{% include 'header.twig' %}
{# banner
#} {# Welcome New Year. # To maintain alignment, keep al lines below of the same length # and with no padding.
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   |____|\___/ |_|\___/     
#} {% for post in posts %}
{% if post.link|length > 0 %} {{ post.title }} {% else %} {{ post.title }} {% endif %}
{% include 'vote.twig' with { target: 'post', hash_id: post.hashId, vote: votes[post.id] is defined ? votes[post.id].vote : null, vote_count: post.vote, user: user is defined ? user : null } only %} {{ post.created|ago }} by {{ post.username }}{{ post.commentsCount ? post.commentsCount }} comments
{% endfor %}
{% include 'footer.twig' %}