"@context": {
"comicstrip": "dokk:vocab:comicstrip:",
"comicstrip:license": {
"@type": "@id"
"comicstrip:series": {
"@type": "@id"
"blob": "dokk:vocab:blob:"
"@id": "dokk:mimi_and_eunice_317",
"comicstrip:published": "2011-05-05",
"comicstrip:license": "dokk:license:CC-BY-SA-3.0",
"comicstrip:tag": [
"comicstrip:title": "Junior High",
"comicstrip:website": "https://mimiandeunice.com/2011/05/05/junior-high/",
"comicstrip:author_comment": "I had a truly horrible Junior High school career, in which I occupied the much-loathed lowest rung in a social hierarchy I didn’t want to be a part of. (How it sickens me when adults say, “everyone wants to fit in!” I didn’t want to fit in, I wanted to GET OUT.) That may be why I read the hundreds of very kind “Happy Birthday” messages on my Facebook page Tuesday with some cognitive dissonance. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to accept the identity of “popular.”",
"comicstrip:transcript": [
"comicstrip:order": 1,
"comicstrip:panel": 1,
"comicstrip:character": "eunice",
"comicstrip:text": "Everyone hates me!"
"comicstrip:order": 2,
"comicstrip:panel": 2,
"comicstrip:character": "mimi",
"comicstrip:text": "Everyone loves you"
"comicstrip:order": 3,
"comicstrip:panel": 3,
"comicstrip:character": "mimi",
"comicstrip:text": "They just don't know it yet."
"@type": "comicstrip:ComicStripPanel",
"comicstrip:series": "dokk:mimi_and_eunice",
"comicstrip:number": "317",
"blob:at": {
"@id": "file:/images/mimi_and_eunice/317.png",
"blob:primary_source": "https://mimiandeunice.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/ME_317_JrHigh.png",
"blob:retrieval_date": "2023-05-29"