#!/usr/bin/env python3
This script creates the data.js file containing the list of nodes end edges for
the vis.js graph.
import json
import networkx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pathlib import Path
G = networkx.nx.Graph()
data = '../dokk/data'
edge_properties = [ 'comics_cartoon', 'comics_author', 'ttrpg_character' ]
nodes = []
edges = []
for path in Path(data).glob('**/*.json',):
with open(path, 'r') as f:
n = json.loads(f.read())
'title': n['node_name'] + ('\n' + n['node_description'] if 'node_description' in n else ''),
#'color': { 'background': '', 'border': ''},
'label': n['node_name'],
'id': n['node_id']
for p in edge_properties:
if p not in n.keys():
if not type(n[p]) == list:
n[p] = [ n[p] ]
for target in n[p]:
G.add_edge(n['node_id'], target)
'title': p,
'from': n['node_id'],
#'label': p,
'to': target,
pos = networkx.nx.spring_layout(G, k=1, iterations=200, scale=1000)
for n in nodes:
n['x'] = pos[n['id']][0]
n['y'] = pos[n['id']][1]
networkx.nx.set_node_attributes(G, pos, 'pos')
networkx.nx.draw(G, pos=pos)
with open('data.js', 'w') as f:
f.write('var nodes={};\nvar edges={}'.format(json.dumps(nodes), json.dumps(edges)))