repository
23 + git switch $@
24 + pip install sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme
25 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
27 + v1.0 v1.1-latest v2.0-latest v2.1-latest v2.2-latest v2.3-latest v2.4-latest v2.5-latest v2.6-latest v2.7-latest v3.0-latest v3.1-latest: check_env_vars venv repository
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + source venv/bin/activate
30 + cd repository
31 + git switch $@
32 + pip install "sphinx < 6" sphinx-rtd-theme
33 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
34 +
37 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/matplotlib-adjusttext/Makefile
index 0000000..12294d3
old size: 0B - new size: 647B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Phlya/adjustText.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/matplotlib-adjusttext
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 0.8.1 v1.0 v1.0.4 v1.1.1: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean
26 + make dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mediagoblin/Makefile
index 0000000..0939302
old size: 0B - new size: 635B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/mediagoblin.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mediagoblin
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v0.3.0 v0.4.0 v0.5.0 v0.6.0 v0.7.0 v0.8.0 v0.9.0 v0.10.0 v0.11.0 v0.12.0 v0.13.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + pip install sphinx
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + cd docs
24 + make dirhtml
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mesa3d/Makefile
index 0000000..e50a53a
old size: 0B - new size: 780B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mesa3d
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + # build dependencies taken from docs/submittingpatches.rst
20 + # requires system packages: coreutils graphviz clang-dev python3-clang musl-dev linux-headers
21 + mesa-23.3.6: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
22 + source venv/bin/activate
23 + cd repository
24 + git checkout tags/$@
25 + pip install "sphinx == 5.1" "mako == 1.2" "hawkmoth == 0.16" clang breathe
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
27 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml docs "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+41/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mila-docs/Makefile
index 0000000..0b04a5c
old size: 0B - new size: 834B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
1 +
4 +
5 + SHELL = /bin/bash
6 +
7 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mila-iqia/mila-docs.git
8 +
9 + check_env_vars:
10 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
11 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mila-docs
12 + else
13 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
14 + endif
15 +
16 + venv:
17 + python3 -m venv venv
18 +
19 + repository:
20 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
21 +
22 + # This repo doesn't have any tags, therefore we checkout specific commits.
23 + # The date is the commit's date.
24 + 2023-11-15-e0d16646: check_env_vars venv repository
25 + # Extract hash id
26 + commit_hash=$@
27 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
28 +
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + source venv/bin/activate
31 + cd repository
32 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
33 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
34 + cd docs
35 + make dirhtml
36 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
37 +
40 + .PHONY:

+40/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mkdocs/Makefile
index 0000000..04eeef6
old size: 0B - new size: 622B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
1 +
2 +
3 +
4 +
6 +
7 +
8 +
9 +
10 + SHELL = /bin/bash
11 +
12 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs.git
13 +
14 + check_env_vars:
15 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
16 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mkdocs
17 + else
18 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
19 + endif
20 +
21 + venv-3.11:
22 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
23 + python3 -m venv venv
24 +
25 + repository:
26 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
27 +
28 + 1.5.3: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
29 + source venv/bin/activate
30 + cd repository
31 + git checkout tags/$@
32 + pip install mkdocs pymdown-extensions
33 + mkdocs build
34 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
35 + cp --recursive site "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
36 +
39 + .PHONY:

+40/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mmaction2/Makefile
index 0000000..0f815c6
old size: 0B - new size: 813B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmaction2.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mmaction2
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.9:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.9
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v1.2.0: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
24 + pip install -r requirements/readthedocs.txt
25 + cd docs
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}/en"
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}/zh_cn"
28 + cd en
29 + make clean
30 + make dirhtml
31 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/en/$@"
32 + cd ../zh_cn
33 + make clean
34 + make dirhtml
35 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/zh_cn/$@"
36 +
39 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mockery/Makefile
index 0000000..8fadc86
old size: 0B - new size: 560B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mockery/mockery.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mockery
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 1.6.7: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + cd docs
24 + pip install -r requirements.txt
25 + make dirhtml
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+35/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mopidy/Makefile
index 0000000..544ceec
old size: 0B - new size: 668B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mopidy/mopidy.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mopidy
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + # This requires some dependencies before it can compile.
19 + # - libcairo2-dev
20 + # - libgirepository1.0-dev
21 + # - libgraphviz-dev
22 + v3.4.2: check_env_vars venv repository
23 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install .[docs]
28 + cd docs
29 + make dirhtml
30 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
34 + .PHONY:

+30/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-addons-frontend/Makefile
index 0000000..7e3e7c0
old size: 0B - new size: 652B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mozilla/addons-frontend.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mozilla-addons-frontend
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 2018.12.18-2 2019.12.12 2020.12.10 2021.12.09 2022.12.08 2023.12.14 2024.05.30: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install mkdocs
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + mkdocs build --site-dir "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
29 + .PHONY:

+58/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-addons-server/Makefile
index 0000000..4f84ab1
old size: 0B - new size: 2K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mozilla/addons-server.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mozilla-addons-server
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + # There is a requirements file in /requirements/dev.txt but it's not working. When doing
20 + # "pip install -r requirements/dev.txt" it always gives a --required-hashes error. For
21 + # this reasons the dependencies are installed manually
22 + 2024.05.30: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
23 + source venv/bin/activate
24 + cd repository
25 + git checkout tags/$@
26 + pip install sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme sphinxcontrib-httpdomain myst-parser
27 + cd docs
28 + make dirhtml
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
32 + 2023.12.14: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
33 + source venv/bin/activate
34 + cd repository
35 + git checkout tags/$@
36 + pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
37 + cd docs
38 + make dirhtml
39 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
40 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
41 +
42 + # There is a requirements file in /requirements/docs.txt but it's not working. When doing
43 + # "pip install -r requirements/docs.txt" it always gives a --required-hashes error. For
44 + # this reasons the dependencies are installed manually
45 + 2021.12.09-1 2022.12.08-2: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
46 + source venv/bin/activate
47 + cd repository
48 + git checkout tags/$@
49 + pip install sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme sphinxcontrib-httpdomain
50 + cd docs
51 + make dirhtml
52 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
53 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
54 +
57 + .PHONY:

+39/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-addons/Makefile
index 0000000..c21bc64
old size: 0B - new size: 830B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mozilla/addons.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mozilla-addons
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + # This repo doesn't use tags for releases, therefore we checkout specific commits.
20 + # The date is the commit's date.
21 + 2024-05-29-a0565091: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
22 + # Extract commit hash
23 + commit_hash=$@
24 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
25 +
26 + source venv/bin/activate
27 + cd repository
28 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
29 + pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
30 + cd docs
31 + make clean
32 + make dirhtml
33 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
34 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
35 +
38 + .PHONY:

+46/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-bedrock/Makefile
index 0000000..584301e
old size: 0B - new size: 955B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mozilla/bedrock.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mozilla-bedrock
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.9:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.9
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + 2024-05-22: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
28 + cd docs
29 + make dirhtml
30 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
31 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
32 +
33 + 2021-12-22 2022-12-20 2023-12-14.1: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
34 + source venv/bin/activate
35 + cd repository
36 + git checkout tags/$@
37 + pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
38 + cd docs
39 + make dirhtml
40 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
41 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
42 +
45 + .PHONY:

+90/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-bleach/Makefile
index 0000000..8f8006b
old size: 0B - new size: 2K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mozilla/bleach.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mozilla-bleach
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.9:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.9
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.8:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + venv-3.6:
21 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.6
22 + python3 -m venv venv
23 +
24 + venv-3.5:
25 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.5
26 + python3 -m venv venv
27 +
28 + repository:
29 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
30 +
31 + v6.1.0: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
32 + source venv/bin/activate
33 + cd repository
34 + git checkout tags/$@
35 + pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
36 + pip install tinycss2
37 + pip install .
38 + cd docs
39 + make dirhtml
40 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
41 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
42 +
43 + v5.0.1: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
44 + source venv/bin/activate
45 + cd repository
46 + git checkout tags/$@
47 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
48 + pip install "sphinxcontrib-applehelp == 1.0.7"
49 + cd docs
50 + make dirhtml
51 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
52 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
53 +
54 + v4.1.0: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
55 + source venv/bin/activate
56 + cd repository
57 + git checkout tags/$@
58 + pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
59 + pip install .
60 + cd docs
61 + make dirhtml
62 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
63 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
64 +
65 + v3.3.1: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
66 + source venv/bin/activate
67 + cd repository
68 + git checkout tags/$@
69 + pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
70 + pip install .
71 + cd docs
72 + make dirhtml
73 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
74 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
75 +
76 + v2.1.4: check_env_vars venv-3.6 repository
77 + source venv/bin/activate
78 + cd repository
79 + git checkout tags/$@
80 + pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
81 + pip install .
82 + cd docs
83 + make dirhtml
84 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
85 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
86 +
89 + .PHONY:

+46/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-dennis/Makefile
index 0000000..0bcaf64
old size: 0B - new size: 883B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mozilla/dennis.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mozilla-dennis
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.5:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.5
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + v1.1.0: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install sphinx
28 + cd docs
29 + make dirhtml
30 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
31 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
32 +
33 + v0.9: check_env_vars venv-3.5 repository
34 + source venv/bin/activate
35 + cd repository
36 + git checkout tags/$@
37 + pip install sphinx
38 + cd docs
39 + make dirhtml
40 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
41 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
42 +
45 + .PHONY:

+82/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-django-csp/Makefile
index 0000000..a1bcdc5
old size: 0B - new size: 2K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mozilla/django-csp.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mozilla-django-csp
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.8:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + venv-3.6:
21 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.6
22 + python3 -m venv venv
23 +
24 + venv-3.5:
25 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.5
26 + python3 -m venv venv
27 +
28 + repository:
29 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
30 +
31 + 3.8: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
32 + source venv/bin/activate
33 + cd repository
34 + git checkout tags/$@
35 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
36 + pip install .
37 + cd docs
38 + make clean
39 + make dirhtml
40 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
41 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
42 +
43 + 3.7: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
44 + source venv/bin/activate
45 + cd repository
46 + git checkout tags/$@
47 + pip install sphinx
48 + pip install .
49 + cd docs
50 + make clean
51 + make dirhtml
52 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
53 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
54 +
55 + 3.3 3.4 3.5: check_env_vars venv-3.6 repository
56 + source venv/bin/activate
57 + cd repository
58 + git checkout tags/$@
59 + pip install sphinx
60 + pip install .
61 + cd docs
62 + make clean
63 + make dirhtml
64 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
65 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
66 +
67 + v2.0.3 v3.0 3.1 3.2: check_env_vars venv-3.5 repository
68 + source venv/bin/activate
69 + cd repository
70 + git checkout tags/$@
71 + pip install sphinx
72 + pip install .
73 + cd docs
74 + make clean
75 + make dirhtml
76 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
77 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
78 +
81 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-django-oidc/Makefile
index 0000000..7aad602
old size: 0B - new size: 656B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mozilla/mozilla-django-oidc.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mozilla-django-oidc
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 1.2.4 2.0.0 3.0.0 4.0.1: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements/requirements_dev.txt
24 + cd docs
25 + make dirhtml
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
27 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-frost/Makefile
index 0000000..b517aa8
old size: 0B - new size: 634B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mozilla/frost.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mozilla-frost
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.8:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 0.4.7: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt "jinja2 < 3.1"
24 + make doc-build
25 + cd docs
26 + make dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+30/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-kitsune/Makefile
index 0000000..1415141
old size: 0B - new size: 597B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mozilla/kitsune.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mozilla-kitsune
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install sphinx mkdocs-material
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + mkdocs build --site-dir "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
29 + .PHONY:

+35/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-normandy/Makefile
index 0000000..b75995c
old size: 0B - new size: 682B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mozilla/normandy.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mozilla-normandy
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.9:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.9
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v1.147.0: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.9
22 + cd repository
23 + git checkout tags/$@
24 + poetry install
25 + poetry run pip install .[docs]
26 + cd docs
27 + poetry run make clean
28 + poetry run make dirhtml
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
34 + .PHONY:

+39/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-pontoon/Makefile
index 0000000..9a5b7ee
old size: 0B - new size: 832B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mozilla-pontoon
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + # This repo doesn't use tags for releases, therefore we checkout specific commits.
20 + # The date is the commit's date.
21 + 2024-05-22-fadf6976: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
22 + # Extract commit hash
23 + commit_hash=$@
24 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
25 +
26 + source venv/bin/activate
27 + cd repository
28 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
29 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
30 + cd docs
31 + make clean
32 + make dirhtml
33 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
34 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
35 +
38 + .PHONY:

+36/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mozilla-treeherder/Makefile
index 0000000..3407179
old size: 0B - new size: 780B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mozilla/treeherder.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/mozilla-treeherder
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + # This repo doesn't use tags for releases, therefore we checkout specific commits.
20 + # The date is the commit's date.
21 + 2024-05-29-96e7651f: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
22 + # Extract commit hash
23 + commit_hash=$@
24 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
25 +
26 + source venv/bin/activate
27 + cd repository
28 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
29 + pip install .[docs]
30 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
31 + mkdocs build --site-dir "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
32 +
35 + .PHONY:

+50/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mriqc/Makefile
index 0000000..2bb105d
old size: 0B - new size: 955B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/nipreps/mriqc.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.9:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.9
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + 23.1.0: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install .[docs]
28 + pip install "sphinx == 5"
29 + cd docs
30 + make clean
31 + make dirhtml
32 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
33 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
34 +
35 + 22.0.6: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
36 + source venv/bin/activate
37 + cd repository
38 + git checkout tags/$@
39 + pip install .[docs]
40 + pip install "sphinx == 5"
41 + cd docs
42 + make clean
43 + make dirhtml
44 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
45 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
46 +
49 + .PHONY:

+38/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/music21/Makefile
index 0000000..ff732c3
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/cuthbertLab/music21.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/music21
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + # For this to build the python notebooks into the documentation, it requires pandoc.
19 + v8.3.0 v9.1.0: check_env_vars venv repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + # --editable is required because it will add the current path to Python's modules
24 + # path instead of installing the files in the pip virtual environment.
25 + # The music21 build system is weird, and needs this path as root for looking
26 + # up some files. Installing in the virtual env. will not be able to find the files
27 + pip install --editable .
28 + pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
29 + cd documentation
30 + python3 make.py clean
31 + python3 make.py
32 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
33 + cp --recursive build/html "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
34 +
37 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/mypy/Makefile
index 0000000..9a4fb11
old size: 0B - new size: 578B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/python/mypy.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v0.991 v1.7.1 v1.8.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + cd docs
23 + pip install -r requirements-docs.txt
24 + make clean dirhtml
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/nbsphinx/Makefile
index 0000000..5ba9c1d
old size: 0B - new size: 645B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/spatialaudio/nbsphinx.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/nbsphinx
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + # Requires subversion librsvg2-bin
19 + 0.8.12 0.9.3: check_env_vars venv repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -e .
24 + pip install -r doc/requirements.txt
25 + pip install -r doc/fallback_theme.txt
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
27 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml doc "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+39/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/nextflow/Makefile
index 0000000..6c66d27
old size: 0B - new size: 808B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/nextflow-io/nextflow.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/nextflow
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v23.10.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + cd docs
23 + pip install -r requirements.txt
24 + make dirhtml
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
28 + v22.10.8 v23.04.4: check_env_vars venv repository
29 + source venv/bin/activate
30 + cd repository
31 + git checkout tags/$@
32 + pip install -U sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
33 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
34 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml docs/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
35 +
38 + .PHONY:

+119/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/numpydoc/Makefile
index 0000000..9b1c5b1
old size: 0B - new size: 3K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/numpy/numpydoc.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/numpydoc
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.10:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + venv-3.7:
21 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
22 + python3 -m venv venv
23 +
24 + venv-3.6:
25 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.6
26 + python3 -m venv venv
27 +
28 + repository:
29 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
30 +
31 + v1.6.0 v1.7.0: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
32 + source venv/bin/activate
33 + cd repository
34 + git checkout tags/$@
35 + pip install -r requirements/default.txt -r requirements/developer.txt -r requirements/doc.txt -r requirements/test.txt .[doc]
36 + cd doc
37 + make clean
38 + make dirhtml
39 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
40 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
41 +
42 + v1.5.0: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
43 + source venv/bin/activate
44 + cd repository
45 + git checkout tags/$@
46 + pip install -r requirements/developer.txt -r requirements/doc.txt -r requirements/test.txt .[doc]
47 + cd doc
48 + make clean
49 + make dirhtml
50 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
51 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
52 +
53 + v1.3.1 v1.4.0: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
54 + source venv/bin/activate
55 + cd repository
56 + git checkout tags/$@
57 + pip install -r requirements/developer.txt -r requirements/test.txt -r doc/requirements.txt
58 + pip install .
59 + cd doc
60 + make clean
61 + make dirhtml
62 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
63 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
64 +
65 + v1.2.1: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
66 + source venv/bin/activate
67 + cd repository
68 + git checkout tags/$@
69 + pip install -r doc/requirements.txt -r test_requirements.txt
70 + pip install .
71 + cd doc
72 + make clean
73 + make dirhtml
74 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
75 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
76 +
77 + v1.1.0: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
78 + source venv/bin/activate
79 + cd repository
80 + git checkout tags/$@
81 + git submodule update --init --recursive
82 + pip install -r doc/requirements.txt -r test_requirements.txt
83 + pip install .
84 + cd doc
85 + make clean
86 + make dirhtml
87 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
88 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
89 +
90 + v1.0.0: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
91 + source venv/bin/activate
92 + cd repository
93 + git checkout tags/$@
94 + git submodule update --init --recursive
95 + pip install -r doc/requirements.txt
96 + pip install .
97 + cd doc
98 + make clean
99 + make dirhtml
100 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
101 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
102 +
103 + v0.9.2: check_env_vars venv-3.6 repository
104 + source venv/bin/activate
105 + cd repository
106 + git checkout tags/$@
107 + git submodule update --init --recursive
108 + pip install -r doc/requirements.txt
109 + pip install .
110 + cd doc
111 + make clean
112 + make dirhtml
113 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
114 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
115 +
116 + .ONESHELL:
117 + .SUFFIXES:
118 + .PHONY:

+30/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/openpyxl/Makefile
index 0000000..13a12b8
old size: 0B - new size: 593B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://foss.heptapod.net/openpyxl/openpyxl
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/openpyxl
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + hg clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 3.1.2: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + hg update $@
23 + pip install -r requirements.txt sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml doc "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
29 + .PHONY:

+30/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pagure/Makefile
index 0000000..3c398a3
old size: 0B - new size: 635B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://pagure.io/pagure.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pagure
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 0.1.36 1.2 2.15.1 3.13.2 4.0.4 5.0.1 5.1.4 5.2 5.3.1 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7.9 5.8.1 5.9.1 5.10.0 5.11.3 5.12.1 5.13.3: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + cd doc
23 + pip install -r requirements.txt
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
29 + .PHONY:

+50/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pallets-click/Makefile
index 0000000..c940741
old size: 0B - new size: 1016B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/pallets/click.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pallets-click
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.8:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + 8.0.4 8.1.7: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
28 + pip install .
29 + cd docs
30 + make clean
31 + make dirhtml
32 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
33 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
34 +
35 + 7.0 7.1.2: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
36 + source venv/bin/activate
37 + cd repository
38 + git checkout tags/$@
39 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt "jinja2 < 3" "markupsafe == 2.0.1"
40 + pip install .
41 + cd docs
42 + make clean
43 + make dirhtml
44 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
45 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
46 +
49 + .PHONY:

+45/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pelican/Makefile
index 0000000..6fe64d0
old size: 0B - new size: 961B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/getpelican/pelican.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pelican
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 4.7.2 4.8.0 4.9.0 4.9.1: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r requirements/docs.pip
23 + pip install .
24 + cd docs
25 + make dirhtml
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
27 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
29 + 4.5.4 4.6.0: check_env_vars venv repository
30 + source venv/bin/activate
31 + cd repository
32 + git checkout tags/$@
33 + pip install -r requirements/docs.pip
34 + # Lock version because it won't compile otherwise
35 + pip install "jinja2 == 3" "sphinx < 6"
36 + pip install .
37 + cd docs
38 + make dirhtml
39 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
40 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
41 +
44 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/phpmyadmin/Makefile
index 0000000..c9a9936
old size: 0B - new size: 633B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/phpmyadmin
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + RELEASE_4_7_9 RELEASE_4_8_5 RELEASE_4_9_11 RELEASE_5_0_4 RELEASE_5_1_4 RELEASE_5_2_1: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install sphinx
24 + cd doc
25 + make clean dirhtml
26 + cp --recursive dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+47/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/prospector/Makefile
index 0000000..a7664d2
old size: 0B - new size: 1021B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/landscapeio/prospector.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/prospector
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.7:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v1.10.3: check_env_vars repository
20 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + poetry install
24 + poetry run pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
25 + poetry run pip install .[with_everything]
26 + cd docs
27 + poetry run make clean
28 + poetry run make dirhtml
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
32 + 0.12.11: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
33 + source venv/bin/activate
34 + cd repository
35 + git checkout tags/$@
36 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
37 + pip install .[with_everything] "pyroma == 2.3"
38 + cd docs
39 + make clean
40 + make dirhtml
41 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
42 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
43 +
46 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/psrqpy/Makefile
index 0000000..cc2ec46
old size: 0B - new size: 596B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mattpitkin/psrqpy.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/psrqpy
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.8:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v1.1.8 v1.2.7: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install .[docs]
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean dirhtml
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
27 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/psycopg/Makefile
index 0000000..a2b17a6
old size: 0B - new size: 627B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/psycopg/psycopg.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/psycopg
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 3.0.18 3.1.16: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install ./psycopg[dev,docs]
24 + pip install ./psycopg_pool
25 + pip install ./psycopg_c
26 + cd docs
27 + make clean dirhtml
28 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+42/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pycuda/Makefile
index 0000000..06e8211
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/inducer/pycuda.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pycuda
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v2022.2.2 v2023.1: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + # Manually install dependencies because this repo doesn't have a requirements.txt file
24 + pip install "sphinx < 8" sphinx-copybutton furo
25 + cd doc
26 + make dirhtml
27 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
29 + v2015.1.3 v2016.1.2 v2017.1.1 v2018.1.1 v2019.1.2 v2020.1 v2021.1: check_env_vars venv repository
30 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
31 + source venv/bin/activate
32 + cd repository
33 + git checkout tags/$@
34 + # Manually install dependencies because this repo doesn't have a requirements.txt file
35 + pip install "sphinx < 8" sphinx-copybutton furo
36 + cd doc
37 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml source/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
38 +
41 + .PHONY:

+79/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pydash/Makefile
index 0000000..88fdabe
old size: 0B - new size: 2K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/dgilland/pydash.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pydash
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.10:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + venv-3.9:
21 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.9
22 + python3 -m venv venv
23 +
24 + venv-3.5:
25 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.5
26 + python3 -m venv venv
27 +
28 + repository:
29 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
30 +
31 + v7.0.6: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
32 + source venv/bin/activate
33 + cd repository
34 + git checkout tags/$@
35 + pip install .[dev]
36 + cd docs
37 + make clean
38 + make dirhtml
39 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
40 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
41 +
42 + v5.1.2 v6.0.2: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
43 + source venv/bin/activate
44 + cd repository
45 + git checkout tags/$@
46 + pip install .[dev]
47 + cd docs
48 + make clean
49 + make dirhtml
50 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
51 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
52 +
53 + v4.9.3: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
54 + source venv/bin/activate
55 + cd repository
56 + git checkout tags/$@
57 + pip install .[dev]
58 + cd docs
59 + make clean
60 + make dirhtml
61 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
62 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
63 +
64 + v3.4.8: check_env_vars venv-3.5 repository
65 + source venv/bin/activate
66 + cd repository
67 + git checkout tags/$@
68 + pip install -r requirements-dev.txt "docutils < 0.18"
69 + pip install .
70 + cd docs
71 + make clean
72 + make dirhtml
73 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
74 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
75 +
78 + .PHONY:

+59/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pyinstaller/Makefile
index 0000000..57940bc
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pyinstaller
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + venv-3.7:
16 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
17 + python3 -m venv venv
18 +
19 + repository:
20 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
21 +
22 + v5.13.2 v6.3.0: check_env_vars venv repository
23 + source venv/bin/activate
24 + cd repository
25 + git checkout tags/$@
26 + pip install .
27 + pip install -r doc/requirements.txt
28 + cd doc
29 + make clean dirhtml
30 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
31 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
32 +
33 + v4.10: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
34 + source venv/bin/activate
35 + cd repository
36 + git checkout tags/$@
37 + pip install .
38 + pip install -r doc/requirements.txt
39 + cd doc
40 + make clean dirhtml
41 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
42 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
43 +
44 + v3.6: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
45 + source venv/bin/activate
46 + cd repository
47 + git checkout tags/$@
48 + pip install -r requirements.txt
49 + pip install .
50 + pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
51 + cd doc
52 + make clean dirhtml
53 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
54 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
55 +
58 + .PHONY:

+28/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pyinvoke/Makefile
index 0000000..be5327d
old size: 0B - new size: 519B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/pyinvoke/invoke.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pyinvoke
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 2.1.0 2.2.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
23 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml sites/docs "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
24 +
27 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylinac/Makefile
index 0000000..18e63db
old size: 0B - new size: 609B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/jrkerns/pylinac.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylinac
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.9:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.9
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v3.17: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements-rtd.txt
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean
26 + make dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylmdb/Makefile
index 0000000..4ad4fa3
old size: 0B - new size: 679B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/jnwatson/py-lmdb.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylmdb
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + py-lmdb_0.99 py-lmdb_1.0.0 py-lmdb_1.1.1 py-lmdb_1.2.1 py-lmdb_1.3.0 py-lmdb_1.4.1: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install "sphinx < 7"
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean
26 + make dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+30/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-colander/Makefile
index 0000000..24e6734
old size: 0B - new size: 542B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/colander.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylons-colander
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 1.8.3 2.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install .[docs]
23 + cd docs
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
29 + .PHONY:

+30/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-deform/Makefile
index 0000000..e98a63b
old size: 0B - new size: 535B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/deform.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylons-deform
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 2.0.15: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install .[docs]
23 + cd docs
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
29 + .PHONY:

+30/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-hupper/Makefile
index 0000000..1d1dd00
old size: 0B - new size: 542B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/hupper.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylons-hupper
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 0.5 1.11 1.12: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install .[docs]
23 + cd docs
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
29 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-hypatia/Makefile
index 0000000..59255ec
old size: 0B - new size: 571B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/hypatia.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylons-hypatia
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 0.4: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install .[docs]
24 + cd docs
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+56/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-pastedeploy/Makefile
index 0000000..f7a66c3
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/pastedeploy.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylons-pastedeploy
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + venv-10:
16 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
17 + python3 -m venv venv
18 +
19 + venv-7:
20 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
21 + python3 -m venv venv
22 +
23 + repository:
24 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
25 +
26 + 3.1: check_env_vars venv repository
27 + source venv/bin/activate
28 + cd repository
29 + git checkout tags/$@
30 + pip install .[docs]
31 + cd docs
32 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
33 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
34 +
35 + 3.0.1: check_env_vars venv-10 repository
36 + source venv/bin/activate
37 + cd repository
38 + git checkout tags/$@
39 + pip install .[docs]
40 + cd docs
41 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
42 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
43 +
44 + 2.1.1: check_env_vars venv-7 repository
45 + source venv/bin/activate
46 + cd repository
47 + git checkout tags/$@
48 + pip install .[docs]
49 + cd docs
50 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
51 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
52 +
55 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-peppercorn/Makefile
index 0000000..e4b3dbc
old size: 0B - new size: 574B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/peppercorn.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylons-peppercorn
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.7:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 0.6: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install .[docs]
24 + cd docs
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+30/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-plaster/Makefile
index 0000000..7977731
old size: 0B - new size: 544B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/plaster.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylons-plaster
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 0.5 1.0 1.1.2: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install .[docs]
23 + cd docs
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
29 + .PHONY:

+30/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-pyramid/Makefile
index 0000000..e3f5061
old size: 0B - new size: 553B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylons-pyramid
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 1.10.8 2.0 2.0.1 2.0.2: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install .[docs]
23 + cd docs
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
29 + .PHONY:

+43/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-pyramid_debugtoolbar/Makefile
index 0000000..4907d70
old size: 0B - new size: 841B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid_debugtoolbar.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylons-pyramid_debugtoolbar
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + venv-3.5:
16 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.5
17 + python3 -m venv venv
18 +
19 + repository:
20 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
21 +
22 + 4.10: check_env_vars venv repository
23 + source venv/bin/activate
24 + cd repository
25 + git checkout tags/$@
26 + pip install .[docs]
27 + cd docs
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
31 + 2.5 3.0.5: check_env_vars venv-3.5 repository
32 + source venv/bin/activate
33 + cd repository
34 + git checkout tags/$@
35 + pip install .[docs]
36 + cd docs
37 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
38 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
39 +
42 + .PHONY:

+39/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-pyramid_jinja2/Makefile
index 0000000..2c7e47a
old size: 0B - new size: 824B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid_jinja2.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylons-pyramid_jinja2
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 2.9.2 2.10: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install .[docs]
23 + cd docs
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
27 + 1.10 2.0.2 2.1 2.2 2.3.3 2.4 2.5 2.6.2 2.7 2.8: check_env_vars venv repository
28 + source venv/bin/activate
29 + cd repository
30 + git checkout tags/$@
31 + pip install .[docs] "jinja2 < 3.1"
32 + cd docs
33 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
34 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
35 +
38 + .PHONY:

+30/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-pyramid_mako/Makefile
index 0000000..9990e96
old size: 0B - new size: 555B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid_mako.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylons-pyramid_mako
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 1.0.2 1.1.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r rtd.txt
23 + cd docs
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
29 + .PHONY:

+40/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-pyramid_retry/Makefile
index 0000000..280d116
old size: 0B - new size: 804B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid_retry.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylons-pyramid_retry
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.7:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 2.1.1: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install .[docs]
24 + cd docs
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
28 + 0.5 1.0: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
29 + source venv/bin/activate
30 + cd repository
31 + git checkout tags/$@
32 + pip install -r rtd.txt
33 + cd docs
34 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
35 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
36 +
39 + .PHONY:

+44/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-pyramid_tm/Makefile
index 0000000..23d4974
old size: 0B - new size: 858B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid_tm.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylons-pyramid_tm
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.6:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.6
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + 2.5: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install .[docs]
28 + cd docs
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
32 + 0.12 1.1.1: check_env_vars venv-3.6 repository
33 + source venv/bin/activate
34 + cd repository
35 + git checkout tags/$@
36 + pip install .[docs]
37 + cd docs
38 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
39 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
40 +
43 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-translationstring/Makefile
index 0000000..3a172a0
old size: 0B - new size: 588B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/translationstring.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylons-translationstring
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.5:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.5
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 1.4: check_env_vars venv-3.5 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install .[docs]
24 + cd docs
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+30/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-venusian/Makefile
index 0000000..0f2f443
old size: 0B - new size: 538B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/venusian.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylons-venusian
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 3.1.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install .[docs]
23 + cd docs
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
29 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-waitress/Makefile
index 0000000..e441527
old size: 0B - new size: 571B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/waitress.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylons-waitress
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v1.4.4 v2.0.0 v2.1.2: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r rtd.txt
23 + pip install .
24 + cd docs
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+30/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-webob/Makefile
index 0000000..c71a910
old size: 0B - new size: 532B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/webob.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylons-webob
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 1.8.7: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install .[docs]
23 + cd docs
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
29 + .PHONY:

+44/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-webtest/Makefile
index 0000000..969aec8
old size: 0B - new size: 847B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/webtest.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylons-webtest
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.9:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.9
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.8:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + 3.0.0: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install .[docs]
28 + cd docs
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
32 + 2.0.35: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
33 + source venv/bin/activate
34 + cd repository
35 + git checkout tags/$@
36 + pip install .[docs]
37 + cd docs
38 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
39 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
40 +
43 + .PHONY:

+56/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pylons-zodburi/Makefile
index 0000000..f4da7a1
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/zodburi.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pylons-zodburi
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + venv-3.8:
16 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
17 + python3 -m venv venv
18 +
19 + venv-3.7:
20 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
21 + python3 -m venv venv
22 +
23 + repository:
24 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
25 +
26 + 2.6.0: check_env_vars venv repository
27 + source venv/bin/activate
28 + cd repository
29 + git checkout tags/$@
30 + pip install .[docs]
31 + cd docs
32 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
33 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
34 +
35 + 2.5.0: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
36 + source venv/bin/activate
37 + cd repository
38 + git checkout tags/$@
39 + pip install .[docs]
40 + cd docs
41 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
42 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
43 +
44 + 2.4.0: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
45 + source venv/bin/activate
46 + cd repository
47 + git checkout tags/$@
48 + pip install .[docs]
49 + cd docs
50 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
51 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
52 +
55 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pymunk/Makefile
index 0000000..92b10fe
old size: 0B - new size: 585B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/viblo/pymunk.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pymunk
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 6.6.0: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
24 + cd docs/src/
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pypubsub/Makefile
index 0000000..4efa341
old size: 0B - new size: 580B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/schollii/pypubsub.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pypubsub
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v3.3.0 v4.0.0 v4.0.3: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install .
24 + pip install sphinx
25 + cd docs
26 + make dirhtml
27 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+30/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-aspectlib/Makefile
index 0000000..433cb0e
old size: 0B - new size: 590B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/ionelmc/python-aspectlib.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-aspectlib
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v1.4.2 v1.5.2 v2.0.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
23 + pip install .
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml docs/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
29 + .PHONY:

+50/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-cerberus/Makefile
index 0000000..4ab14b8
old size: 0B - new size: 989B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/pyeve/cerberus.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-cerberus
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.7:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + 1.3.5: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
28 + pip install .
29 + cd docs
30 + make clean
31 + make dirhtml
32 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
33 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
34 +
35 + 1.3.4: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
36 + source venv/bin/activate
37 + cd repository
38 + git checkout tags/$@
39 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt "jinja2 < 3.1"
40 + pip install .
41 + cd docs
42 + make clean
43 + make dirhtml
44 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
45 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
46 +
49 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-construct/Makefile
index 0000000..4d735e8
old size: 0B - new size: 611B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/construct/construct.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-construct
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.7:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v2.10.70: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install . sphinx
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean
26 + make dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+34/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-curio/Makefile
index 0000000..f517936
old size: 0B - new size: 709B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/dabeaz/curio.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-curio
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6: check_env_vars venv repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install .
24 + # Lock versions or it won't compile
25 + pip install "sphinx < 4" "jinja2 < 3.1"
26 + cd docs
27 + make clean dirhtml
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
33 + .PHONY:

+47/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-enrico/Makefile
index 0000000..0bdb69f
old size: 0B - new size: 901B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
1 +
2 +
3 +
6 +
7 +
8 +
9 + SHELL = /bin/bash
10 +
11 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/gammapy/enrico.git
12 +
13 + check_env_vars:
14 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
15 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-enrico
16 + else
17 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
18 + endif
19 +
20 + venv-3.11:
21 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
22 + python3 -m venv venv
23 +
24 + repository:
25 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
26 +
27 + # This repo doesn't use tags for releases, therefore we checkout specific commits.
28 + # The date is the commit's date.
29 + 2024-01-22-3ad2438f: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
30 + # Extract commit hash
31 + commit_hash=$@
32 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
33 +
34 + source venv/bin/activate
35 + cd repository
36 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
37 + pip install "sphinx < 8"
38 + cd doc
39 + make clean
40 + make dirhtml
41 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
42 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
43 +
46 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-faker/Makefile
index 0000000..6af4052
old size: 0B - new size: 670B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/joke2k/faker.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-faker
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v9.9.1 v10.0.0 v11.4.0 v12.3.3 v13.16.0 v14.2.2 v15.3.4 v16.9.0 v17.6.0 v18.13.0 v19.13.0 v20.1.0 v21.0.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install .
23 + pip install sphinx
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean dirhtml
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
27 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+30/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-ftfy/Makefile
index 0000000..d1f6224
old size: 0B - new size: 583B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/rspeer/python-ftfy.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-ftfy
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + repository:
13 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
14 +
15 + v6.1.1: check_env_vars repository
16 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
17 + cd repository
18 + git checkout tags/$@
19 + poetry install
20 + poetry run pip install .[docs]
21 + cd docs
22 + poetry run make clean
23 + poetry run make dirhtml
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
29 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-greenlet/Makefile
index 0000000..8d1bdcb
old size: 0B - new size: 620B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/python-greenlet/greenlet.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-greenlet
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 2.0.2 3.0.3: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install .[docs]
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean
26 + make dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+50/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-luigi/Makefile
index 0000000..fa7f8f4
old size: 0B - new size: 967B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/spotify/luigi.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-luigi
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.7:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + 3.5.0: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
28 + pip install .
29 + cd doc
30 + make clean
31 + make dirhtml
32 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
33 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
34 +
35 + 2.8.13: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
36 + source venv/bin/activate
37 + cd repository
38 + git checkout tags/$@
39 + pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
40 + pip install .
41 + cd doc
42 + make clean
43 + make dirhtml
44 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
45 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
46 +
49 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-nox/Makefile
index 0000000..f79f24d
old size: 0B - new size: 637B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/wntrblm/nox.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-nox
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 2018.10.17 2019.11.9 2020.12.31 2021.10.1 2022.11.21 2023.04.22: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r requirements-test.txt
23 + pip install .
24 + cd docs
25 + make dirhtml
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
27 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+48/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-pip/Makefile
index 0000000..7513f38
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/pypa/pip.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-pip
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 21.3.1 22.3.1 23.0 23.3.1: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install .
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml docs/html/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
27 + 20.3.4: check_env_vars venv repository
28 + source venv/bin/activate
29 + cd repository
30 + git checkout tags/$@
31 + pip install "sphinx < 6" furo sphinx-inline-tabs
32 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
33 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml docs/html/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
34 +
35 + 19.3.1: check_env_vars venv repository
36 + source venv/bin/activate
37 + cd repository
38 + git checkout tags/$@
39 + pip install "sphinx < 6" furo sphinx-inline-tabs
40 + # They use this custom theme
41 + pip install python-docs-theme git+https://github.com/pypa/pypa-docs-theme.git#egg=pypa-docs-theme
42 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
43 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml docs/html/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
44 +
47 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-poetry-cleo/Makefile
index 0000000..542517f
old size: 0B - new size: 596B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/python-poetry/cleo.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-poetry-cleo
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 1.0.0 2.0.1 2.1.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
23 + cd docs
24 + make clean dirhtml
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+55/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-requests-cache/Makefile
index 0000000..069ef42
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/requests-cache/requests-cache.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-requests-cache
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.8:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + v1.1.1: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install .[all,docs] typing_extensions
28 + cd docs
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
32 + v0.7.5 v0.8.1 v0.9.8 v1.0.1: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
33 + source venv/bin/activate
34 + cd repository
35 + git checkout tags/$@
36 + pip install .[all,docs] typing_extensions
37 + cd docs
38 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
39 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
40 +
41 + v0.6.4: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
42 + source venv/bin/activate
43 + cd repository
44 + git checkout tags/$@
45 + pip install .[docs,backends] "jinja2 < 3.1"
46 + cd docs
47 + make clean
48 + make dirhtml
49 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
50 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
51 +
54 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-requests/Makefile
index 0000000..e24834a
old size: 0B - new size: 607B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/psf/requests.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-requests
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v2.26.0 v2.27.0 v2.28.0 v2.29.0 v2.30.0 v2.31.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + cd docs
23 + pip install -r requirements.txt
24 + make dirhtml
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+80/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-setuptools/Makefile
index 0000000..4cc30d5
old size: 0B - new size: 2K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/pypa/setuptools.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-setuptools
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + venv-3.7:
16 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
17 + python3 -m venv venv
18 +
19 + repository:
20 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
21 +
22 + v68.2.2 v69.0.3: check_env_vars venv repository
23 + source venv/bin/activate
24 + cd repository
25 + git checkout tags/$@
26 + pip install .[docs]
27 + # MUST change directory because it looks for some files in "../"
28 + cd docs
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
32 + v67.8.0: check_env_vars venv repository
33 + source venv/bin/activate
34 + cd repository
35 + git checkout tags/$@
36 + # Lock Sphinx version because there is an ImportError with sphinx 7.2
37 + pip install .[docs] "sphinx < 7.2"
38 + # MUST change directory because it looks for some files in "../"
39 + cd docs
40 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
41 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
42 +
43 + v63.4.3 v64.0.3 v65.7.0 v66.1.1: check_env_vars venv repository
44 + source venv/bin/activate
45 + cd repository
46 + git checkout tags/$@
47 + # Lock Sphinx version because there is an ImportError with sphinx 7.2
48 + # Lock sphinx-favicon because "Between v0.2 and v1.0, the module name of the extension
49 + # changed (from sphinx-favicon to sphinx_favicon) to conform with Python standards. The
50 + # documentation uses sphinx-favicon and it won't find sphinx_favicon.
51 + pip install .[docs] "sphinx < 7.2" "sphinx-favicon < 1"
52 + cd docs
53 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
54 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
55 +
56 + v59.8.0: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
57 + source venv/bin/activate
58 + cd repository
59 + git checkout tags/$@
60 + # Lock sphinx because there's a regexp error with Sphinx 6
61 + pip install .[docs] "sphinx < 6"
62 + cd docs
63 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
64 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
65 +
66 + v49.6.0: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
67 + source venv/bin/activate
68 + cd repository
69 + git checkout tags/$@
70 + python bootstrap.py
71 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
72 + pip install .[docs]
73 + cd docs
74 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
75 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
76 +
79 + .PHONY:

+29/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-six/Makefile
index 0000000..992f9e0
old size: 0B - new size: 636B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/benjaminp/six.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-six
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 1.0.0 1.1.0 1.2.0 1.3.0 1.4.1 1.5.2 1.6.1 1.7.3 1.8.0 1.9.0 1.10.0 1.11.0 1.12.0 1.13.0 1.14.0 1.15.0 1.16.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install sphinx
23 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
24 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml documentation "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
25 +
28 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-soundfile/Makefile
index 0000000..b861184
old size: 0B - new size: 595B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/bastibe/python-soundfile.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-soundfile
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 0.11.0 0.12.1: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r doc/requirements.txt
23 + cd doc
24 + make clean dirhtml
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-sqlparse/Makefile
index 0000000..804b23a
old size: 0B - new size: 632B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/andialbrecht/sqlparse.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-sqlparse
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 0.2.0 0.2.1 0.2.2 0.2.3 0.2.4 0.3.0 0.3.1 0.4.0 0.4.1 0.4.2 0.4.3 0.4.4: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install sphinx
23 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean dirhtml
26 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+54/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-tenacity/Makefile
index 0000000..1022a25
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/jd/tenacity.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-tenacity
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.9:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.9
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + venv-3.8:
21 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
22 + python3 -m venv venv
23 +
24 + repository:
25 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
26 +
27 + 8.2.3: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
28 + source venv/bin/activate
29 + cd repository
30 + git checkout tags/$@
31 + pip install .[doc]
32 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
33 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml doc/source/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
34 +
35 + 7.0.0: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
36 + source venv/bin/activate
37 + cd repository
38 + git checkout tags/$@
39 + pip install .[doc]
40 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
41 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml doc/source/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
42 +
43 + 5.1.5 6.3.1: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
44 + source venv/bin/activate
45 + cd repository
46 + git checkout tags/$@
47 + pip install .[doc]
48 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
49 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml doc/source/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
50 +
53 + .PHONY:

+46/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-tox-filelock/Makefile
index 0000000..8b24262
old size: 0B - new size: 910B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/tox-dev/filelock.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-tox-filelock
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.8:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + 3.13.1: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install .[docs]
28 + cd docs
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
32 + v2.0.13: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
33 + source venv/bin/activate
34 + cd repository
35 + git checkout tags/$@
36 + pip install "sphinx < 8" sphinx_rtd_theme
37 + cd docs
38 + make clean
39 + make dirhtml
40 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
41 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
42 +
45 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-tox-pipenv/Makefile
index 0000000..3764191
old size: 0B - new size: 627B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/tox-dev/tox-pipenv.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-tox-pipenv
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 1.2.1 1.8.0 1.9.10: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install "sphinx < 8"
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean
26 + make dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-tox-travis/Makefile
index 0000000..9ff51ff
old size: 0B - new size: 647B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/tox-dev/tox-travis.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-tox-travis
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.8:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 0.9 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install "sphinx < 8" sphinx_rtd_theme
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean
26 + make dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+44/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-tox/Makefile
index 0000000..1937c8d
old size: 0B - new size: 844B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/tox-dev/tox.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-tox
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.7:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + 4.12.1: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install .[docs]
28 + cd docs
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
32 + 3.27.1: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
33 + source venv/bin/activate
34 + cd repository
35 + git checkout tags/$@
36 + pip install .[docs]
37 + cd docs
38 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
39 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
40 +
43 + .PHONY:

+45/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-trio/Makefile
index 0000000..e934a60
old size: 0B - new size: 975B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/python-trio/trio.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-trio
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + venv-3.7:
16 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
17 + python3 -m venv venv
18 +
19 + repository:
20 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
21 +
22 + v0.22.2 v0.23.2: check_env_vars venv repository
23 + source venv/bin/activate
24 + cd repository
25 + git checkout tags/$@
26 + pip install -r docs-requirements.txt
27 + cd docs
28 + make clean dirhtml
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
32 + v0.12.1 v0.13.0 v0.14.0 v0.15.1 v0.16.0 v0.17.0 v0.18.0 v0.19.0 v0.20.0 v0.21.0: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
33 + source venv/bin/activate
34 + cd repository
35 + git checkout tags/$@
36 + pip install -r docs-requirements.txt
37 + cd docs
38 + make clean dirhtml
39 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
40 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
41 +
44 + .PHONY:

+43/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-virtualenv/Makefile
index 0000000..00a87da
old size: 0B - new size: 820B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-virtualenv
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + venv-3.6:
16 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.6
17 + python3 -m venv venv
18 +
19 + repository:
20 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
21 +
22 + 20.25.0: check_env_vars venv repository
23 + source venv/bin/activate
24 + cd repository
25 + git checkout tags/$@
26 + pip install .[docs]
27 + cd docs
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
31 + 16.7.12: check_env_vars venv-3.6 repository
32 + source venv/bin/activate
33 + cd repository
34 + git checkout tags/$@
35 + pip install .[docs]
36 + cd docs
37 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
38 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
39 +
42 + .PHONY:

+30/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-waitress/Makefile
index 0000000..6f35814
old size: 0B - new size: 602B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Pylons/waitress.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-waitress
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v0.9.0 v1.0.2 v1.1.0 v1.2.1 v1.3.1 v1.4.4 v2.0.0 v2.1.0 v2.1.1 v2.1.2: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install .[docs]
23 + cd docs
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
29 + .PHONY:

+59/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/python-websockets/Makefile
index 0000000..a6b9016
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/python-websockets/websockets.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-websockets
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.7:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + 10.4 11.0.3 12.0: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
28 + cd docs
29 + make clean
30 + make dirhtml
31 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
32 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
33 +
34 + 8.1 9.1: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
35 + source venv/bin/activate
36 + cd repository
37 + git checkout tags/$@
38 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
39 + cd docs
40 + make clean
41 + make dirhtml
42 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
43 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
44 +
45 + 5.0.1 6.0 7.0: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
46 + source venv/bin/activate
47 + cd repository
48 + git checkout tags/$@
49 + pip install "sphinx < 6"
50 + cd docs
51 + make clean
52 + make dirhtml
53 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
54 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
55 +
58 + .PHONY:

+34/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pywavelets/Makefile
index 0000000..a8a6ed0
old size: 0B - new size: 671B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/PyWavelets/pywt.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pywavelets
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v1.1.1 v1.2.0 v1.3.0 v1.4.1 v1.5.0: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r util/readthedocs/requirements.txt
24 + pip install .
25 + cd doc
26 + make clean
27 + make dirhtml
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
33 + .PHONY:

+41/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/pyyawt/Makefile
index 0000000..30e64a3
old size: 0B - new size: 859B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/holgern/pyyawt.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/pyyawt
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.5:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.5
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + # This repo doesn't use tags for releases, therefore we checkout specific commits.
20 + # The date is the commit's date.
21 + 2016-03-04-f4f64169: check_env_vars venv-3.5 repository
22 + # Extract commit hash
23 + commit_hash=$@
24 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
25 +
26 + source venv/bin/activate
27 + cd repository
28 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
29 + pip install -r readthedocs-requirements.txt
30 + pip install sphinx
31 + pip install .
32 + cd doc
33 + make clean
34 + make dirhtml
35 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
36 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
37 +
40 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/qtile/Makefile
index 0000000..840a8df
old size: 0B - new size: 575B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/qtile/qtile.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v0.23.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + cd docs
23 + pip install -r requirements.txt
24 + pip install -r requirements-rtd.txt
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+37/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/quart/Makefile
index 0000000..0796da3
old size: 0B - new size: 655B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/pallets/quart.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.10:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + 0.19.4: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install .[docs]
28 + cd docs
29 + make clean
30 + make dirhtml
31 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
32 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
33 +
36 + .PHONY:

+27/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/rdflib/Makefile
index 0000000..8e3eccd
old size: 0B - new size: 497B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/rdflib/rdflib.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/rdflib
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + repository:
13 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
14 +
15 + 7.0.0: check_env_vars repository
16 + cd repository
17 + git checkout tags/$@
18 + poetry install
19 + cd docs
20 + poetry run make clean dirhtml
21 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
22 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
23 +
26 + .PHONY:

+36/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/readthedocs/Makefile
index 0000000..6ccd035
old size: 0B - new size: 783B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/readthedocs/readthedocs.org.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/readthedocs
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 9.16.4 10.11.0 10.12.2 10.26.0: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
24 + cd docs
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}-dev"
27 + make clean
28 + make dirhtml
29 + PROJECT=dev make dirhtml
30 + cp --recursive _build/user/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 + cp --recursive _build/dev/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}-dev/$@"
32 +
35 + .PHONY:

+42/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/robotpy/Makefile
index 0000000..5da4f53
old size: 0B - new size: 910B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/robotpy/robotpy-docs.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/robotpy
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.10:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + 2024.0: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r requirements.txt
28 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
29 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
31 + 2017.1.4 2018.0.11 2019.1.2 2020.1.7 2021.6 2022.2 2023.5: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
32 + source venv/bin/activate
33 + cd repository
34 + git checkout tags/$@
35 + pip install -r requirements.txt
36 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
37 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
38 +
41 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/ruamel.yaml/Makefile
index 0000000..8205123
old size: 0B - new size: 628B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = http://hg.code.sf.net/p/ruamel-yaml/code
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/ruamel.yaml
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + hg clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 0.17.40 0.18.6: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + hg update $@
23 + pip install .[docs] ryd mkdocs
24 + ryd convert --generate-mkdocs-config mkdocs.yaml _doc
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + mkdocs build --site-dir "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/rust-cargo/Makefile
index 0000000..51254c3
old size: 0B - new size: 620B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + # Requires mdbook for building the docs
4 + # $ apt install rustc cargo
5 + # $ cargo install mdbook
6 +
7 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo.git
8 +
9 + check_env_vars:
10 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
11 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/rust-cargo
12 + else
13 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
14 + endif
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 0.29.0 0.39.0 0.49.0 0.59.0 0.69.1 0.76.0: check_env_vars repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + cd src/doc/
24 + mdbook build
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive book "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+48/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/s3fs/Makefile
index 0000000..ff40385
old size: 0B - new size: 996B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/fsspec/s3fs.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.9:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.9
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 2023.12.2: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements.txt
24 + pip install .
25 + pip install botocore "docutils < 0.17" sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
26 + cd docs
27 + make clean
28 + make dirhtml
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
32 + 2022.11.0: check_env_vars venv-3.9 repository
33 + source venv/bin/activate
34 + cd repository
35 + git checkout tags/$@
36 + pip install -r requirements.txt
37 + pip install .
38 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
39 + cd docs
40 + make clean
41 + make dirhtml
42 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
43 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
44 +
47 + .PHONY:

+30/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/scrapy/Makefile
index 0000000..1596bdf
old size: 0B - new size: 598B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/scrapy/scrapy.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/scrapy
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 2.4.1 2.5.1 2.6.3 2.7.1 2.8.0 2.9.0 2.10.1 2.11.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
23 + pip install .
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml docs/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
26 +
29 + .PHONY:

+35/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/seaborn/Makefile
index 0000000..4a9b91e
old size: 0B - new size: 703B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/mwaskom/seaborn.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/seaborn
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v0.13.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 +
23 + # Instructions from doc/README.md
24 + # To get a list of available Python kernels, run jupyter kernelspec list
25 + pip install .[stats,docs]
26 + export NB_KERNEL="python3"
27 + cd doc
28 + make clean notebooks html
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + cp --recursive _build/html "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
34 + .PHONY:

+41/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/searxng/Makefile
index 0000000..42fda91
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/searxng/searxng.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/searxng
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + repository:
13 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
14 +
15 + # This repo doesn't use tags for releases, therefore we checkout specific commits.
16 + # The date is the commit's date.
17 + # Also, they're using a very complex build system. For this reason we run their Makefile
18 + # which creates its own Python virtual environment
19 + #
20 + # Requires a few packages in order to compile:
21 + # - texlive-full
22 + # - curl
23 + 2023-12-11-8a4104b9: check_env_vars repository
24 + # By default, the Makefile will use "sphinx-build -b html"
25 + # For generating "dirhtml" output, change the flag inside utils/lib.sh.
26 + # Unfortunately the build script is too complex and this is the simplest solution.
27 +
28 + # Extract commit hash
29 + commit_hash=$@
30 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
31 +
32 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
33 + cd repository
34 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
35 + make docs.clean docs.html
36 + cp --recursive dist/docs/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
37 +
40 + .PHONY:

+27/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/securedrop/Makefile
index 0000000..13b434d
old size: 0B - new size: 528B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop-docs.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/securedrop
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + repository:
13 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
14 +
15 + 2.5.2-7 2.7.0-1: check_env_vars repository
16 + cd repository
17 + git checkout tags/$@
18 + poetry install
19 + cd docs
20 + poetry run make clean dirhtml
21 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
22 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
23 +
26 + .PHONY:

+29/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/simplejson/Makefile
index 0000000..5055369
old size: 0B - new size: 626B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/simplejson/simplejson.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/simplejson
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v2.6.2 v3.10.0 v3.11.1 v3.12.1 v3.13.2 v3.14.0 v3.15.0 v3.16.1 v3.17.6 v3.18.4 v3.19.0 v3.19.1 v3.19.2: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install sphinx
23 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
24 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
25 +
28 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/sonos-controller/Makefile
index 0000000..24c4a43
old size: 0B - new size: 735B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/SoCo/SoCo.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/sonos-controller
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v0.12 v0.13 v0.14 v0.15 v0.16 v0.17 v0.18.1 v0.19 v0.20 v0.21.3 v0.22.6 v0.23.3 v0.24.1 v0.25.3 v0.26.4 v0.27.1 v0.28.1 v0.29.1 v0.30.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r requirements.txt
23 + pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
24 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
25 + cd doc
26 + make clean dirhtml
27 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/sphinx-releases/Makefile
index 0000000..37dea29
old size: 0B - new size: 591B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/bitprophet/releases.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/sphinx-releases
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 2.0.0 2.0.1 2.1.0 2.1.1: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
23 + pip install .
24 + cd docs
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+35/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/splinter-framework/Makefile
index 0000000..4c85b01
old size: 0B - new size: 679B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/cobrateam/splinter.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/splinter-framework
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 0.18.1 0.19.0 0.21.0: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements/doc.txt
24 + pip install selenium
25 + pip install .
26 + cd docs
27 + make clean
28 + make dirhtml
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
34 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/sqlalchemy-mako/Makefile
index 0000000..1a62d32
old size: 0B - new size: 615B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/sqlalchemy/mako.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/sqlalchemy-mako
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + rel_1_0_14 rel_1_1_6 rel_1_2_4 rel_1_3_0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + cd doc/build/
23 + pip install -r requirements.txt
24 + make clean dirhtml
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive output/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+44/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/sqlalchemy/Makefile
index 0000000..37b4033
old size: 0B - new size: 993B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/sqlalchemy/sqlalchemy.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/sqlalchemy
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + rel_1_3_24 rel_1_4_50 rel_2_0_23: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r doc/build/requirements.txt
23 + # Asyncio "extras" are required for compiling without warnings
24 + pip install .[asyncio]
25 + cd doc/build/
26 + make clean dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive output/dirhtml/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
30 + rel_1_2_19: check_env_vars venv repository
31 + source venv/bin/activate
32 + cd repository
33 + git checkout tags/$@
34 + pip install -r doc/build/requirements.txt
35 + pip install .
36 + cd doc/build/
37 + make clean dirhtml
38 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
39 + cp --recursive output/dirhtml/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
40 +
43 + .PHONY:

+39/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/statsmodels/Makefile
index 0000000..15fab58
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/statsmodels/statsmodels.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/statsmodels
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + # NOTE: building this documentation is a pain in the ass. Dependencies are not pinned, but
20 + # even when pinned there are still more errors and exceptions. Plus, during the build
21 + # they seem to be downloading some datasets over HTTP that are no longer availabe (error 404).
22 + # Building older versions is basically impossible (┛ಠ_ಠ)┛彡┻━┻
23 +
24 + # requires to have fortran, meson, libopenblas, graphviz, pandoc installed
25 + v0.14.2: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
26 + source venv/bin/activate
27 + cd repository
28 + git checkout tags/$@
29 + pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt -r requirements-doc.txt "sphinx == 7.3.7" "notebook == 7.2.1" "nbsphinx == 0.9.4" "nbconvert == 7.16.4" "pyyaml == 6.0.1" "simplegeneric == 0.8.1" "seaborn == 0.13.2" "numpydoc == 1.7.0" "numpy == 1.23.1" "pandas == 2.2.2" pickleshare
30 + pip install -e .[docs]
31 + cd docs
32 + make html
33 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
34 + cp --recursive build/html "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
35 +
38 + .PHONY:

+126/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/sympy/Makefile
index 0000000..b9b9387
old size: 0B - new size: 3K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/sympy/sympy.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.10:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + venv-3.8:
21 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
22 + python3 -m venv venv
23 +
24 + venv-3.7:
25 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
26 + python3 -m venv venv
27 +
28 + venv-3.6:
29 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.6
30 + python3 -m venv venv
31 +
32 + venv-3.5:
33 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.5
34 + python3 -m venv venv
35 +
36 + repository:
37 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
38 +
39 + sympy-1.11.1 sympy-1.12: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
40 + source venv/bin/activate
41 + cd repository
42 + git checkout tags/$@
43 + pip install .
44 + pip install -r doc/requirements.txt
45 + cd doc
46 + make clean
47 + make html
48 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
49 + cp --recursive _build/html "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
50 +
51 + sympy-1.10.1: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
52 + source venv/bin/activate
53 + cd repository
54 + git checkout tags/$@
55 + pip install .
56 + pip install -r doc/requirements.txt
57 + cd doc
58 + make clean
59 + make html
60 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
61 + cp --recursive _build/html "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
62 +
63 + sympy-1.7.1 sympy-1.8 sympy-1.9: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
64 + source venv/bin/activate
65 + cd repository
66 + git checkout tags/$@
67 + pip install .
68 + pip install -r release/requirements.txt
69 + cd doc
70 + make clean
71 + make html
72 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
73 + cp --recursive _build/html "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
74 +
75 + sympy-1.6.2: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
76 + source venv/bin/activate
77 + cd repository
78 + git checkout tags/$@
79 + pip install sphinx mpmath sphinx_math_dollar matplotlib
80 + pip install .
81 + cd doc
82 + make clean
83 + make html
84 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
85 + cp --recursive _build/html "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
86 +
87 + sympy-1.1.1 sympy-1.2 sympy-1.3 sympy-1.4 sympy-1.5.1: check_env_vars venv-3.6 repository
88 + source venv/bin/activate
89 + cd repository
90 + git checkout tags/$@
91 + pip install "sphinx < 4" sphinx_math_dollar matplotlib
92 + pip install .
93 + cd doc
94 + make clean
95 + make html
96 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
97 + cp --recursive _build/html "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
98 +
99 + sympy-1.0: check_env_vars venv-3.5 repository
100 + source venv/bin/activate
101 + cd repository
102 + git checkout tags/$@
103 + pip install "sphinx < 1.6"
104 + pip install .
105 + cd doc
106 + make clean
107 + make html
108 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
109 + cp --recursive _build/html "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
110 +
111 + sympy- check_env_vars venv-3.5 repository
112 + source venv/bin/activate
113 + cd repository
114 + git checkout tags/$@
115 + pip install "sphinx < 1.6"
116 + pip install .
117 + cd doc
118 + make clean
119 + make html
120 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
121 + cp --recursive _build/html "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
122 +
123 + .ONESHELL:
124 + .SUFFIXES:
125 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/tablib/Makefile
index 0000000..bcc9de4
old size: 0B - new size: 580B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/jazzband/tablib.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/tablib
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v3.5.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install .
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
24 + cd docs
25 + make dirhtml
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
27 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/tmuxp/Makefile
index 0000000..0bd370a
old size: 0B - new size: 567B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/tmux-python/tmuxp.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v1.19.1 v1.29.1 v1.34.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + poetry install
23 + cd docs
24 + make clean dirhtml
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+39/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/tomobank/Makefile
index 0000000..2e8a1fe
old size: 0B - new size: 834B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/tomography/tomobank.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/tomobank
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + # This repo doesn't use tags for releases, therefore we checkout specific commits.
19 + # The date is the commit's date.
20 + 2023-12-23-31de115e: check_env_vars venv repository
21 + # Extract commit hash
22 + commit_hash=$@
23 + commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11}
24 +
25 + source venv/bin/activate
26 + cd repository
27 + git checkout $${commit_hash}
28 + pip install -r envs/requirements.txt
29 + pip install -r envs/requirements-doc.txt
30 + cd docs
31 + make clean
32 + make dirhtml
33 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
34 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
35 +
38 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/torchio/Makefile
index 0000000..48213c6
old size: 0B - new size: 569B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/fepegar/torchio.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/torchio
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v0.18.92 v0.19.3: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install .[doc]
23 + cd docs
24 + make clean
25 + make dirhtml
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
27 + cp --recursive build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+49/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/trafilatura/Makefile
index 0000000..f75b6d6
old size: 0B - new size: 1002B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/adbar/trafilatura.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/trafilatura
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.7:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + v1.6.4: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
28 + cd docs
29 + make clean
30 + make dirhtml
31 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
32 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
33 +
34 + v0.9.3 v1.0.0 v1.1.0 v1.2.2 v1.3.0 v1.4.1 v1.5.0: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
35 + source venv/bin/activate
36 + cd repository
37 + git checkout tags/$@
38 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
39 + pip install .
40 + cd docs
41 + make clean
42 + make dirhtml
43 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
44 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
45 +
48 + .PHONY:

+48/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/turbustat/Makefile
index 0000000..6692992
old size: 0B - new size: 907B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/Astroua/TurbuStat.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/turbustat
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.7:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + v1.3: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install .[docs]
28 + cd docs
29 + make clean
30 + make dirhtml
31 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
32 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
33 +
34 + v1.2.1: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
35 + source venv/bin/activate
36 + cd repository
37 + git checkout tags/$@
38 + pip install .[docs]
39 + cd docs
40 + make clean
41 + make dirhtml
42 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
43 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
44 +
47 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/twarc/Makefile
index 0000000..fa92a53
old size: 0B - new size: 627B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/DocNow/twarc.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.8:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + v2.14.0: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements.txt
24 + pip install -r requirements-mkdocs.txt
25 + pip install .
26 + mkdocs build
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive site "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+80/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/twisted/Makefile
index 0000000..374f112
old size: 0B - new size: 2K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/twisted/twisted.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/twisted
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + venv-3.8:
16 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.8
17 + python3 -m venv venv
18 +
19 + venv-3.7:
20 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
21 + python3 -m venv venv
22 +
23 + repository:
24 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
25 +
26 + twisted-23.8.0 twisted-23.10.0: check_env_vars venv repository
27 + source venv/bin/activate
28 + cd repository
29 + git checkout tags/$@
30 + pip install .[dev-release]
31 + cd docs
32 + make clean dirhtml
33 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
34 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
35 +
36 + twisted-22.1.0 twisted-22.2.0 twisted-22.4.0 twisted-22.8.0 twisted-22.10.0: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
37 + source venv/bin/activate
38 + cd repository
39 + git checkout tags/$@
40 + pip install .[dev_release]
41 + cd docs
42 + make clean dirhtml
43 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
44 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
45 +
46 + twisted-21.2.0 twisted-21.7.0: check_env_vars venv-3.8 repository
47 + source venv/bin/activate
48 + cd repository
49 + git checkout tags/$@
50 + pip install .[dev_release] "jinja2 < 3.1"
51 + cd docs
52 + make clean dirhtml
53 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
54 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
55 +
56 + twisted-16.4.0 twisted-16.4.1 twisted-16.5.0 twisted-16.6.0 twisted-17.1.0 twisted-17.5.0 twisted-17.9.0 twisted-18.4.0 twisted-18.7.0 twisted-18.9.0 twisted-19.2.1 twisted-19.7.0 twisted-19.10.0 twisted-20.3.0: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
57 + source venv/bin/activate
58 + cd repository
59 + git checkout tags/$@
60 + pip install .[dev] "jinja2 < 3.1"
61 + cd docs
62 + make clean dirhtml
63 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
64 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
65 +
66 + twisted-14.0.2 twisted-15.0.0 twisted-15.1.0 twisted-15.2.1 twisted-15.3.0 twisted-15.4.0 twisted-15.5.0 twisted-16.0.0 twisted-16.1.1 twisted-16.2.0 twisted-16.3.2: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
67 + source venv/bin/activate
68 + cd repository
69 + git checkout tags/$@
70 + pip install sphinx
71 + pip install .
72 + cd docs
73 + make clean dirhtml
74 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
75 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
76 +
79 + .PHONY:

+35/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/txtorcon/Makefile
index 0000000..618c726
old size: 0B - new size: 697B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/meejah/txtorcon.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/txtorcon
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v23.11.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r requirements.txt
23 + pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
24 + pip install -r doc-requirements.txt
25 + pip install -r docs-requirements.txt
26 + pip install .
27 + cd docs
28 + make clean dirhtml
29 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
30 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
31 +
34 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/urllib3/Makefile
index 0000000..cda9d9a
old size: 0B - new size: 638B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/urllib3/urllib3.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/urllib3
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 2.0.0 2.1.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
23 + # extra requirements, extracted from noxfile.py
24 + pip install .[socks,secure,brotli,zstd]
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml docs/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+28/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/vcs-python-libvcs/Makefile
index 0000000..03bd105
old size: 0B - new size: 529B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/vcs-python/libvcs.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/vcs-python-libvcs
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + repository:
13 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
14 +
15 + v0.26.0: check_env_vars repository
16 + source venv/bin/activate
17 + cd repository
18 + git checkout tags/$@
19 + poetry install
20 + cd docs
21 + make clean dirhtml
22 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
23 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
24 +
27 + .PHONY:

+27/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/vcs-python-vcspull/Makefile
index 0000000..5918524
old size: 0B - new size: 518B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/vcs-python/vcspull.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/vcs-python-vcspull
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + repository:
13 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
14 +
15 + v1.26.0: check_env_vars repository
16 + source venv/bin/activate
17 + cd repository
18 + git checkout tags/$@
19 + poetry install
20 + cd docs
21 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
22 + poetry run sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
23 +
26 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/wagtail/Makefile
index 0000000..9100b2b
old size: 0B - new size: 581B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/wagtail
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + v4.1.8 v5.0.5 v5.1.3 v5.2 v5.2.2: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install .[docs]
23 + cd docs
24 + make clean dirhtml
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+48/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/wandpy/Makefile
index 0000000..40662ac
old size: 0B - new size: 920B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/emcconville/wand.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/wandpy
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.11:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.11
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + venv-3.7:
17 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
18 + python3 -m venv venv
19 +
20 + repository:
21 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
22 +
23 + 0.6.13: check_env_vars venv-3.11 repository
24 + source venv/bin/activate
25 + cd repository
26 + git checkout tags/$@
27 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
28 + cd docs
29 + make clean
30 + make dirhtml
31 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
32 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
33 +
34 + 0.5.9: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
35 + source venv/bin/activate
36 + cd repository
37 + git checkout tags/$@
38 + pip install sphinx
39 + cd docs
40 + make clean
41 + make dirhtml
42 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
43 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
44 +
47 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/weblate/Makefile
index 0000000..9df0d9c
old size: 0B - new size: 602B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/WeblateOrg/weblate.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/weblate
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + weblate-4.18.2 weblate-5.0 weblate-5.3: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + cd docs
23 + pip install -r requirements.txt
24 + make clean dirhtml
25 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+32/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/werkzeug/Makefile
index 0000000..a62db9a
old size: 0B - new size: 582B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/pallets/werkzeug.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/werkzeug
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 3.0.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install .
23 + pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
24 + cd docs
25 + make dirhtml
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
27 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
31 + .PHONY:

+53/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/wtforms/Makefile
index 0000000..0a87bcd
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/wtforms/wtforms.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/wtforms
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 3.0.0 3.0.1 3.1.0 3.1.1: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install .
23 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean dirhtml
26 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
27 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
28 +
29 + 2.3.3: check_env_vars venv repository
30 + source venv/bin/activate
31 + cd repository
32 + git checkout tags/$@
33 + pip install .
34 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
35 + pip install "jinja2 < 3.1"
36 + cd docs
37 + make clean dirhtml
38 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
39 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
40 +
41 + 1.0.5 2.0.2 2.1 2.2.1: check_env_vars venv repository
42 + source venv/bin/activate
43 + cd repository
44 + git checkout tags/$@
45 + pip install .
46 + pip install sphinx python-dateutil "jinja2 < 3.1"
47 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
48 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml docs/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
49 +
52 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/youtube-dl/Makefile
index 0000000..2a4c468
old size: 0B - new size: 565B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/youtube-dl
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 2021.12.17: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + source venv/bin/activate
20 + cd repository
21 + git checkout tags/$@
22 + pip install sphinx
23 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean dirhtml
26 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+45/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/zodb/Makefile
index 0000000..e80816e
old size: 0B - new size: 1013B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/zopefoundation/ZODB.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 5.7.0 5.8.0: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + # We lock sphinx to version <7.2 because it's not compiling with >=7.2
24 + pip install "sphinx < 7.2"
25 + pip install .
26 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
27 + cd docs
28 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
30 + 5.6.0: check_env_vars venv repository
31 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
32 + source venv/bin/activate
33 + cd repository
34 + git checkout tags/$@
35 + # We lock sphinx to version <7.2 because it's not compiling with >=7.2
36 + #pip install "sphinx < 7.2"
37 + pip install .
38 + pip install -r doc/requirements.txt
39 + cd doc
40 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
41 +
44 + .PHONY:

+47/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/zope.interface/Makefile
index 0000000..aef0a3d
old size: 0B - new size: 1K
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/zopefoundation/zope.interface.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
7 + OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/zope.interface
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 6.1: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + # Lock sphinx version because of some deprecation warnings
24 + pip install "sphinx < 8"
25 + pip install .
26 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
27 + cd docs
28 + make dirhtml
29 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
30 +
31 + 5.0.0 5.1.0 5.2.0 5.3.0 5.4.0 5.5.0 6.0: check_env_vars venv repository
32 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
33 + source venv/bin/activate
34 + cd repository
35 + git checkout tags/$@
36 + # Lock sphinx version because of some deprecation warnings
37 + pip install "sphinx < 8"
38 + pip install .
39 + pip install -r rtd.txt
40 + cd docs
41 + make dirhtml
42 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
43 +
46 + .PHONY:

+31/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/zope/Makefile
index 0000000..a80a82f
old size: 0B - new size: 588B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/zopefoundation/Zope.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv:
13 + python3 -m venv venv
14 +
15 + repository:
16 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
17 +
18 + 5.8 5.9: check_env_vars venv repository
19 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements-full.txt
24 + pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
25 + cd docs
26 + sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
27 +
30 + .PHONY:

+33/-0 A   scripts/documentation/docs/zulip/Makefile
index 0000000..87880e5
old size: 0B - new size: 614B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + REPOSITORY = https://github.com/zulip/zulip.git
4 +
5 + check_env_vars:
6 + ifdef OUTPUT_PATH
8 + else
9 + $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)
10 + endif
11 +
12 + venv-3.10:
13 + export PYENV_VERSION=3.10
14 + python3 -m venv venv
15 +
16 + repository:
17 + git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository
18 +
19 + 6.2 7.5 8.1: check_env_vars venv-3.10 repository
20 + source venv/bin/activate
21 + cd repository
22 + git checkout tags/$@
23 + pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
24 + cd docs
25 + make clean
26 + make dirhtml
27 + mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
28 + cp --recursive _build/dirhtml "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"
29 +
32 + .PHONY:

+43/-0 A   scripts/manpages/Makefile
index 0000000..cc4485f
old size: 0B - new size: 2K
new file mode: -rwxr-xr-x
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
1 + SHELL = /bin/bash
2 +
3 + # The mirror to download from
4 + MIRROR ?=
5 +
6 + # The path where debiman will save files.
8 +
9 + # Name of the distribution to be processed
10 + CODENAME ?=
11 +
12 + # This just prints out variables for displaying
13 + vars:
14 + @echo "MIRROR=${MIRROR}"
15 + @echo "CODENAME=${CODENAME}"
17 +
18 + # Note: the behaviour of debiman is to download all the manpages, then render them all.
19 + # This cannot be changed. Since we're only interested in the raw manpages and not
20 + # the HTML output, -only_render_pkgs is a hack that will make debiman render only one
21 + # page (0ad) and quit.
22 + download: vars
23 + debiman -remote_mirror="${MIRROR}" -sync_codenames="${CODENAME}" -sync_suites= -serving_dir="${DEBIMAN_SERVING_DIR}" -only_render_pkgs="0ad"
24 +
25 + # Extract downloaded pages since they're compressed by default
26 + extract: vars
27 + find "${DEBIMAN_SERVING_DIR}" -type f,l -name "*.gz" -exec gunzip --decompress --force --keep "{}" \;
28 +
29 + # Convert manpages from roff to other formats
30 + # Manpage files are named "page.section.lang".
31 + # TODO ! -name "stress-ng.1.en" ! -name "md.4.en"
32 + # this is a hack for skipping the parsing of those pages. The version of mandoc
33 + # in Debian is outdated and gets stuck in a infinite loop. Remove this hack if
34 + # using a more recent mandoc.
35 + convert: vars
36 + while IFS= read -r file; do \
37 + echo "$${file}"; \
38 + cp "$${file}" "$${file}.roff"; \
39 + mandoc -T utf8 "$${file}" > "$${file}.roff.txt"; \
40 + mandoc -T html -O fragment "$${file}" > "$${file}.roff.html"; \
41 + done < <( find "${DEBIMAN_SERVING_DIR}" -type f -name "*.*.*" ! -name "*.gz" ! -name "*.roff" ! -name "*.txt" ! -name "*.html" ! -name "stress-ng.1.en" ! -name "md.4.en" )
42 +
43 + .PHONY: vars download extract convert

+33/-0 A   scripts/manpages/README
index 0000000..9bc1022
old size: 0B - new size: 1004B
new file mode: -rw-r--r--
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1 + Software prerequisites:
2 + - apt-cacher-ng
3 + - debiman (install from repository, follow instructions in README)
4 + - mandoc
5 + - python3
6 + - python3-venv
7 +
8 + After installing apt-cacher-ng, the proxy is started automatically and should be
9 + listening on port 3142.
10 + debiman by default will download from http://localhost:3142/deb.debian.org/
11 + This option can be changed with -local_mirror or -remote_mirror. Non-LTS Debians are
12 + removed from the mirrors; use the archive instead: https://archive.debian.org
13 +
14 + How to use the scripts:
15 +
16 + 1. Download manpages from Debian:
17 +
18 + $ MIRROR="https://archive.debian.org" CODENAME="buster" DEBIMAN_SERVING_DIR=/path make download
19 +
20 + 2. Extract all the pages from .gz:
21 +
22 + $ DEBIMAN_SERVING_DIR=/path make extract
23 +
24 + 3. Convert manpages to plaintext and html:
25 +
26 + $ DEBIMAN_SERVING_DIR=/path make convert
27 +
28 + 4. Create RDF graph:
29 +
30 + $ python3 -m venv venv
31 + $ source venv/bin/activate
32 + $ pip install rdflib
33 + $ CODENAME="buster" DEBIMAN_SERVING_DIR=/path ./rdf.py

+121/-0 A   scripts/manpages/rdf.py
index 0000000..3db52db
old size: 0B - new size: 5K
new file mode: -rwxr-xr-x
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
1 + #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 +
3 + import os
4 + import pathlib
5 + import rdflib
6 + import sys
7 +
8 + from rdflib import BNode, Graph, Literal, Namespace, URIRef
9 + from rdflib.namespace import RDF
10 +
11 + CODENAME = os.getenv('CODENAME')
13 +
14 + if not CODENAME:
15 + print('envvar CODENAME is not defined')
16 + exit()
17 +
19 + print('envvar DEBIMAN_SERVING_DIR is not defined')
20 + exit()
21 +
22 + MANPAGE = Namespace('dokk:manpages:')
23 +
24 + # A graph to store all the triples
25 + g = Graph()
26 +
27 + def percent_encode(string):
28 + """
29 + A few manpages contain special characters in their name that are not valid in a URL's
30 + path. Since we use node URIs like <dokk:manpages:distro/package/name> we need to
31 + %-encode these, otherwise the URLs are invalid.
32 + The reason for using a custom method instead of urllib.parse.quote() is that urllib
33 + only works with URLs but not IRIs, therefore quote() will %-encode *any* non-ASCII
34 + character.
35 + """
36 +
37 + return string.replace(' ', '%20') \
38 + .replace('#', '%23') \
39 + .replace('[', '%5B') \
40 + .replace(']', '%5D')
41 +
42 + for absolute_file_path in pathlib.Path(DEBIMAN_SERVING_DIR, CODENAME.lower()).glob('**/*.roff'):
43 + if not absolute_file_path.is_file():
44 + exit('Not a file: {}'.format(absolute_file_path))
45 +
46 + # Remove the DEBIMAN_SERVING_DIR prefix from the path
47 + # Also remove .roff suffix from the filename
48 + file_path = absolute_file_path.relative_to(DEBIMAN_SERVING_DIR).with_suffix('')
49 + file_parts = list(file_path.parts)
50 +
51 + distro_codename, distro_package, filename = file_parts[0], file_parts[1], file_parts[2]
52 +
53 + # Replace debian codenames with version numbers
54 + if distro_codename == 'buster': distro_number = 10
55 + elif distro_codename == 'bullseye': distro_number = 11
56 + elif distro_codename == 'bookworm': distro_number = 12
57 + else: exit('Distro codename not recognized.')
58 +
59 + name, section, language = filename.rsplit('.', 2)
60 + section_number, subsection = int(section[:1]), section[1:]
61 +
62 + # Read files
63 + try:
64 + with open(absolute_file_path, 'r') as f:
65 + roff = f.read()
66 + except:
67 + roff = ''
68 +
69 + try:
70 + with open(f'{absolute_file_path}.txt', 'r') as f:
71 + plaintext = f.read()
72 + except:
73 + plaintext = ''
74 +
75 + try:
76 + with open(f'{absolute_file_path}.html', 'r') as f:
77 + html = f.read()
78 + except:
79 + html = ''
80 +
81 + # Create a new graph for this manpage that is printed out immediately
82 + # because I haven't got enough RAM for storing the whole graph.
83 + g_page = Graph()
84 +
85 + page_ref = URIRef(percent_encode(f'dokk:manpages:debian/{distro_number}/{distro_package}/{filename}'))
86 + g_page.add((page_ref, RDF.type, URIRef(MANPAGE.Page)))
87 + g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.filename), Literal(filename)))
88 + g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.name), Literal(name)))
89 + g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.name_lowercase), Literal(name.lower())))
90 + g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.section), Literal(section)))
91 + g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.section_lowercase), Literal(section.lower())))
92 + g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.section_number), Literal(section_number)))
93 + g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.subsection), Literal(subsection)))
94 + g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.language), Literal(language)))
95 + g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.roff), Literal(roff)))
96 + g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.plaintext), Literal(plaintext)))
97 + g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.html), Literal(html)))
98 +
99 + print(g_page.serialize(format='nt'))
100 +
101 + # Now we're going to create nodes for the debian distro as well as the package
102 + # this page belongs to.
103 +
104 + # Create a graph node for this package
105 + # Link to the page node
106 + package_ref = URIRef(percent_encode(f'dokk:manpages:debian/{distro_number}/{distro_package}'))
107 + g.add((package_ref, RDF.type, URIRef(MANPAGE.Package)))
108 + g.add((package_ref, MANPAGE.name, Literal(distro_package)))
109 + g.add((package_ref, MANPAGE.page, page_ref))
110 +
111 + # Create a graph node for this distro
112 + # Link to the package node
113 + distro_ref = URIRef(percent_encode(f'dokk:manpages:debian/{distro_number}'))
114 + g.add((distro_ref, RDF.type, URIRef(MANPAGE.Distribution)))
115 + g.add((distro_ref, MANPAGE.name, Literal('debian')))
116 + g.add((distro_ref, MANPAGE.codename, Literal(distro_codename)))
117 + g.add((distro_ref, MANPAGE.number, Literal(distro_number)))
118 + g.add((distro_ref, MANPAGE.package, package_ref))
119 +
120 + # Print out the graph
121 + print(g.serialize(format='nt'))