SHELL = /bin/bash REPOSITORY = check_env_vars: ifdef OUTPUT_PATH OUTPUT_PATH := ${OUTPUT_PATH}/searxng else $(error OUTPUT_PATH is undefined) endif repository: git clone ${REPOSITORY} repository # This repo doesn't use tags for releases, therefore we checkout specific commits. # The date is the commit's date. # Also, they're using a very complex build system. For this reason we run their Makefile # which creates its own Python virtual environment # # Requires a few packages in order to compile: # - texlive-full # - curl 2023-12-11-8a4104b9: check_env_vars repository # By default, the Makefile will use "sphinx-build -b html" # For generating "dirhtml" output, change the flag inside utils/ # Unfortunately the build script is too complex and this is the simplest solution. # Extract commit hash commit_hash=$@ commit_hash=$${commit_hash:11} mkdir --parents "${OUTPUT_PATH}" cd repository git checkout $${commit_hash} make docs.clean docs.html cp --recursive dist/docs/ "${OUTPUT_PATH}/$@" .ONESHELL: .SUFFIXES: .PHONY: .DELETE_ON_ERROR: