# This file is made available under the CC0 license

prefix : <dokk:library:>
prefix license: <dokk:license:>

    :title "Pro Git" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0 ;
    :type "book" ;
    :author "Scott Chacon", "Ben Straub" ;
    :repo "https://github.com/progit/progit2" ;
    :site "https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2" .

    :title "Discrete Mathematics. An Open Introduction, 3rd edition" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :type "book" ;
    :author "Oscar Levin" ;
    :isbn13 "978-1792901690" ;
    :repo "https://github.com/oscarlevin/discrete-book" ;
    :site "https://discrete.openmathbooks.org/dmoi3.html" .

    :title "Basic Algebra With Applications" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0, license:GPL-3.0-or-later ;
    :type "book" ;
    :author "Ivan G. Zaigralin" ;
    :repo "https://git.albertleadata.org/melikamp/basic-algebra" ;
    :site "http://melikamp.com/basic-algebra.shtml" .

    :title "What is Creative Commons" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Creative Commons" .

    :title "Creative Commons informational flyer" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Creative Commons" .

    :title "Creative Commons - handout" ;
    :type "cheat sheet" ;
    :license license:CC0-1.0 .

    :title "Creative Commons for Educators and Librarians" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :site "https://certificates.creativecommons.org/about/certificate-resources-cc-by/" ;
    :author "American Library Association",
            "Creative Commons".

    :title "Creative commons licensing for public sector information - Opportunities and pitfalls" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-ND-3.0 ;
    :author "Mireille van Eechoud",
            "Brenda van der Wal" .

    :title "ccREL: The Creative Commons Rights Expression Language" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Hal Abelson", "Ben Adida", "Mike Linksvayer", "Nathan Yergler" ;
    :site "https://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/CC_REL" .

    :title "Creative Commons and the New Intermediaries" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-NC-2.5 ;
    :author "Michael W. Carroll" ;
    :site "https://digitalcommons.law.villanova.edu/wps/art34/" .

    :title "The Danger of Ebooks" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Richard M. Stallman" .

    :title "Creative Commons licenses: options for Canadian open data providers" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Kent Mewhort" .

    :title "Park Design Informed by Stated Preference Choice: Integrating User Perspectives into the Development of an Off-Road Vehicle Park in Michigan" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Dan McCole", "Tatiana A. Iretskaia", "Elizabeth E. Perry", "Jungho Suh", "John Noyes" .

    :title "User’s perspective of landscape existence in healthcare buildings" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Asmaa Ramadan Elantary", "Alanoud Alansari", "Asma Alawirdhi" .

    :title "The Evidence-Based Management Guide" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Scrum.org" ;
    :site "https://www.scrum.org/resources/evidence-based-management-guide" .

    :title "An economic perspective on data and platform market power" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Bertin Martens" .

    :title "6 Creative Commons Licenses: The User’s Perspective" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 .

    :title "Creative Commons - Quick Reference Guide" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "University of Idaho" .

    :title "Open access monographs and Creative Commons" ;
    :license license:CC-BY ;
    :author "Michael Carroll", "Meredith Jacob" .

    :title "Creative Commons Licenses" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Max Planck Institut Library" .

    :title "Creative Commons" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "merlot.org" .

    :title "Some Rights Reserved - Creative Commons in Education" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Rion Huffman", "Marisa Windisch" .

    :title "Creative Commons Licenses Explained" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "eCampusOntario" .

    :title "Creative Commons License Flowchart" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 .

    :title "How to attribute Creative Commons licensed materials - For Teachers and Students" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation", "National Copyright Unit Australia", "Creative Commons Australia" .

    :title "free to learn" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Hal Plotkin" .

    :title "Creative Commons IP management practice" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Government of Western Australia" .

    :title "Made With Creative Commons" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Paul Stacey", "Sarah Hinchliff Pearson" .

    :title "Microkernels in a Bit More Depth" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Gernot Heiser" .

    :title "SPDX Specification 1.0" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Linux Foundation" .

    :title "Installing applications on Linux" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Seth Kenlon", "Chris Hermansen", "Patrick H. Mullins" .

    :title "Open Content - A Practical Guide to Using Creative Commons Licences" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Dr. Till Kreutzer" ;
    :site "https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Open_Content_-_A_Practical_Guide_to_Using_Creative_Commons_Licences" .

    :title "License compliance for embedded Linux devices with Buildroot" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Luca Ceresoli" .

    :title "Containers and Pods 101" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Daniel J Walsh", "Seth Kenlon", "Chris Collins", "Nived Velayudhan" .

    :title "Installing and Using the Windows Subsystem for Linux" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Owen Kunhardt" .

    :title "Just what is \"Open Source\"? (and why should I care)" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Jim Jagielski" .

    :title "Free and Open Source Licenses, Software Development, and Distribution" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "Stephen Walli" .

    :title "Safer Linux Kernel Modules Using the D Programming Language" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Constantin Eduard Staniloiu", "Alexandru Militaru", "Razvan Nitu", "Razvan Deaconescu" .

    :title "Using Buildroot for building Embedded Linux Systems on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Sergio Esquembri" .

    :title "Building MapGuide on Linux" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-2.5 ;
    :author "Autodesk Inc." .

    :title "The Automotive Grade Linux Software Defined Connected Car Architecture" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "The Linux Foundation" .

    :title "Securing Linux Containers" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Major Hayden" .

    :title "Security Accelerator Low Level Driver - User Guide" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-ND-3.0 ;
    :author "Texas Instruments Inc." .

    :title "Gentoo Linux for Neuroscience - a replicable, flexible, scalable, rolling-release environment that provides direct access to development software" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Horea-Ioan Ioanas", "Bechara John Saab", "Markus Rudin" .

    :title "Advancing Open Source Safety-Critical Systems" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Shuah Khan" .

    :title "How to avoid writing device drivers for embedded Linux" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "2net Ltd." .

    :title "Software Freedom Day 2013" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Michael Dorrington" .

    :title "Creative Commons" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Gwen Franck" .

    :title "Creative Commons and OER in 30 minutes" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Anita Walz" ;
    :site "https://vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/handle/10919/78393" .

    :title "Ode to Creative Commons" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Timmy Barnett" .

    :title "Creative Commons -­‐ terms and licences" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Murdoch University" .

    :title "Serious Games in Cultural Heritage" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Eike Falk Anderson", "Leigh McLoughlin", "Fotis Liarokapis", "Christopher Peters", "Panagiotis Petridis", "Sara de Freitas" .

    :title "Copyright in the time of COVID-19: an Australian perspective" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Amanda Bellenger", "Helen Balfour" .

    :title "Delivering unit readings and other learning materials 2018" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Murdoch University" .

    :title "Open Licensing: Introduction to Creative Commons Licenses" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Christine Davidian", "Bret McCandless", "Shilpa Rele" .

    :title "Anatomy of a Creative Commons (CC) license" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Janice Florent" .

    :title "Defining \"Noncommercial\" - A study of how the online population understands \"noncommercial use\"" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Netpop Research LLC" ;
    :site "https://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/Defining_Noncommercial" .

    :title "Enhancing a Theory-Focused Course Through the Introduction of Automatically Assessed Programming Exercises – Lessons Learned" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Marcus Soll", "Louis Kobras", "Melf Johannsen", "Chris Biemann" .

    :title "The live coding of slub - Art oriented programming as media critique" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "Christian Ulrik Andersen" .

    :title "GNU Emacs Manual" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-or-later ;
    :isbn13 "978-0-9831592-8-5" ;
    :site "https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/emacs.html" .

    :title "GNU Emacs Reference Card" ;
    :license license:GPL-3.0-or-later ;
    :type "cheat sheet" ;
    :site "https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/refcards" .

    :title "Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman, 3rd edition" ;
    :isbn13 "978-0-9831592-5-4" ;
    :site "https://shop.fsf.org/books-docs/free-software-free-society-selected-essays-richard-m-stallman-3rd-edition" .

    :title "Operating Systems and Middleware:Supporting Controlled Interaction" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :type "book" ;
    :author "Max Hailperin", "Gustavus Adolphus College" ;
    :repo "https://github.com/Max-Hailperin/Operating-Systems-and-Middleware--Supporting-Controlled-Interaction" ;
    :site "https://gustavus.edu/mcs/max/os-book/" .

    :title "Programming Persistent Memory. A Comprehensive Guide for Developers" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :type "book" ;
    :isbn13 "978-1-4842-4932-1" ;
    :author "Steve Scargall" ;
    :site "https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4842-4932-1" .

    :title "Python 3 Cheat Sheet" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :type "cheat sheet" ;
    :author "Laurent Pointal" ;
    :site "https://perso.limsi.fr/pointal/python:memento" .

    :title "Pylira: deconvolution of images in the presence of Poisson noise" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Axel Donath", "Aneta Siemiginowska", "Vinay Kashyap", "Douglas Burke", "Karthik Reddy Solipuram", "David van Dyk" .

    :title "Wine Cup with a Boy Holding a Lyre" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "J. Paul Getty Trust" .

    :title "Python Jump Start" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Bob Brown" .

    :title "Installing Python on Windows" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Owen Kunhardt" .

    :title "Red Hat Virtualization 4.4 Python SDK Guide" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Red Hat Inc." .

    :title "Cheat Sheet: Writing Python 2-3 compatible code" ;
    :license license:CC-BY ;
    :author "Ed Schofield" .

    :title "Proceedings of the 21st Python in Science Conference" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :issn "2575-9752" ;
    :author "Meghann Agarwal", "Chris Calloway", "Dillon Niederhut", "David Shupe" .

    :title "Declare4Py: A Python Library for Declarative Process Mining" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Ivan Donadello", "Francesco Riva", "Fabrizio Maria Maggi", "Aladdin Shikhizada" .

    :title "Cellular Automata Musification Using Python and Magenta" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Austin Franklin" .

    :title "Debian Packaging Tutorial" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :type "presentation" ;
    :author "Lucas Nussbaum" .

    :title "Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project, 2nd Edition" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :type "book" ;
    :author "Karl Fogel" ;
    :repo "https://svn.red-bean.com/repos/producingoss/trunk/" ;
    :site "https://producingoss.com" .

    :title "The many branches of the Fediverse" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :type "cheat sheet" ;
    :author "Per Axbom" ;
    :site "https://axbom.com/fediverse/" .

    :title "Email Self-Defense" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :type "cheat sheet" ;
    :site "https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/en/infographic.html" .

    :title "Creative Commons Integration With Your Website" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Creative Commons" .

    :title "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - Second Edition" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Harold Abelson", "Gerald Jay Sussman", "Julie Sussman" .

    :title "JSExplain: a Double Debugger for JavaScript" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Arthur Charguéraud", "Alan Schmitt", "Thomas Wood" .

    :title "Optimization Coaching for JavaScript" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Vincent St-Amour", "Shu-yu Guo" .

    :title "Zero-JavaScript Stateful User Interface Framework" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Matthew Steven Frisbie" .

    :title "GNU LibreJS for version 7.21" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-or-later ;
    :author "Loic J. Duros", "Yuchen Pei" .

    :title "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: An Empirical Study of Implicit Type Conversions in JavaScript" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Michael Pradel", "Koushik Sen" .

    :title "Adaptive Context-sensitive Analysis for JavaScript" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Shiyi Wei", "Barbara G. Ryder" .

    :title "VoxLens: Making Online Data Visualizations Accessible with an Interactive JavaScript Plug-In" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Ather Sharif", "Olivia H. Wang", "Alida T. Muongchan", "Katharina Reinecke", "Jacob O. Wobbrock" .

    :title "JavaScript Programs Obfuscation Detection Method that Uses Artificial Neural Network with Attention Mechanism" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Grigory Ponomarenko", "Petr Klyucharev" .

    :title "Red Hat AMQ 7.3 - Using the AMQ JavaScript Client - For Use with AMQ Clients 2.4" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Red Hat Inc." .

    :title "Fission: Secure Dynamic Code-Splitting for JavaScript" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Arjun Guha", "Jean-Baptiste Jeannin", "Rachit Nigam", "Rian Shambaugh", "Jane Tangen" .

    :title "Which language(s) are best? (For Web Development)" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Jackson Stone" .

    :title "Value Partitioning: A Lightweight Approach to Relational Static Analysis for JavaScript" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Benjamin Barslev Nielsen", "Anders Møller" .

    :title "SCORM 2.0: Break it up, make it easier, and encourage accessibility." ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Philip Hutchison" .

    :title "Transparent Object Proxies for JavaScript" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Matthias Keil", "Sankha Narayan Guria", "Andreas Schlegel", "Manuel Geffken", "Peter Thiemann" .

    :title "Sorting visualizer using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Datta Sai Akash Patchipulusu", "Dr. A. Vijay Kumar" .

    :title "J-Force: Forced Execution on JavaScript" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Kyungtae Kim", "I Luk Kim", "Chung Hwan Kim", "Yonghwi Kwon", "Yunhui Zheng", "Xiangyu Zhang", "Dongyan Xu" .

    :title "essential.js: a JavaScript library for music and audio analysis on the web" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Albin Correya", "Dmitry Bogdanov", "Luis Joglar-Ongay", "Xavier Serra" .

    :title "Alfresco Developer: Intro to the Web Script Framework" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-2.5 ;
    :author "Jeff Potts" .

    :title "Client Insourcing: Bringing Ops In-House for Seamless Re-engineering of Full-Stack JavaScript Applications" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Kijin An", "Eli Tilevich" .

    :title "256-Byte Creative Programs" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Sofian Audry", "Angela Chang", "Chris Kerich", "Milton Läufer", "Nick Montfort" .

    :title "JavaScript: The First 20 Years" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Allen Wirfs-Brock", "Brendan Eich" .

    :title "Trees, Binary Search Trees, Heaps & Applications" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Dr. Chris Bourke" .

    :title "Computer Science I [draft 2020/11/12]" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Dr. Chris Bourke" .

    :title "Computer Science II [draft 2019/08/15]" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Dr. Chris Bourke" .

    :title "Computer Science III" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Dr. Chris Bourke" .

    :title "A Stepper for a Functional JavaScript Sublanguage" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Martin Henz", "Thomas Tan", "Zachary Chua", "Peter Jung", "Yee-Jian Tan", "Xinyi Zhang", "Jingjing Zhao" .

    :title "The most common DOM methods at a glance" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Christian Heilmann" .

    :title "GUIX system and Libreboot" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Raghav Gururajan" .

    :title "Exorcismo de BIOS Privativas" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Alexandre Oliva" .

    :title "Exorcismo de BIOS Privativas" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Alexandre Oliva" .

    :title "coreboot - the free firmware" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Beijing GNU/Linux User Group" .

    :title "LibreRVAC: free firmware for robotic vacuum cleaners" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev" .

    :title "Measuring the Evolving Internet in the Cloud Computing Era: Infrastructure, Connectivity, and Performance" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Bahador Yeganeh" .

    :title "Report on the use of Free and Open Source Software in the OpenStreetMap Foundation" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Felix Delattre", "Danijel Schorlemmer", "Enock Seth Nyamador", "Tobias Knerr" .

    :title "Hosting your own DNS for fun and zero profit" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Kevin P. Fleming" .

    :title "Discovering the Landscape of Decentralized Online Social Networks through Mastodon" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Lucio La Cava", "Sergio Greco", "Andrea Tagarelli" .

    :title "Using federated social networks for efficiently distributing CVE information" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Armijn Hemel" .

    :title "Federated and decentralized metadata system." ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Philippe Ombredanne" .

    :title "Weighted directed clustering: Interpretations and requirements for heterogeneous, inferred, and measured networks" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Tanguy Fardet", "Anna Levina" .

    :title "The Internet, Big Data & Platforms" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Nils-Eyk Zimmermann" .

    :title "Community Rules" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Media Enterprise Design Lab" .

    :title "An Open Letter from the Mastodon Community" ;
    :license license:CC0-1.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Guarding and Rescuing the FSF Titanic" ;
    :license license:CC0-1.0 ;
    :author "Free Media Alliance" .

    :title "Adopting Agile Technology in Learning C Programming" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Amreen Kausar Gorvankolla", "Navya R", "Smitha G.R" .

    :title "EasyCoding – Methodology to Support Programming Learning" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Marcela Viana P. Almeida", "Luís M. Alves", "Maria João Varanda Pereira", "Glívia Angélica R. Barbosa" .

    :title "Source code" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Roberto Di Cosmo" .

    :title "Real-time realizations of a simple programming environment" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA ;
    :author "Miller Puckette" .

    :title "So You Think You Know C?" ;
    :license license:CC0-1.0 ;
    :author "Oleksandr Kaleniuk" .

    :title "Modular Electronics Learning (ModEL) project" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Tony R. Kuphaldt" .

    :title "Comparative study of C, Objective C, C++ programming language" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Surbhi Gupta", "Puneet Bhalla" .

    :title "Improve type generic programming - proposal for C23" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Jens Gustedt" .

    :title "CUDA Programming" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Moreno Marzolla" .

    :title "A Simulation Study for Waiting Line Systems by C Programming" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Ozer Ozdemir" .

    :title "Looking at Algorithm Visualization through the Eyes of Pre-service ICT Teachers" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Fatih Saltan" .

    :title "The Argo software perspective. A multicore programming exercise." ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Rasmus Bo Sørensen" .

    :title "Automated Code Tracing Exercises for CS1" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Seán Russell" .

    :title "Programming Fundamentals - A Modular Structured Approach using C++" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.0 ;
    :author "Kenneth Leroy Busbee" .

    :title "Einführung in die Numerik" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Dr. Ole Klein" .

    :title "Modern C++ Programming Techniques for Scientific Computing" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Dr. Ole Klein" .

    :title "Restore Online Freedom!" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :type "presentation" ;
    :author "Mike Gerwitz" ;
    :site "https://gitlab.com/mikegerwitz/online-freedom" .

    :title "Always Bootable Operating System" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "HP INC" ;
    :site "https://www.tdcommons.org/dpubs_series/4490/" .

    :title "Comparative Research on Recent Trends, Designs, and Functionalities of Various Operating Systems" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Roshni Thangavel", "Ankita Maiti", "Karen Pinto", "Prof. Tamil Priya D" .

    :title "Malware Detection and Tracer Approach for Operating System" ;
    :license license:CC-BY ;
    :author "Dokuparthi Prasanthi", "V. Rama Krishna" .

    :title "Data Parallel C++: Mastering DPC++ for Programming of Heterogeneous Systems using C++ and SYCL" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "James Reinders", "Ben Ashbaugh", "James Brodman", "Michael Kinsner", "John Pennycook", "Xinmin Tian" .

    :title "Web - Based Game Development Proposal" ;
    :license license:CC-BY ;
    :author "Shahbaj Ahmad" .

    :title "Game Development with Optical Illusion and Artificial Intelligence" ;
    :license license:CC-BY ;
    :author "Snehal Waykole", "Dr. K. Deepa Tilak Ma’am" .

    :title "Entrepreneurial Education Based on Physical Computing and Game Development" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Christian Voigt", "Elisabeth Unterfrauner", "Margit Hofer" .

    :title "Opportunities for Approachable Game Development via Program Synthesis" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Max Kreminski", "Michael Mateas" .

    :title "The growth of the gaming industry in the context of creative industries" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Piotr Rykała" .

    :title "A Game of Dark Paterns: Designing Healthy, Highly-Engaging Mobile Games" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Jacob Aagaard", "Per Bækgaard", "Miria Emma Clausen Knudsen", "Kevin Doherty" .

    :title "ResistanceSim: development and acceptability study of a serious game to improve understanding of insecticide resistance management in vector control programmes" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Edward K. Thomsen", "Charlotte Hemingway", "Andy South", "Kirsten A. Duda", "Claire Dormann", "Robert Farmer", "Michael Coleman", "Marlize Coleman" .

    :title "The Data-Oriented Design Process for Game Development" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Jessica D. Bayliss" .

    :title "Harassment of game makers: Prevalence and impact" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Rachel Kowert", "Eve Crevoshay" ;
    :site "https://f1000research.com/articles/11-1518/v2" .

    :title "Python 3 Cheat Sheet" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Laurent Pointal" .

    :title "Python Jump Start" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Bob Brown" .

    :title "Python for Web Development: A brief Introduction" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0, license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Josef Wachtler" .

    :title "Integrating a Graph Builder into Python Tutor" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Diogo Soares", "Maria João Varanda Pereira", "Pedro Rangel Henriques" .

    :title "20 Years of KDE: Past, Present and Future" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Sandro Andrade", "Sanjiban Bairagya", "Pradeepto Bhattacharya", "Mirko Boehm", "Scarlett Clark", "Ben Cooksley", "Andreas Cord-Landwehr", "Matthias Ettrich", "David Faure", "Mario Fux", "Tim- oth ́ee Giet", "Frederik Gladhorn", "Martin Gr ̈aßlin", "Boudhayan Gupta", "Dani Guti ́errez Porset", "Vishesh Handa", "Riccardo Iaconelli", "Volker Krause", "Sebastian K ̈ugler", "Sinny Kumari", "Antonio Larrosa", "Richard J. Moore", "David Narv ́aez", "Baltasar Ortega", "K ́evin Ottens", "Thomas Pfeiffer", "Nuno Pinheiro", "Lydia Pintscher", "Aleix Pol i Gonz`alez", "Jens Reuterberg", "Cornelius Schumacher", "Bhushan Shah", "Yash Shah", "Aracele Torres", "Albert Vaca", "Sune Vuorela", "Franklin Weng", "Valorie Zimmerman" .

    :title "Forensic face recognition based on KDE and evidence theory" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Wen Xiao" .

    :title "KDE SC 4" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Creative Commons Newsletter No.1" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Creative Commons Newsletter No.2" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Creative Commons Newsletter No.3" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Creative Commons Newsletter No.4" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Creative Commons Newsletter No.5" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Creative Commons Newsletter No.6" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Creative Commons Newsletter No.7" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Creative Commons Newsletter No.8" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Creative Commons Newsletter No.9" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Creative Commons Newsletter No.10" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Creative Commons Newsletter No.11" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Creative Commons Newsletter No.12" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Creative Commons Newsletter No.13" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Creative Commons Newsletter No.14" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Creative Commons Newsletter No.15" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Creative Commons Newsletter No.16" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Creative Commons Newsletter No.17" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "GNOme – Glycan Naming and Subsumption Ontology" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Wenjin Zhang", "Nathan J. Edwards" .

    :title "Cultivating Creative Commons: From Creative Regulation to Regulatory Commons" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.0 ;
    :author "Prodromos Tsiavos" .

    :title "OLPC Software Roadmap" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Xubuntu Documentation" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-2.5 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "AppStream - Description for all distros" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Igor Gnatenko" .

    :title "Wikimedia Commons" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Wikimedia Deutschland" .

    :title "Integrating LibreOffice with Gnome Documents" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Markus Mohrhard", "Pranav Kant" .

    :title "Arch Linux Magazine Issue #1" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Stand Up for the GNU GPL!" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Karen M. Sandler" .

    :title "The Laughing Giant’s Secret" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Matthew W. Schmeer" .

    :title "Lazzer Bears!?! For teh win: an unsuitable adventure for characters of any level" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Matthew W. Schmeer" .

    :title "The Wizard in the Woods is Up to Something (Maybe)" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Matthew W. Schmeer" .

    :title "Dungeons & Dragons Systems Reference Document v5.1" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Wizards of the Coast LLC" ;
    :site "https://dnd.wizards.com/resources/systems-reference-document" .

    :title "Quick Start Guide for the Librem laptops" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Purism SPC." .

    :title "Governance of Massive Multiauthor Collaboration" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Dan Wielsch" .

    :title "The GNOME3 Desktop and You" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Guido Günther" .

    :title "Set up and use mobile hotspots" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Lars Thoms" .

    :title "Kinesynth: Patching, Modulating, and Mixing a Hybrid Kinesthetic Synthesizer" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Don Derek Haddad", "Joseph A. Paradiso" .

    :title "Bureau 3D sous Linux avec Gnome et Xgl" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA ;
    :author "Erwan Leherisse", "Christophe Hauser" .

    :title "Modal FRP for all: Functional reactive programming without space leaks in Haskell" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Patrick Bahr" .

    :title "Following the Grammar with Haskell" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.0 ;
    :author "Gary T. Leavens" .

    :title "Persistent Software Transactional Memory in Haskell" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Nicolas Krauter", "Patrick Raaf", "Peter Braam", "Reza Salkhordeh", "Sebastian Erdweg", "André Brinkmann" .

    :title "Overcoming Non Distributivity: A Case Study in Functional Programming" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Juan Carlos Saenz-Carrasco", "Mike Stannett" ;
    :site "https://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/sjt/TFPIE2017/TFPIE_2017/" .

    :title "Enhancing the Learning Experience on Programming-focused Courses via Electronic Assessment Tools (Extended Abstract)" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Hans-Wolfgang Loidl", "Phil Barker", "Sanusi S. Usman" ;
    :site "https://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/sjt/TFPIE2017/TFPIE_2017/" .

    :title "Using Elm to Introduce Algebraic Thinking to K-8 Students" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Curtis d’Alves", "Tanya Bouman", "Christopher Schankula", "Jenell Hogg", "Levin Noronha", "Emily Horsman", "Rumsha Siddiqui", "Christopher Kumar Anand" ;
    :site "https://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/sjt/TFPIE2017/TFPIE_2017/" .

    :title "Functional Baby Talk: Analysis of Code Fragments from Novice Haskell Programmers" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Jeremy Singer", "Blair Archibald" ;
    :site "https://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/sjt/TFPIE2017/TFPIE_2017/" .

    :title "Teaching Erlang through the Internet: An experience report" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Stephen Adams" ;
    :site "https://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/sjt/TFPIE2017/TFPIE_2017/" .

    :title "Law and Technology in the US Law School Industry" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Jessica L. H. Fish", "John D. Haskell" .

    :title "Relativistic Programming in Haskell" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Ted Cooper", "Jonathan Walpole" .

    :title "Dependently Typed Haskell in Industry (Experience Report)" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "David Thrane Christiansen", "Iavor S. Diatchki", "Robert Dockins", "Joe Hendrix", "Tristan Ravitch" .

    :title "Haskell for OCaml programmers" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Raphael ‘kena’ Poss" ;
    :site "https://dr-knz.net/haskell-for-ocaml-programmers.html" .

    :title "Basic Haskell Cheat Sheet" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 , license:GFDL-1.3-or-later ;
    :author "Rudy Matela" .

    :title "Application Patterns in Functional Languages" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-2.0 ;
    :author "Nikolaas N. Oosterhof" .

    :title "HLola: a Very Functional Tool for Extensible Stream Runtime Verification" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Felipe Gorostiaga", "César Sánchez" .

    :title "The Idris Tutorial v1.3.3" ;
    :license license:CC0-1.0 ;
    :author "" .

    :title "Markedly - A cartographic approach for mapping eDSL implementation costs" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Matthew P. Ahrens", "Karl Cronburg", "Jeanne-Marie Musca" .

    :title "Verifying Replicated Data Types with Typeclass Refinements in Liquid Haskell" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Yiyun Liu", "James Parker", "Patrick Redmond", "Lindsey Kuper", "Michael Hicks", "Niki Vazou" .

    :title "Data types as quotients of polynomial functors" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Jeremy Avigad", "Mario Carneiro", "Simon Hudon" .

    :title "Logic for exact real arithmetic" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Helmut Schwichtenberg", "Franziskus Wiesnet" .

    :title "Principles of Programming Languages (H)" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Matteo Pradella" .

    :title "Tom Phillips's illustrations for the folio edition of Waiting For Godot" ;
    :license license:CC-BY ;
    :author "Claudia Parra", "Peter James Harris" .

    :title "Are we “Waiting for Godot”- A Metaphor for Covid-19" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "James J. James" .

    :title "An Application of ASP for Procedural Content Generation in Video Games" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Andrea De Seta", "Mario Alviano" .

    :title "Creative Commons: Digital Rights Description - Dublin Core 2003 Tutorial" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-1.0 ;
    :author "Mike Linksvayer" .

    :title "Creative Commons Licenses Legal Pitfalls: Incompatibilities and Solutions" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Melanie Dulong de Rosnay" .

    :title "Triage Training System (TTS)" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "David Dorhout" .

    :title "ELEV-8 v3 Quadcopter Boom Assembly" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Parallax Incorporated" .

    :title "ELEV-8 v3 Quadcopter Chassis Assembly" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Parallax Incorporated" .

    :title "ELEV-8 v3 Quadcopter Isolation Assembly" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Parallax Incorporated" .

    :title "Scribbler 3 Robot Pen Lifter Template" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Parallax Incorporated" .

    :title "Breadboard Arduino Compatible Assembly Guide" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "SparkFun" .

    :title "Habitat-based predictive mapping of rockfish density and biomass off the central California coast" ;
    :license license:CC-BY ;
    :author "Lisa Wedding", "Mary M. Yoklavich" .

    :title "The System for Finding the Least Resource-Intensive Path in Two- or Three-Dimensional Space Using Machine Learning" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Vadim Kholoshnia", "Elena Boldyreva" .

    :title "Does the Intel Xeon Phi processor fit HEP workloads?" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "A Nowak", "G Bitzes", "A Dotti", "A Lazzaro", "S Jarp", "P Szostek", "L Valsan", "M Botezatu", "J Leduc" .

    :title "Nonlinear Wave Simulation on the Xeon Phi Knights Landing Processor" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Ivan Hristov", "Goran Goranov", "Radoslava Hristova" .

    :title "Complications for Computational Experiments from Modern Processors" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Johannes K. Fichte", "Markus Hecher", "Ciaran McCreesh", "Anas Shahab" .

    :title "Performance of the AMS Offline Software at National Energy Research Scientific Computing Centre and Argonne Leadership Computing Facility" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Vitali Choutko", "Alexander Egorov", "Alexandre Eline", "Baosong Shan" .

    :title "Towards Generating Labeled Property Graphs for Comprehending C#-based Software Projects" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "David Heidrich", "Andreas Schreiber", "Sebastian Oberdörfer" .

    :title "Construing time as blank signs in Waiting for Godot" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Xuejiao Lin" .

    :title "Cultural appropriation: Brazilian stage productions of Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot" ;
    :license license:CC-BY ;
    :author "Anna Stegh Camati" .

    :title "A Survey of Estonian Video Game Industry Needs" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Raimond-Hendrik Tunnel", "Ulrich Norbisrath" .

    :title "Exploring Help Facilities in Game-Making Software" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Dominic Kao" .

    :title "Developing a simulator of a mobile indoor navigation application as a tool for cartographic research" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Jakub Łobodecki", "Dariusz Gotlib" .

    :title "Guide to using public domain tools" ;
    :license license:CC0-1.0 ;
    :author "Creative Commons" .

    :title "Creative Commons Style Guide 2019" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Victoria Heath" .

    :title "La battaglia per l’open (di M. Weller)" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Martin Weller", "Simone Aliprandi" .

    :title "Didatticaduepuntozero" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Alberto Panzarasa" .

    :title "Fare Open Access" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Simone Aliprandi" .

    :title "Il fenomeno open data" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 , license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Simone Aliprandi" .

    :title "Capire il copyright" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Simone Aliprandi" .

    :title "Creative Commons: a user guide" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Simone Aliprandi" .

    :title "Apriti standard!" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-2.5 ;
    :author "Simone Aliprandi" .

    :title "Il Free and Open Source software nell’ordinamento italiano: principali problematiche giuridiche" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Simone Aliprandi", "Carlo Piana" .

    :title "Applied Calculus" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Shana Calaway", "Dale Hoffman", "David Lippman" .

    :title "A First Course in Linear Algebra (Version 3.50)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Robert A. Beezer" .

    :title "Exercise and Solution Manual for A First Course in Linear Algebra" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Robert A. Beezer" .

    :title "Sage Primer for Linear Algebra - A First Course in Linear Algebra" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Robert A. Beezer" .

    :title "Flashcard Supplement to A First Course in Linear Algebra" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Robert A. Beezer" .

    :title "Active Calculus" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Matthew Boelkins", "David Austin", "Steven Schlicker" .

    :title "Special values of trigonometric functions" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Dara Adib" .

    :title "Math Trigonometry Review" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Dara Adib" .

    :title "Math Precalculus (12H/4H) Review" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Dara Adib" .

    :title "Math Calculus Review" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Dara Adib" .

    :title "Abstract Algebra (Annual Edition 2022)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Thomas W. Judson" .

    :title "Abstract Algebra (Annual Edition 2021)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Thomas W. Judson" .

    :title "Abstract Algebra (Annual Edition 2020)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Thomas W. Judson" .

    :title "Abstract Algebra (Annual Edition 2019)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Thomas W. Judson" .

    :title "Abstract Algebra (Annual Edition 2018)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Thomas W. Judson" .

    :title "Abstract Algebra (Annual Edition 2017)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Thomas W. Judson" .

    :title "Abstract Algebra (Annual Edition 2016)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Thomas W. Judson" .

    :title "Abstract Algebra (Annual Edition 2015)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Thomas W. Judson" .

    :title "Abstract Algebra (Annual Edition 2014)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Thomas W. Judson" .

    :title "Abstract Algebra (Annual Edition 2013)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Thomas W. Judson" .

    :title "Abstract Algebra (Annual Edition 2012)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Thomas W. Judson" .

    :title "Abstract Algebra (Annual Edition 2011)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Thomas W. Judson" .

    :title "Abstract Algebra (Annual Edition 2010)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Thomas W. Judson" .

    :title "Abstract Algebra (Annual Edition 2009)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Thomas W. Judson" .

    :title "How Fast Do Algorithms Improve?" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Yash Sherry", "Neil C. Thompson" .

    :title "Auditing for Discrimination in Algorithms Delivering Job Ads" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Basileal Imana", "Aleksandra Korolova", "John Heidemann" .

    :title "A simple proof for Imnang’s algorithms" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Ebrahim Soori", "Donal O’Regan", "Ravi P. Agarwal" .

    :title "What is an Algorithms Course? Survey Results of Introductory Undergraduate Algorithms Courses in the U.S." ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Michael Luu", "Matthew Ferland", "Varun Nagaraj Rao", "Arushi Arora", "Randy Huynh", "Frederick Reiber", "Jennifer Wong-Ma", "Michael Shindler" .

    :title "High-Performance Optimization of Algorithms Used in the BM@N Experiment of the NICA Project" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Sergei Merts", "Sergei Nemnyugin", "Vladimir Roudnev", "Margarita Stepanova" .

    :title "On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big?" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Emily M. Bender", "Angelina McMillan-Major", "Timnit Gebru", "Shmargaret Shmitchell" .

    :title "Fair Use Checklist" ;
    :license license:CC-BY ;
    :author "Kenneth D. Crews", "Dwayne K. Buttler" ;
    :site "https://copyright.columbia.edu/basics/fair-use/fair-use-checklist.html" .

    :title "Fair Use Checklist for Indiana University" ;
    :license license:CC-BY .

    :title "Introduction to Programming Using Java Version 4.1" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.1-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "David J. Eck" ;
    :site "https://math.hws.edu/eck/cs124/javanotes4/" .

    :title "Introduction to Programming Using Java Version 3.1" ;
    :license license:OPUBL-1.0 ;
    :author "David J. Eck" ;
    :site "https://math.hws.edu/eck/cs124/javanotes3/" .

    :title "Introduction to Programming Using Java" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-2.5 ;
    :author "David J. Eck" ;
    :site "https://math.hws.edu/eck/cs124/javanotes5/" .

    :title "An Introduction to Programming and Software Development using Java" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-2.5 ;
    :author "Eric C. McCreath" .

    :title "Study Guide - CMPT 120 D1 (Burnaby) Summer 2011" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-2.5 ;
    :author "Greg Baker" ;
    :site "https://www2.cs.sfu.ca/CourseCentral/120/ggbaker/guide/" .

    :title "Introduction to Parallel Programming and MapReduce" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "Google" ;
    :site "http://code.google.com/edu/parallel/mapreduce-tutorial.html" .

    :title "Linux Fundamentals" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Paul Cobbaut" ;
    :site "https://linux-training.be" .

    :title "Linux System Administration" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Paul Cobbaut" ;
    :site "https://linux-training.be" .

    :title "Linux Servers" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Paul Cobbaut" ;
    :site "https://linux-training.be" .

    :title "Linux Storage" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Paul Cobbaut" ;
    :site "https://linux-training.be" .

    :title "Linux Security" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Paul Cobbaut" ;
    :site "https://linux-training.be" .

    :title "Linux Networking" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Paul Cobbaut" ;
    :site "https://linux-training.be" .

    :title "Introduction to Linux for Users and Administrators" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "tuxcademy" .

    :title "Advanced Linux - The Linux Shell and Toolkit" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "tuxcademy" .

    :title "Concise Linux - An Introduction to Linux Use and Administration" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "tuxcademy" .

    :title "Linux Administration I - System and Users" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "tuxcademy" .

    :title "Linux Administration II - Linux as a Network Client" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "tuxcademy" .

    :title "XFS Algorithms & Data Structures - 3rd Edition" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Silicon Graphics Inc." .

    :title "Introduction to Scrum - Student Guide" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Evan Leybourn" .

    :title "GNU Parted User Manual v3.4" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Free Software Foundation Inc." .

    :title "The seL4 Microkernel - An Introduction" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Gernot Heiser" .

    :title "The SELinux Notebook (4th Edition)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later , license:GPL-3.0-or-later ;
    :author "Richard Haines" .

    :title "Recent Security Enhancements in NetBSD (September 2006)" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "Elad Efrat" .

    :title "Open Data Structures (in pseudocode) Edition 0.1Gβ" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "Pat Morin" ;
    :site "https://opendatastructures.org" .

    :title "Open Data Structures (in Java) Edition 0.1G" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "Pat Morin" ;
    :site "https://opendatastructures.org" .

    :title "Open Data Structures (in C++) Edition 0.1Gβ" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "Pat Morin" ;
    :site "https://opendatastructures.org" .

    :title "Open Data Structures (in Java) Edition 0.1F" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "Pat Morin" ;
    :site "https://opendatastructures.org" .

    :title "Open Data Structures (in C++) Edition 0.1Fβ" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "Pat Morin" ;
    :site "https://opendatastructures.org" .

    :title "Open Data Structures (in Java) Edition 0.1E" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "Pat Morin" ;
    :site "https://opendatastructures.org" .

    :title "Open Data Structures (in C++) Edition 0.1Eβ" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "Pat Morin" ;
    :site "https://opendatastructures.org" .

    :title "Open Data Structures (in Java) Edition 0.1∆" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "Pat Morin" ;
    :site "https://opendatastructures.org" .

    :title "Open Data Structures (in C++) Edition 0.1∆" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "Pat Morin" ;
    :site "https://opendatastructures.org" .

    :title "Open Data Structures (in Java) Edition 0.1Γ" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "Pat Morin" ;
    :site "https://opendatastructures.org" .

    :title "Open Data Structures (in C++) Edition 0.1Γ" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "Pat Morin" ;
    :site "https://opendatastructures.org" .

    :title "Open Data Structures (in Java) Edition 0.1" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "Pat Morin" ;
    :site "https://opendatastructures.org" .

    :title "Open Data Structures (in C++) Edition 0.1β" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "Pat Morin" ;
    :site "https://opendatastructures.org" .

    :title "Algorithms" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Jeff Erickson" ;
    :site "https://jeffe.cs.illinois.edu/teaching/algorithms/" .

    :title "Introduction to Theory of Computation" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Anil Maheshwari", "Michiel Smid" ;
    :site "https://cglab.ca/~michiel/TheoryOfComputation/" .

    :title "Discrete Structures for Computer Science: Counting, Recursion, and Probability" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Michiel Smid" ;
    :site "https://cglab.ca/~michiel/DiscreteStructures/" .

    :title "Mathematics for Computer Science" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Eric Lehman", "F Thomson Leighton", "Albert R Meyer" .

    :title "Algorithmic Graph Theory and Sage (Version 0.8-r1991)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "David Joyner", "Minh Van Nguyen", "David Phillips" ;
    :site "https://code.google.com/archive/p/graphbook/" .

    :title "Algorithmic Graph Theory (Version 0.7-r1984)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "David Joyner", "Minh Van Nguyen", "Nathann Cohen" ;
    :site "https://code.google.com/archive/p/graphbook/" .

    :title "Algorithmic Graph Theory (Version 0.7-r1958)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "David Joyner", "Minh Van Nguyen", "Nathann Cohen" ;
    :site "https://code.google.com/archive/p/graphbook/" .

    :title "Algorithmic Graph Theory (Version 0.7-r1948)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "David Joyner", "Minh Van Nguyen", "Nathann Cohen" ;
    :site "https://code.google.com/archive/p/graphbook/" .

    :title "Algorithmic Graph Theory (Version 0.7-r1946)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "David Joyner", "Minh Van Nguyen", "Nathann Cohen" ;
    :site "https://code.google.com/archive/p/graphbook/" .

    :title "Algorithmic Graph Theory (Version 0.7-r1943)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "David Joyner", "Minh Van Nguyen", "Nathann Cohen" ;
    :site "https://code.google.com/archive/p/graphbook/" .

    :title "Algorithmic Graph Theory (Version 0.7-r1939)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "David Joyner", "Minh Van Nguyen", "Nathann Cohen" ;
    :site "https://code.google.com/archive/p/graphbook/" .

    :title "Algorithmic Graph Theory (Version 0.7-r1937)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "David Joyner", "Minh Van Nguyen", "Nathann Cohen" ;
    :site "https://code.google.com/archive/p/graphbook/" .

    :title "Algorithmic Graph Theory (Version 0.7-r1931)" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "David Joyner", "Minh Van Nguyen", "Nathann Cohen" ;
    :site "https://code.google.com/archive/p/graphbook/" .

    :title "Git branching model" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA ;
    :author "Vincent Driessen" .

    :title "Manage Your Code with Git and Iceberg" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Guillermo Polito", "Stéphane Ducasse", "Allex Oliveira" .

    :title "Eclipse, Python, Git, and Vim Oh My!" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Jesse Keating" .

    :title "Hackers, software libre y anarquismo" ;
    :license license:CC-BY, license:CC-BY-SA, license:CC0-1.0 ;
    :author "Jorge Maldonado Ventura" .

    :title "mercurial cheatsheet" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA ;
    :author "Adrian Sai-wah Tam" .

    :title "PostGIS 2.1 Cheatsheet" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA .

    :title "Vimwiki 1.1.1 Quick Reference" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "T. Pospíchal" .

    :title "Choice of units in lattice Boltzmann simulations" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "Jonas Latt" .

    :title "Bausteine der Creative Commons" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Melanie Grießer" .

    :title "Old English Paradigms Cheat Sheet" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Daniel Paul O'Donnell" .

    :title "pyExcelerator/xlwt Cheatsheet" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Matt Harrison" .

    :title "LTM – Cheat-sheet" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Patrick Durusau" .

    :title "WSGI 1.0 Cheat-sheet" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.0 ;
    :author "Gustavo Narea" .

    :title "Postgresql 9.0 cheatsheet" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ;
    :author "postgresonline.com" .

    :title "EAPI Cheat Sheet Version 8.0" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Christian Faulhammer", "Ulrich Müller" .

    :title "Overleaf: write and collaborate on LATEX documents" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "UQ Library" .

    :title "Wikipedia and the Communications Professional — A primer" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "William Beutler" .

    :title "Tending the Garden: How to Ensure That App Stores Put Users First" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "John Bergmayer" .

    :title "Parallelizing Julia with a Non-Invasive DSL" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Todd A. Anderson", "Hai Liu", "Lindsey Kuper", "Ehsan Totoni", "Jan Vitek", "Tatiana Shpeisman" ;
    :site "https://2017.ecoop.org/details/ecoop-2017-papers/24/Parallelizing-Julia-with-a-Non-invasive-DSL" .

    :title "Today’s Context Demands Use of OER" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/#todayscontextdemandsOER" .

    :title "Universities cannot afford to buy in to blockchain mania (opinion)" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/#BlockchainPixieDust" .

    :title "Open Workbook of Cryptology — A project-based introduction to crypto in Python" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/#OWOC" .

    :title "Lies, Damned Lies, or Statistics: How to Tell the Truth with Statistics" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/#LDLoS" .

    :title "Yet Another Introductory Number Theory Textbook (Cryptology Emphasis Version)" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/#YAINTT" .

    :title "Why OER?" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/WORRCC/" .

    :title "Awesome Attributions and Lovely Licensing Statements: How OER Practitioners Can Use Creative Commons Licenses With Style and Substance" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/AAaLLS/" .

    :title "How many OER are there?" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/howmanyOER/" .

    :title "Choose and Use Creative Commons Licenses for Open Educational Resources" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/chooseanduseCC/" .

    :title "More OER for Free!" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/OER4Free/" .

    :title "Creative Commons Licensing, In Vitro and In Vivo" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/vitrovivo/" .

    :title "NFTs: A great way to support digital artists on the blockchain, or a nifty tool for grifters?" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/NFTs4CSUP/" .

    :title "Some Technicalitites Behind NFTs: Notes for a discussion of NFTs, Copyright, and CC Licenses" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/STBNFTs/" .

    :title "At a Distance: Articulating A Higher Ed Perspective on Remote Instruction" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/AaD/" .

    :title "Edge Cases for Adaptation and Remix Permission: An Advanced Seminar for OER Practitioners" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/ECARP/" .

    :title "The CC Certificate" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Jennryn Wetzler", "Jonathan Poritz", "Maran Wolston", "Scann", "Shanna Hollich", "Paola Corti" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/#CCC4CCGS20" .

    :title "Creative Commons Licensing and Open Educational Resources (with notes)" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/#CCnOER4WCET" .

    :title "Creative Commons Licensing and Open Educational Resources" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/#CCnOER4WCET" .

    :title "CSUP OER Minigrant Awardees Basic Info Session" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/CSUPMGinfoJul2020/" .

    :title "Open Education As The Practice of Freedom for Both Students and Faculty" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/OEasPoF4SaF/" .

    :title "Creative Commons Licensing Workshop for CCD" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/CCLWS4CCD/" .

    :title "Spring 2020 ColoMATYC Conference Open Educational Resources for Mathematics: the First 2,500 Years" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/OER4ColoMATYC/" .

    :title "The Troubling Prevalence of Apple’s Eye of Sauron at Open Education Meetings" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/#EoSOEG19" .

    :title "Getting the JITERs: Just-In-Time Educational Resources as a Mode of OER-enabled Pedagogy" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/#JITERsOct19" .

    :title "Introduction to Creative Commons Licensing: The Key to Using the 5Rs of OER with Confidence" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/I2CCLOEAW2019/index.html" .

    :title "The Legal Technology of Open: Sharing with Creative Commons Licenses" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/LToOCOLTT2019/index.html" .

    :title "Education in [Block]Chains" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/domains19/index.html" .

    :title "Creative Commons Licensing – The Key Legal Technology Enabling OER" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/CCL4COOERmay2019/index.html" .

    :title "The Best Things in Life Are Free – And That Includes Math Books" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/OER4RMSapril2019/index.html" .

    :title "Open Educational Resources: Current and Future Activities and Prospects For Pueblo, the System, and the State" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/OER4BoGFeb2019/index.html" .

    :title "Fun With Crypto – Keeping Secrets" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/FwCKS/index.html" .

    :title "Algebraic Turing Machines with Applications to Quantum Computation" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/RnWnov17/index.html" .

    :title "Digital Security HOWTO: Protect your Data, Communications, and Activities, & Painlessly Integrate Teaching Simple Security Into Classes" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/dom17/index.html" .

    :title "Copyright Cheat Sheet for Higher Education" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/copyrightcheat/index.html" .

    :title "Creative Commons Cheat Sheet for Higher Education" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/CCcheat/index.html" .

    :title "OER One-Pager for Fact2Fac, Oct 2019" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/F2F1POct19/index.html" .

    :title "CSU-Pueblo: A DOER Campus By 2028" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/CSUPDOERby2028WPP/index.html" .

    :title "CSU-Pueblo OER One-Pager for Convocation Week Exhibit Hall, Fall 2019" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Jonathan A. Poritz" ;
    :site "https://poritz.net/j/share/CSUPEHonepager2019/index.html" .

    :title "Freedom in the Commons: Towards a Political Economy of Information" ;
    :license license:CC-BY ;
    :author "Yochai Benkler" .

    :title "Connecting Labs to OPNFV Jenkins v0.1.0" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Fatih Degirmenci" .

    :title "Fedora CoreOS" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Clément Verna", "Timothée Ravier" .

    :title "Development of a plugin architecture with Docker containers" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Mogildea Cristian" .

    :title "Mnemosyne's Heretic" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Likho" .

    :title "Code v2" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-2.5 ;
    :author "Lawrence Lessig" ;
    :site "https://lessig.org/product/codev2/" .

    :title "Towards better sharing of cultural heritage — A call to action to policymakers" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Creative Commons" .

    :title "Healthy open collaboration in and beyond the software domain" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Allison Randal" .

    :title "Deconstruct the geek-speek" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.0 ;
    :author "Kerryn Mackay" .

    :title "A Cultura é Livre: Uma história da resistência antipropriedade" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Leonardo Foletto" ;
    :language "pt-BR" .

    :title "La cultura es libre: una historia de la resistencia antipropiedad" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Leonardo Foletto" ;
    :language "es-ES" ;
    :translation_of :cultura_livre_história_resistência_antipropriedade_2020_Foletto ;
    :translation_by "Jorge Maldonado Ventura" .

    :title "La kulturo estas libera: historio de la kontraÅ­proprieta rezisto" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-SA-4.0 ;
    :author "Leonardo Foletto" ;
    :language "eo" ;
    :translation_of :cultura_livre_história_resistência_antipropriedade_2020_Foletto ;
    :translation_by "Jorge Maldonado Ventura" .

    :title "Legal Protection of Copyright Items Inheritance in the Internet by Means of a Creative Commons License" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "Yelena Anatolyevna Kirillova", "Marina Vladimirovna Vasiljeva", "Yulia Aleksandrovna Krohina" .

    :title "The Platform is the Message" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Copyright for Literate Robots" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "The Virtues of Moderation" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "The Internet is a semicommons" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Spyware vs. Spyware: Software Conflicts and User Autonomy" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Speech In, Speech Out" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "How to Fix the Google Book Search Settlement" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Big Data's Other Privacy Problem" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Blockchains as infrastructure and semicommons" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Real + Imaginary = Complex: Toward a Better Property Course" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "The Google Dilemma" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "All smart contracts are ambiguous" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "SSRN Considered Harmful" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Bone Crusher 2.0: The Fourth Annual Greg Lastowka Memorial Lecture" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "D Is for Digitize: An Introduction" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Dr. Generative - Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the iPhone" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann", "Paul Ohm" .

    :title "An Invitation to Search Engine Law" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Known and unknown, property and contract: comments on Hoofnagle and Moringiello" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Objections to the Google Books Settlement and Responses in the Amended Settlement: A Report" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Google and the Zombie Army of Orphans" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "The Lawyerly Virtues" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Programming Languages and Law" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Anarchy, Status Updates, and Utopia" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "A Programming Language for Future Interests" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "Shrutarshi Basu", "Nate Foster", "James Grimmelmann", "Shan Parikh", "Ryan Richardson" .

    :title "The Structure of Search Engine Law" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Regulation by Software" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Information Policy for the Library of Babel" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Sealand, Havenco, and the rule of law" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Speech Engines" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Listeners' choices" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Virtual Borders: The Interdependence of Real and Virtual Worlds" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-2.5 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "The Google Book Search Settlement: Ends, Means, and the Future of Books" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-3.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Scholars, Teachers, and Servants" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" .

    :title "Patterns of Information Law (Version 1.0)" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" ;
    :site "https://james.grimmelmann.net/ipbook/" .

    :title "Patterns of Information Law (Version 1.1)" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "James Grimmelmann" ;
    :site "https://james.grimmelmann.net/ipbook/" .

    :title "Impatient Perl" ;
    :license license:GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later ;
    :author "Greg London" ;
    :site "http://www.greglondon.com/iperl/index.htm" .

    :title "Human and Machine Consciousness" ;
    :license license:CC-BY-4.0 ;
    :author "David Gamez" .