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ID: 477e8c792a2338ba60f5ff359c6e05677d9baf27
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{% if comments[parent_id] %}
    {% for comment in comments[parent_id] %}
        {# The id="" is used as anchor #}
        <div class="comment" style="margin-left:{{ depth * 2 }}em" id="comment-{{ comment.hashId }}">
            <div class="pin"></div>
            <div class="info">
                {# Username #}
                <span class="username {{ post.userId == comment.userId ? 'op' }}">
                    <a href="{{ ('user/' ~ comment.username|url_encode)|docroot }}">{{ comment.username }}</a>
                include 'vote.twig' with {
                    target: 'comment',
                    hash_id: comment.hashId,
                    vote: votes[comment.id] is defined ? votes[comment.id].vote : null,
                    vote_count: comment.vote,
                    user: user is defined ? user : null
                } only
                {# DateTime #}
                <a href="{{ ('post/' ~ post.hashId ~ '#comment-' ~ comment.hashId)|docroot }}"><time title="{{ comment.created|title }}" datetime="{{ comment.created|datetime }}"><em> {{ comment.created|ago }} </em></time></a>
                {% if user %}
                    {# Reply #}
                    <a href="../reply?comment={{ comment.hashId }}">Reply</a>
                    {% if comment.userId == user.id %}
                        {# Edit #}
                        <a href="../edit?comment={{ comment.hashId }}">Edit</a>
                    {% endif %}
                {% endif %}
            <div class="text">
                {{ comment.text|markdown|raw }}
        {# Add replies #}
        {% include 'comment.twig' with {
            'post': post,
            'comments': comments,
            'votes': votes,
            'parent_id': comment.id,
            'depth': depth + 1
        } %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}