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        <title>{{ title is defined ? title ~ ' - ' }}openpost</title>
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                            {# &nbsp; is an extra space because "post" is displayed attached to the picture (not sure why) #}
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                            <input type="text" name="q" value="{{ query }}" placeholder="Search posts" />
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                    {% if user %}
                        {% set unread_messages = new_messages() %}
                        <a href="{{ 'submit'|docroot }}" class="flex-item">Submit</a>
                        {% if unread_messages %}
                            <a href="{{ 'user_activity/replies'|docroot }}" class="new_messages flex-item">
                                {{ user.name }} ({{ unread_messages }})
                        {% else %}
                            <a href="{{ 'user'|docroot }}" class="flex-item">
                                {{ user.name }}
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