{% set title = "Minifree Ltd" %} {% extends "articles/article.html" %} {% block article %}

Minifree Ltd (formerly trading as Gluglug) is a supplier from Essex, UK that sells computers with only free software, including the Libreboot BIOS and GNU/Linux operating systems certified by the Free Software Foundation under the Respects Your Freedom certification program. The company was founded by Leah Rowe, who is also the founder of Libreboot. Profits from Minifree sales are used to fund the development of the Libreboot project[cit2].

The word "Minifree" is a pun based on the ministries in the George Orwell’s 1984 novel[cit1].

Libreboot T400 Libreboot X200 Libreboot X200 Tablet

See also


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