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SHELL = /bin/bash

REPOSITORY = https://github.com/pypa/setuptools.git

OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/python-setuptools
	$(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined)

	python3 -m venv venv

	export PYENV_VERSION=3.7
	python3 -m venv venv

	git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository

v68.2.2 v69.0.3: check_env_vars venv repository
	source venv/bin/activate
	cd repository
	git checkout tags/$@
	pip install .[docs]
	# MUST change directory because it looks for some files in "../"
	cd docs
	mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
	sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"

v67.8.0: check_env_vars venv repository
	source venv/bin/activate
	cd repository
	git checkout tags/$@
	# Lock Sphinx version because there is an ImportError with sphinx 7.2
	pip install .[docs] "sphinx < 7.2"
	# MUST change directory because it looks for some files in "../"
	cd docs
	mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
	sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"

v63.4.3 v64.0.3 v65.7.0 v66.1.1: check_env_vars venv repository
	source venv/bin/activate
	cd repository
	git checkout tags/$@
	# Lock Sphinx version because there is an ImportError with sphinx 7.2
	# Lock sphinx-favicon because "Between v0.2 and v1.0, the module name of the extension
	# changed (from sphinx-favicon to sphinx_favicon) to conform with Python standards. The
	# documentation uses sphinx-favicon and it won't find sphinx_favicon.
	pip install .[docs] "sphinx < 7.2" "sphinx-favicon < 1"
	cd docs
	mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
	sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"

v59.8.0: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
	source venv/bin/activate
	cd repository
	git checkout tags/$@
	# Lock sphinx because there's a regexp error with Sphinx 6
	pip install .[docs] "sphinx < 6"
	cd docs
	mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
	sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"

v49.6.0: check_env_vars venv-3.7 repository
	source venv/bin/activate
	cd repository
	git checkout tags/$@
	python bootstrap.py
	pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
	pip install .[docs]
	cd docs
	mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}"
	sphinx-build -b dirhtml . "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@"