# This is a configuration file for Fuseki if using multiple databases. # To query the union of all graphs, the quey must be sent to # https://example.org/endpoint?default-graph-uri=urn:x-arq:UnionGraph' PREFIX : PREFIX fuseki: PREFIX ja: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX tdb1: PREFIX tdb2: :g1 ja:graphName :graph:graph ; ja:graph [ a tdb2:GraphTDB2 ; tdb2:location "/home/fuseki/fuseki_base/databases/graph" # tdb2:graphName ... None, use default unnamed ] . :g2 ja:graphName :graph:manpages ; ja:graph [ a tdb2:GraphTDB2 ; tdb2:location "/home/fuseki/fuseki_base/databases/manpages" ] . :dataset a ja:RDFDataset ; # ja:defaultGraph ... ja:namedGraph :g1 , :g2 . :endpoint # Without a name: /endpoint?query= # With a name: /endpoint/name/?query= # fuseki:name "query" ; fuseki:operation fuseki:query . :service a fuseki:Service ; fuseki:name "dokk" ; fuseki:dataset :dataset ; fuseki:endpoint :endpoint .