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#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import pathlib
import rdflib
import sys

from rdflib import BNode, Graph, Literal, Namespace, URIRef
from rdflib.namespace import RDF

CODENAME = os.getenv('CODENAME')

if not CODENAME:
    print('envvar CODENAME is not defined')

    print('envvar DEBIMAN_SERVING_DIR is not defined')

MANPAGE = Namespace('dokk:manpages:')

# A graph to store all the triples
g = Graph()

def percent_encode(string):
    A few manpages contain special characters in their name that are not valid in a URL's
    path. Since we use node URIs like <dokk:manpages:distro/package/name> we need to
    %-encode these, otherwise the URLs are invalid.
    The reason for using a custom method instead of urllib.parse.quote() is that urllib
    only works with URLs but not IRIs, therefore quote() will %-encode *any* non-ASCII

    return string.replace(' ', '%20') \
                 .replace('#', '%23') \
                 .replace('[', '%5B') \
                 .replace(']', '%5D')

for absolute_file_path in pathlib.Path(DEBIMAN_SERVING_DIR, CODENAME.lower()).glob('**/*.roff'):
    if not absolute_file_path.is_file():
        exit('Not a file: {}'.format(absolute_file_path))

    # Remove the DEBIMAN_SERVING_DIR prefix from the path
    # Also remove .roff suffix from the filename
    file_path = absolute_file_path.relative_to(DEBIMAN_SERVING_DIR).with_suffix('')
    file_parts = list(file_path.parts)

    distro_codename, distro_package, filename = file_parts[0], file_parts[1], file_parts[2]

    # Replace debian codenames with version numbers
    if   distro_codename == 'buster':   distro_number = 10
    elif distro_codename == 'bullseye': distro_number = 11
    elif distro_codename == 'bookworm': distro_number = 12
    else: exit('Distro codename not recognized.')

    name, section, language = filename.rsplit('.', 2)
    section_number, subsection = int(section[:1]), section[1:]

    # Read files
        with open(absolute_file_path, 'r') as f:
            roff = f.read()
        roff = ''

        with open(f'{absolute_file_path}.txt', 'r') as f:
            plaintext = f.read()
        plaintext = ''

        with open(f'{absolute_file_path}.html', 'r') as f:
            html = f.read()
        html = ''

    # Create a new graph for this manpage that is printed out immediately
    # because I haven't got enough RAM for storing the whole graph.
    g_page = Graph()

    page_ref = URIRef(percent_encode(f'dokk:manpages:debian/{distro_number}/{distro_package}/{filename}'))
    g_page.add((page_ref, RDF.type,                          URIRef(MANPAGE.Page)))
    g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.filename),          Literal(filename)))
    g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.name),              Literal(name)))
    g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.name_lowercase),    Literal(name.lower())))
    g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.section),           Literal(section)))
    g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.section_lowercase), Literal(section.lower())))
    g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.section_number),    Literal(section_number)))
    g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.subsection),        Literal(subsection)))
    g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.language),          Literal(language)))
    g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.roff),              Literal(roff)))
    g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.plaintext),         Literal(plaintext)))
    g_page.add((page_ref, URIRef(MANPAGE.html),              Literal(html)))


    # Now we're going to create nodes for the debian distro as well as the package
    # this page belongs to.

    # Create a graph node for this package
    # Link to the page node
    package_ref = URIRef(percent_encode(f'dokk:manpages:debian/{distro_number}/{distro_package}'))
    g.add((package_ref, RDF.type,       URIRef(MANPAGE.Package)))
    g.add((package_ref, MANPAGE.name,   Literal(distro_package)))
    g.add((package_ref, MANPAGE.page,   page_ref))

    # Create a graph node for this distro
    # Link to the package node
    distro_ref = URIRef(percent_encode(f'dokk:manpages:debian/{distro_number}'))
    g.add((distro_ref, RDF.type,            URIRef(MANPAGE.Distribution)))
    g.add((distro_ref, MANPAGE.name,        Literal('debian')))
    g.add((distro_ref, MANPAGE.codename,    Literal(distro_codename)))
    g.add((distro_ref, MANPAGE.number,      Literal(distro_number)))
    g.add((distro_ref, MANPAGE.package,     package_ref))

# Print out the graph