diff --git a/freepost/__init__.py b/freepost/__init__.py index 4fe63ed..e699a74 100644 --- a/freepost/__init__.py +++ b/freepost/__init__.py @@ -80,12 +80,12 @@ def requires_login (controller): session_token = request.get_cookie ( key = settings['session']['name'], secret = settings['cookies']['secret']) - + if database.is_valid_session (session_token): return controller () else: redirect (application.get_url ('login')) - + return wrapper # Decorator. @@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ def requires_logout (controller): session_token = request.get_cookie ( key = settings['session']['name'], secret = settings['cookies']['secret']) - + if database.is_valid_session (session_token): redirect (application.get_url ('user_settings')) else: return controller () - + return wrapper # Routes @@ -110,31 +110,31 @@ def homepage (): """ Display homepage with posts sorted by 'hot'. """ - + # Sort order sort = request.query.sort or 'hot' - + # Page number page = int (request.query.page or 0) - + if page < 0: redirect (application.get_url ('homepage')) - + user = session.user () - + if sort in [ 'hot', 'new' ]: posts = database.get_posts ( page, user['id'] if user else None, sort) else: posts = [] - + # Disable browser caching # Fix issue: https://notabug.org/zPlus/freepost/issues/80 response.set_header('cache-control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate') response.set_header('pragma', 'no-cache') response.set_header('expires', '0') - + return template ('homepage.html', posts=posts, sort=sort) # TODO implement this @@ -143,25 +143,25 @@ def topic (name): """ Display posts by topic. """ - + # Sort order sort = request.query.sort or 'hot' - + # Page number page = int (request.query.page or 0) - + if page < 0: redirect (application.get_url ('homepage')) - + user = session.user () - + if sort in [ 'hot', 'new' ]: posts = database.get_posts ( page, user['id'] if user else None, sort, name) else: posts = [] - + return template ( 'homepage.html', topic=name, @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ def about (): """ Display "About" page. """ - + return template ('about.html') @get ('/login', name='login') @@ -190,31 +190,31 @@ def login_check (): """ Check login form. """ - + username = request.forms.getunicode ('username') password = request.forms.getunicode ('password') remember = 'remember' in request.forms - + if not username or not password: return template ( 'login.html', flash = 'Bad login!') - + # Check if user exists user = database.check_user_credentials (username, password) - + # Username/Password not working if not user: return template ( 'login.html', flash = 'Bad login!') - + # Delete any existing "reset token" database.delete_password_reset_token (user['id']) - + # Start new session session.start (user['id'], remember) - + # Redirect logged in user to preferred feed if user['preferred_feed'] == 'new': redirect (application.get_url ('homepage') + '?sort=new') @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ def register (): """ Register new account. """ - + return template ('register.html') @post ('/register') @@ -236,43 +236,41 @@ def register_new_account (): """ Check form for creating new account. """ - - abort() - + username = request.forms.getunicode ('username') password = request.forms.getunicode ('password') - + # Normalize username username = username.strip () - + # Check if username already exists. # Use case-insensitive match to prevent two similar usernames. if len (username) == 0 or database.username_exists (username, case_sensitive=False): return template ( 'register.html', flash='Name taken, please choose another.') - + # Password too short? if len (password) < 8: return template ( 'register.html', flash = 'Password too short') - + # Username OK, Password OK: create new user database.new_user (username, password) - + # Retrieve user (check if it was created) user = database.check_user_credentials (username, password) - + # Something bad happened... if user is None: return template ( 'register.html', flash = 'An error has occurred, please try again.') - + # Start session... session.start (user['id']) - + # ... and go to the homepage of the new user redirect (application.get_url ('user_settings')) @@ -282,9 +280,9 @@ def logout (): """ Logout user and return to homepage. """ - + session.close () - + redirect (application.get_url ('homepage')) @get ('/password_reset', name='password_reset') @@ -293,7 +291,7 @@ def password_reset (): """ Display form to reset users password. """ - + return template ('login_reset.html') @post ('/password_reset', name='password_reset_send_code') @@ -303,33 +301,33 @@ def password_reset_send_code (): Validate form for resetting password, and if valid send secret code via email. """ - + username = request.forms.getunicode('username') email = request.forms.getunicode('email') - + if not username or not email: redirect(application.get_url('change_password')) - + user = database.get_user_by_username(username) - + if not user: redirect(application.get_url('change_password')) - + # Make sure the given email matches the one that we have in the database if user['email'] != email: redirect(application.get_url('change_password')) - + # Is there another valid token already (from a previous request)? # If yes, do not send another one (to prevent multiple requests or spam) if database.is_password_reset_token_valid(user['id']): redirect(application.get_url('change_password')) - + # Generate secret token to send via email secret_token = random.ascii_string(32) - + # Add token to database database.set_password_reset_token(user['id'], secret_token) - + # Send token via email client_ip = request.environ.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') or \ request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR') @@ -339,9 +337,9 @@ def password_reset_send_code (): 'email/password_reset.txt', ip=client_ip, secret_token=secret_token) - + mail.send(email_to, email_subject, email_body) - + redirect(application.get_url('change_password')) @get ('/change_password', name='change_password') @@ -351,7 +349,7 @@ def change_password (): After the secret code was sent via email, display this form where the user can insert the secret code + new password. """ - + return template ('login_change_password.html') @post ('/change_password', name='validate_new_password') @@ -361,40 +359,40 @@ def validate_new_password (): Validate the new password, check the secret code, and if everything is OK change the user password. """ - + username = request.forms.getunicode('username') email = request.forms.getunicode('email') password = request.forms.getunicode('password') secret_token = request.forms.getunicode('token') - + # We must have all fields if not username or not email or not password or not secret_token: redirect(application.get_url('login')) - + # Password too short? if len (password) < 8: return template ( 'login_change_password.html', flash = 'Password must be at least 8 characters long') - + # OK, everything should be fine now. Reset user password. database.reset_password(username, email, password, secret_token) - + # Check if the password was successfully reset user = database.check_user_credentials (username, password) - + # Username/Password not working if not user: redirect (application.get_url ('login')) - + # Everything matched! # Notify user of password change. email_to = user['email'] email_subject = 'freepost password changed' email_body = template ('email/password_changed.txt') - + mail.send (email_to, email_subject, email_body) - + # Start new session and redirect user session.start (user['id']) redirect (application.get_url ('user_settings')) @@ -405,7 +403,7 @@ def user_settings (): """ A user's personal page. """ - + return template ('user_settings.html') @post ('/user/settings') @@ -414,22 +412,22 @@ def update_user_settings (): """ Update user info (about, email, ...). """ - + user = session.user () - + about = request.forms.getunicode ('about') email = request.forms.getunicode ('email') preferred_feed = request.forms.getunicode ('preferred_feed') - + if about is None or email is None: redirect (application.get_url ('user_settings')) - + if preferred_feed not in [ 'hot', 'new' ]: preferred_feed = 'hot' - + # Update user info in the database database.update_user (user['id'], about, email, False, preferred_feed) - + redirect (application.get_url ('user_settings')) @get ('/user_activity/posts') @@ -437,7 +435,7 @@ def update_user_settings (): def user_posts (): user = session.user () posts = database.get_user_posts (user['id']) - + return template ('user_posts.html', posts=posts) @get ('/user_activity/comments') @@ -445,7 +443,7 @@ def user_posts (): def user_comments (): user = session.user () comments = database.get_user_comments (user['id']) - + return template ('user_comments.html', comments=comments) @get ('/user_activity/replies', name='user_replies') @@ -453,9 +451,9 @@ def user_comments (): def user_replies (): user = session.user () replies = database.get_user_replies (user['id']) - + database.set_replies_as_read (user['id']) - + return template ('user_replies.html', replies=replies) @get ('/user/public/', name='user_public') @@ -463,12 +461,12 @@ def user_public_homepage (username): """ Display a publicly accessible page with public info about the user. """ - + account = database.get_user_by_username (username) - + if account is None: redirect (application.get_url ('user_settings')) - + return template ('user_public_homepage.html', account=account) @get ('/post/', name='post') @@ -476,51 +474,51 @@ def post_thread (hash_id): """ Display a single post with all its comments. """ - + user = session.user () post = database.get_post (hash_id, user['id'] if user else None) comments = database.get_post_comments (post['id'], user['id'] if user else None) topics = database.get_post_topics (post['id']) - + # Group comments by parent comments_tree = {} - + for comment in comments: if comment['parentId'] is None: if 0 not in comments_tree: comments_tree[0] = [] - + comments_tree[0].append(dict(comment)) else: if comment['parentId'] not in comments_tree: comments_tree[comment['parentId']] = [] - + comments_tree[comment['parentId']].append(dict(comment)) - + # Build ordered list of comments (recourse tree) def children (parent_id = 0, depth = 0): temp_comments = [] - + if parent_id in comments_tree: for comment in comments_tree[parent_id]: comment['depth'] = depth temp_comments.append (comment) - + temp_comments.extend (children (comment['id'], depth + 1)) - + return temp_comments - + comments = children () - + # Show posts/comments Markdown instead of rendered text show_source = 'source' in request.query - + # Disable browser caching # Fix issue: https://notabug.org/zPlus/freepost/issues/80 response.set_header('cache-control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate') response.set_header('pragma', 'no-cache') response.set_header('expires', '0') - + return template ( 'post.html', post=post, @@ -537,28 +535,28 @@ def post_thread (hash_id): def new_comment (hash_id): # The comment text comment = request.forms.getunicode ('new_comment').strip () - + # Empty comment? if len (comment) == 0: redirect (application.get_url ('post', hash_id=hash_id)) - + # Retrieve the post post = database.get_post (hash_id) - + # Does post exist? if not post: redirect (application.get_url ('homepage')) - + user = session.user () - + comment_hash_id = database.new_comment (comment, hash_id, user['id'], post['userId']) - + # Retrieve new comment comment = database.get_comment (comment_hash_id) - + # Automatically add an upvote for the original poster database.vote_comment (comment['id'], user['id'], +1) - + redirect (application.get_url ('post', hash_id=hash_id)) @requires_login @@ -566,11 +564,11 @@ def new_comment (hash_id): def edit_post (hash_id): user = session.user () post = database.get_post (hash_id, user['id']) - + # Make sure the session user is the actual poster/commenter if post['userId'] != user['id']: redirect (application.get_url ('post', hash_id=hash_id)) - + return template ('edit_post.html', post=post) @requires_login @@ -578,24 +576,24 @@ def edit_post (hash_id): def edit_post_check (hash_id): user = session.user () post = database.get_post (hash_id, user['id']) - + # Make sure the session user is the actual poster/commenter if post['userId'] != user['id']: redirect (application.get_url ('homepage')) - + # MUST have a title. If empty, use original title title = request.forms.getunicode ('title').strip () if len (title) == 0: title = post['title'] link = request.forms.getunicode ('link').strip () if 'link' in request.forms else '' text = request.forms.getunicode ('text').strip () if 'text' in request.forms else '' - + # If there is a URL, make sure it has a "scheme" if len (link) > 0 and urlparse (link).scheme == '': link = 'http://' + link - + # Update post database.update_post (title, link, text, hash_id, user['id']) - + redirect (application.get_url ('post', hash_id=hash_id)) @requires_login @@ -603,11 +601,11 @@ def edit_post_check (hash_id): def edit_comment (hash_id): user = session.user () comment = database.get_comment (hash_id, user['id']) - + # Make sure the session user is the actual poster/commenter if comment['userId'] != user['id']: redirect (application.get_url ('post', hash_id=comment['postHashId'])) - + return template ('edit_comment.html', comment=comment) @requires_login @@ -615,17 +613,17 @@ def edit_comment (hash_id): def edit_comment_check (hash_id): user = session.user () comment = database.get_comment (hash_id, user['id']) - + # Make sure the session user is the actual poster/commenter if comment['userId'] != user['id']: redirect (application.get_url ('homepage')) - + text = request.forms.getunicode ('text').strip () if 'text' in request.forms else '' - + # Only update if the text is not empty if len (text) > 0: database.update_comment (text, hash_id, user['id']) - + redirect (application.get_url ('post', hash_id=comment['postHashId']) + '#comment-' + hash_id) @get ('/submit') @@ -634,7 +632,7 @@ def submit (): """ Submit a new post. """ - + return template ('submit.html') @post ('/submit', name='submit') @@ -643,28 +641,28 @@ def submit_check (): """ Check submission of new post. """ - + # Somebody sent a
without a title??? if not request.forms.getunicode ('title'): abort () - + user = session.user () - + # Retrieve title title = request.forms.getunicode ('title').strip () - + # Bad title? if len (title) == 0: return template ('submit.html', flash='Title is missing.') - + # Retrieve link link = request.forms.getunicode ('link').strip () - + if len (link) > 0: # If there is a URL, make sure it has a "scheme" if urlparse (link).scheme == '': link = 'http://' + link - + # Check if this link was already posted in order to avoid duplicate posting. previous_posts = database.link_exists(link) if previous_posts: @@ -673,28 +671,28 @@ def submit_check (): link = application.get_url ('post', hash_id=post['hashId']), title = post['title']) for post in previous_posts ]) - + return template ('submit.html', flash='This link was already submitted:
'.format(posts=posts_list)) - + # Retrieve topics topics = request.forms.getunicode ('topics') - + # Retrieve text text = request.forms.getunicode ('text') - + # Add the new post post_hash_id = database.new_post (title, link, text, user['id']) - + # Retrieve the new post just created post = database.get_post (post_hash_id) - + # Add topics for this post database.replace_post_topics (post['id'], topics) - + # Automatically add an upvote for the original poster database.vote_post (post['id'], user['id'], +1) - + # Posted. Now go the new post's page redirect (application.get_url ('post', hash_id=post_hash_id)) @@ -702,42 +700,42 @@ def submit_check (): @get ('/reply/', name='reply') def reply (hash_id): user = session.user () - + # The comment to reply to comment = database.get_comment (hash_id) - + # Does the comment exist? if not comment: redirect (application.get_url ('homepage')) - + return template ('reply.html', comment=comment) @requires_login @post ('/reply/') def reply_check (hash_id): user = session.user () - + # The comment to reply to comment = database.get_comment (hash_id) - + # The text of the reply text = request.forms.getunicode ('text').strip () - + # Empty comment. Redirect to parent post if len (text) == 0: redirect (application.get_url ('post', hash_id=comment['postHashId'])) - + # We have a text, add the reply and redirect to the new reply reply_hash_id = database.new_comment ( text, comment['postHashId'], user['id'], comment['userId'], comment['id']) - + # Retrieve new comment comment = database.get_comment (reply_hash_id) - + # Automatically add an upvote for the original poster database.vote_comment (comment['id'], user['id'], +1) - + redirect (application.get_url ('post', hash_id=comment['postHashId']) + '#comment-' + reply_hash_id) @requires_login @@ -746,17 +744,17 @@ def vote (): """ Handle upvotes and downvotes. """ - + user = session.user () - + # Vote a post if request.forms.getunicode ('target') == 'post': # Retrieve the post post = database.get_post (request.forms.getunicode ('post'), user['id']) - + if not post: return - + # If user clicked the "upvote" button... if request.forms.getunicode ('updown') == 'up': # If user has upvoted this post before... @@ -771,7 +769,7 @@ def vote (): else: # Add +1 database.vote_post (post['id'], user['id'], +1) - + # If user clicked the "downvote" button... if request.forms.getunicode ('updown') == 'down': # If user has downvoted this post before... @@ -786,15 +784,15 @@ def vote (): else: # Add -1 database.vote_post (post['id'], user['id'], -1) - + # Vote a comment if request.forms.getunicode ('target') == 'comment': # Retrieve the comment comment = database.get_comment (request.forms.getunicode ('comment'), user['id']) - + if not comment: return - + # If user clicked the "upvote" button... if request.forms.getunicode ('updown') == 'up': # If user has upvoted this comment before... @@ -809,7 +807,7 @@ def vote (): else: # Add +1 database.vote_comment (comment['id'], user['id'], +1) - + # If user clicked the "downvote" button... if request.forms.getunicode ('updown') == 'down': # If user has downvoted this comment before... @@ -830,29 +828,29 @@ def search (): """ Search content on this instance, and display the results. """ - + # Get the search query query = request.query.getunicode ('q') - + # Get the offset page = int (request.query.getunicode ('page') or 0) - + if page < 0: return "Page cannot be less than zero." - + # Page increment if 'next' in request.query: page += 1 if 'previous' in request.query: page -= 1 - + # Results order sort = request.query.getunicode ('sort') if sort not in [ 'newest', 'points' ]: sort = 'newest' - + posts = database.search (query, sort=sort, page=page) or [] - + return template ('search.html', posts=posts) @get ('/rss') @@ -860,7 +858,7 @@ def rss_default (): """ Redirect base RSS URL to default "hot" feed. """ - + return redirect (application.get_url ('rss', sorting='hot')) @get ('/rss/', name='rss') @@ -868,22 +866,22 @@ def rss (sorting): """ Output an RSS feed of posts. """ - + posts = [] - + # Retrieve the hostname from the HTTP request. # This is used to build absolute URLs in the RSS feed. base_url = request.urlparts.scheme + '://' + request.urlparts.netloc - + if sorting == 'new': posts = database.get_posts (sort='new') - + if sorting == 'hot': posts = database.get_posts (sort='hot') - + # Set correct Content-Type header for this RSS feed response.content_type = 'application/rss+xml; charset=UTF-8' - + return template ('rss.xml', base_url=base_url, posts=posts) @get ('/rss_comments', name='rss_comments') @@ -891,16 +889,16 @@ def rss_comments (): """ Output an RSS feed of the latest comments. """ - + # Retrieve the hostname from the HTTP request. # This is used to build absolute URLs in the RSS feed. base_url = request.urlparts.scheme + '://' + request.urlparts.netloc - + comments = database.get_latest_comments () - + # Set correct Content-Type header for this RSS feed response.content_type = 'application/rss+xml; charset=UTF-8' - + return template ('rss_comments.xml', base_url=base_url, comments=comments) @get ('/', name='static') @@ -908,7 +906,7 @@ def static (filename): """ Serve static files. """ - + return static_file (filename, root='freepost/static/') diff --git a/freepost/templates/banner.html b/freepost/templates/banner.html index 3757d26..93bc16b 100644 --- a/freepost/templates/banner.html +++ b/freepost/templates/banner.html @@ -15,15 +15,15 @@ #} {#
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         Peers Jam
 {% endif %}

- - Registrations are momentarily disabled because of the recent influx of spam. - Please write us an email if you need a new account. Sorry for the trouble. - -

- - - -