ID: 45fba671599fe892818231baf6109d95c234a75a
47 lines
926B —
View raw
| <?php
require_once 'session.php';
require_once 'database.php';
require_once 'twig.php';
// Must be logged in
if (!Session::is_valid ())
header ('Location: ./login');
exit ();
$db = new Database();
// Make sure we have a title
if (!isset ($_POST['title']))
header ('Location: ./');
exit ();
// Trim title
$title = trim ($_POST['title']);
// Title empty
if (0 == strlen ($title))
header ('Location: ./submit');
exit ();
// Title is ok, add the new post
$post_hash_id = $db->new_post ($title, $_POST['link'], $_POST['text'], Session::get_userid());
// Redirect to the new post page
header ('Location: ./post/' . $post_hash_id);
// Render template
echo $twig->render (
array ('title' => 'Submit'));