home » zplus/clif.git
Author zPlus <zplus@peers.community> 2023-03-21 21:34:02
Committer zPlus <zplus@peers.community> 2023-03-21 21:34:02
Commit 18d92d7 (patch)
Tree e0c1b4d

Fix wrong call to upper() function.

commits diff: 6a6dc83..18d92d7
1 file changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletionsdownload

-rwxr-xr-x emails.py 4

Diff options
Context lines
Inter-hunk lines
+2/-2 M   emails.py
index a0722f2..cca5a3e
old size: 11K - new size: 11K
@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ except:
136 136 ###############################################################################
137 137
138 138 # Is this a request for subscription?
139 - request_subscribe = email_subject.upper('SUBSCRIBE') and len(email_body) == 0
140 - request_unsubscribe = email_subject.upper('UNSUBSCRIBE') and len(email_body) == 0
139 + request_subscribe = email_subject.upper() == 'SUBSCRIBE' and len(email_body) == 0
140 + request_unsubscribe = email_subject.upper() == 'UNSUBSCRIBE' and len(email_body) == 0
141 141
142 142 if request_subscribe:
143 143 # Already subscribed?