prefix : prefix license: :1 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "feelings", "recovery", "suffering" ; :title "Feelings" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Cheer up, Mimi..." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Feelings aren't facts!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "It's a fact that I'm sad!" ] . :2 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "boundaries", "recovery" ; :title "Boundaries" ; :website "" ; :author_comment "Based on a real conversation!" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "And then he did this and then he said that and then he did that & this and then he..." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Mimi, you need some boundaries!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Oh, I don't think I could get him to have boundaries..." ] . :3 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "learning" ; :title "Head Explode" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "My head hurts!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "That's because there's too much in it. If you learn one more thing, it'll explode." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "BOOM!" ] . :4 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "recovery", "relationships", "sex", "violence" ; :title "Trouble" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I like to start trouble!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 1 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "KICK!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "STOMP!" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "We are gonna have such great make-up sex..." ] . :5 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "anger", "delusions", "feelings", "suffering" ; :title "Entitled" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I auditioned today..." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "But I didn't get the part." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "KICK!" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Who are they to tell me whether I can star in their show?!" ] . :6 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "boundaries", "codependence", "love", "recovery", "relationships" ; :title "Relationship Classic" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I don't want to take care of myself, so I expect you to do it." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "No thank you." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "You don't love me!!" ] . :7 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "memory", "recovery", "spirituality" ; :title "Amnesia" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I have moments of such awareness!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "But then I forget them. It's like spiritual amnesia. I wish I could hold on to them!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Why?" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Why what?" ] . :8 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "life", "recovery" ; :title "Life Story" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "First I dig a hole..." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Then I jump in!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "How did I get here?" ] . :9 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "advice", "help", "perspective", "recovery", "slapstick", "weird" ; :title "Perspective" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Help! I'm trapped in a hole!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Change your perspective." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "What?" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "WHAM!" ] . :10 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "learning", "perspective", "recovery" ; :title "Gray" ; :website "" ; :author_comment "Why would anyone want to see more gray?" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I see things in black-and-white." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "But between black and white are all these shades of gray!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Bleagh." ] . :11 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "learning", "perspective", "recovery" ; :title "Color" ; :website "" ; :author_comment "This may not be funny, but it is true. Why does everyone push “gray” as the alternative to black-and-white thinking, when the whole color spectrum is in there?" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I've given up my black-and-white thinking." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "The shades between black & white aren't gray..." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "They're the full color spectrum!" ] . :12 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "feelings", "god", "recovery", "slapstick", "spirituality", "suffering" ; :title "What Kind of Loving God Would Allow This To Happen?" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 2 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "TRIP!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "WHAM!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "What kind of loving god would allow this to happen?!" ] . :13 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "delusions", "fear", "feelings", "recovery", "weird" ; :title "F.E.A.R." ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "caption" ; :text "False Evidence Appearing Real" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "caption" ; :text "Fuck Everything And Run" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "caption" ; :text "Forgetting Everything's All Right" ] . :14 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "god", "recovery", "religion", "spirituality" ; :title "Religious" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I used to be a fuck-up." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Then I found God!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Now you're a religious fuck-up!" ] . :15 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "god", "recovery", "suffering" ; :title "Explain" ; :website "" ; :author_comment "Eunice is wise." ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Eunice, do you believe in God?" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Yes." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Then how do you explain suffering?" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I don't." ] . :16 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "boundaries", "codependence", "recovery", "relationships" ; :title "Boundaries" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Wanna grab a bite?" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "No thanks. I just ate." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Well I still need to eat." ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "But why? I'm already full!" ] . :17 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "feelings", "recovery", "relationships" ; :title "Feelings" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Let's discuss my feelings!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "We just did that five minutes ago." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Five minutes?! We haven't discussed my feelings in two weeks!" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "That's five minutes in me-time." ] . :18 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "anger", "feelings", "recovery", "relationships" ; :title "My Therapist Says…" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "My therapist says you're manipulative!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I'm not even gonna tell you what my therapist says about you!" ] . :19 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "art", "poop", "weird" ; :title "Gross, Yet True" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Art is like poop: it comes on its own schedule." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Forcing it will just give you hemorrhoids" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "SNIFF!" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Worrying whether other people like it is beside the point!" ] . :20 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "advice", "art", "poop" ; :title "The Metaphor Continues" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Art is like poop: don't hold on to it!" ] . :21 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "art", "happiness", "poop" ; :title "Last One About Art and Poop, I Promise" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Art is like poop..." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "SPROUT!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "It makes great fertilizer!" ] . :22 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "advice", "recovery", "relationships" ; :title "T.H.I.N.K." ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Hey Eunice—" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Before you speak, Mimi, T.H.I.N.K." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Is it Truthful Helpful Important Necessary, & Kind?" ], [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "No." ], [ :order 5 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Then is it juicy?" ] . :23 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "art", "ip" ; :title "Patent" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I have a great idea for a thing!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Are you gonna execute it?" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "No, I'm gonna wait for someone else to execute it, and sue them!" ] . :24 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "life", "perspective", "recovery", "spirituality" ; :title "Glass Half Empty" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "My glass is half empty." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "It's half full!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "GLUG GLUG GLUG!" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Now it's 99.9% empty." ] , [ :order 5 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "It's 0.1% full!" ] . :25 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "advice", "boundaries", "recovery" ; :title "The Best Advice Is No Advice" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Don't drop that." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "SMASH!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I'm more likely to take your advice if you don't give it." ] . :26 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "delusions", "happiness", "perspective", "recovery", "suffering", "weird" ; :title "Water of Life" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 2 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "SHOVE!" ] . :27 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "delusions", "love", "recovery", "suffering", "weird" ; :title "Perfect" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "You look different, Eunice." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I'm more perfect!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "With enough self-control I can avoid stray lines, asymmetry, and other embarassing mistakes." ], [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Then everyone will love me!" ] . :28 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "codependence", "recovery", "relationships", "slapstick" ; :title "Drama" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "What's our relationship missing, Eunice?" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Drama!" ] . :29 :published "2010-07-26" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "anger", "arguments", "recovery" ; :title "Mimi Wins" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I'm right and you're wrong!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Who cares?" ] . :30 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "arguments", "perspective", "slapstick" ; :title "In My Place" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Put yourself in my place." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "OK." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "CLIMB!" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "You're still wrong!" ] . :30.2 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "arguments", "perspective" ; :title "Opposition" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Now I understand your side, Mimi." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "And I, yours." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi", "eunice" ; :text "And yet, we're still on opposite sides!" ] . :31 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "happiness", "life", "recovery", "spirituality" ; :title "Fools" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "The wise man changes himself to fit the world. The fool changes the world to fit himself." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Therefore, fools rule the world." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "YES!!" ] . :32 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "ip", "learning" ; :title "Do the Math" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Attention is scarce. Information is not. Do the math." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "√x y π ????i 2+2=5?" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Charge for the information and get the attention for free?" ] . # Number 33 doesn't seem to exist on the website. :34 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "learning", "life", "spirituality", "suffering" ; :title "Gandhi" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "First they ignore you." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Then they ridicule you." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Then they fight you." ], [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Then you win!" ] . :35 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "weird" ; :title "TEAM" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "You can't spell \"T-E-A-M\" with the letter \"I\"." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Nor with the letters \"U\", \"Y-O-U\", or \"U-S\"." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "What can you spell \"TEAM\" with?" ], [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "\"M-E\"!" ] . :36 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "god", "happiness", "perspective", "recovery", "slapstick", "suffering" ; :title "Pink Cloud" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I just \"let go and let God\" and suddenly I'm up on this pink cloud!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Aren't you worried about falling?" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "POOF!" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "WHAM!" ] . :37 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "feelings", "recovery", "suffering" ; :title "Storm Cloud" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I miss my pink cloud!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "SNIFF!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "WAAAAA!" ] . :38 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "ip", "money" ; :title "Incentive" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Penny for your thoughts?" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "One lousy penny? What kind of incentive is that?!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I don't think without proper compensation!" ] . :39 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "arguments", "god" ; :title "Theological Debate" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I believe in God!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I don't." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "STOMP!" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "God is great!" ] , [ :order 5 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "There is no God." ] . :40 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "god", "recovery", "slapstick", "violence", "weird" ; :title "As If" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I don't believe in God, Eunice!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Then act \"as if\"." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Dear God: please smite Eunice." ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "ZOT!" ] . :41 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "delusions", "god" ; :title "Miracle" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I prayed God to smite you, and he did!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "It's a miracle! I believe in God now!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I'm converting to atheism." ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Another miracle!" ] . :41.3 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "god", "love", "spirituality" ; :title "God Loves" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Eunice, you're religious. Why don't you believe God sent that lighning bolt?" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I only believe in a loving God." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Don't you think God loves a good punchline?" ] . :42 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "addictive/compulsive", "recovery", "weird" ; :title "Compulsion" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "SNIF SNIF" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 3 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP" ] . :43 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "addictive/compulsive", "recovery", "weird" ; :title "Denial" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "What are you doing?" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Nothing." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "You're chewing your ear." ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "No I'm not." ] , [ :order 5 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "That's the weirdest habit I've ever seen." ] , [ :order 6 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "What habit?" ] . # Number 44 doesn't seem to exist on the website. :45 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "feelings", "love", "relationships" ; :title "Dating" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 2 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "CHOMP!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I don't want to fall in love." ] . :46 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "delusions", "god", "recovery", "spirituality", "suffering" ; :title "Defects" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "God, I offer you my defects and shortcomings. Please remove them." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "They're still here!!" ] . :47 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "anger", "delusions", "ip", "money" ; :title "Proprietary" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "You've just given me an idea!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I don't \"give\" ideas. I sell them. Pay up!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Can I just return it?" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Only if you promise to never think it again!" ] . :48 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "boundaries", "codependence", "recovery", "relationships" ; :title "Me" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "me me me me me me me me me me me" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "...but enough about me..." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "WHEW!" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "What do you think about me?" ] . :49 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "arguments", "relationships" ; :title "Willful" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "People should be nice to each other." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "You want to legislate morality! You want to stifle my rights! You're a communist!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "You misundertand." ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I willfully misunderstand!" ] . :50 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "arguments", "fear", "recovery" ; :title "Insecure" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I'm insecure about my own beliefs." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "But if I make you look stupid, I can feel better about myself!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "That's lame." ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "What do you know? You're an idiot!" ] . :51 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "delusions", "feelings", "god", "recovery", "religion", "spirituality" ; :title "Praytheist" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I'm an atheist, but I pray." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I just feel really guilty and ashamed when I do." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "That makes you religious!" ] . :52 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "god", "recovery", "religion", "spirituality" ; :title "God’s Atheist" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "God made me an atheist." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "And to glorify Him I shall carry out His divine purpose:" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Doubting!" ] . :53 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "ip", "money" ; :title "Censorship" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Copyright is ©ensorship!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "If I had a nickel for every time someone said that..." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "They'd stop saying it!" ] . :54 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "arguments", "codependence", "recovery", "relationships", "spirituality" ; :title "Acceptance" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "It's important to accept people just the way they are." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "hmmm..." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "You should be more accepting!" ] . :55 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "god", "recovery", "religion", "spirituality", "suffering" ; :title "Prayer" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Dear God: please fix all my problems right now." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "There is no God!" ] . :56 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "arguments", "happiness", "perspective", "recovery" ; :title "Wrong" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Would you rather be right or happy?" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Happy!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Wrong answer." ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "YAY!!" ] . :57 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "arguments", "feelings", "recovery", "suffering" ; :title "Right" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I'd rather be right than happy." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "And you're always right!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "WAAAAA!" ] . :58 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "advice", "anger", "boundaries", "recovery" ; :title "Please" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Say what you mean..." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Fuck you." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "...But don't say it mean." ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Fuck you, please!" ] . :59 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "ip", "money" ; :title "Pay" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Pay attention!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "OK, I'm paying attention. Now what?" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Buy this!" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "You expect me to pay twice?!" ] . :60 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "boundaries", "codependence", "recovery", "relationships" ; :title "Yes" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Do you say yes when you mean no?" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Yes!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I mean no." ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Which would you rather hear?" ] . :61 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "addictive/compulsive", "recovery", "suffering" ; :title "Willpower" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I will not chew my ear." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I will not chew my ear." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP" ] . :62 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "addictive/compulsive", "god", "help", "recovery", "religion", "suffering" ; :title "Irrational" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I can't stop my compulsive ear chewing, so I asked God to help!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "That's totally irrational." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Irrational problems demand irrational solutions!" ] . :63 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "appearance", "boundaries", "recovery" ; :title "None of Your Business" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I'm tired of people judging my looks!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "My appearance is none of their business." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "What they think of your appearance is none of your business." ] . :64 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "addictive/compulsive", "appearance", "recovery" ; :title "Freedom" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "The burqa is empowering!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Freed from the tyranny of appearance, I can truly be myself inside." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "A compulsive ear-chewer." ] . :65 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "appearance" ; :title "Recognize" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "The burqa is disconcerting." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "How will I recognize you?" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Who the hell else is wearing a burqa around here?" ] . :66 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "appearance", "boundaries", "delusions", "perspective", "weird" ; :title "Doff!" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I can only see your eyes. It's creepy." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Then how's this?" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "DOFF!" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "You're naked!" ] . :67 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "addictive/compulsive", "advice", "anger" ; :title "Help" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Help! My ears look terrible!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Maybe you should stop chewing them." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Who asked you?!" ] . :68 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "god", "recovery", "relationships", "religion" ; :title "Problem" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Don't tell God how big your problem is..." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "...Tell your problem how big God is!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I'm not telling God. I'm telling you." ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "That's your problem." ] . :69 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "delusions", "god", "recovery", "religion", "spirituality", "suffering" ; :title "Mistake" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I made a mistake!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Only God can make a mistake, Mimi." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "He lovingly crafts each one and sends them down to earth for us to screw up our lives committing." ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Does he make apologies too?" ] , [ :order 5 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "No, that's your job." ] . :70 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "codependence", "recovery", "relationships", "slapstick", "spirituality", "violence" ; :title "Forgiveness" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I made a mistake..." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "But I forgive myself!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "You, however, make a convenient scapegoat!" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "BOOT!" ] . :71 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "feelings", "memory", "recovery", "suffering" ; :title "Memorrhoids" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Painful memories from the distant past..." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "...erupt in my consciousness like open wounds." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Memorrhoids!" ] . :72 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "feelings", "memory", "recovery", "suffering", "weird" ; :title "Memorrhoids the Musical" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Memorrhoids... On the anus of my mind..." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Painful, irritating memorrhoids..." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Of the things I did..." ] . :73 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "arguments", "codependence", "recovery", "relationships" ; :title "Me+You=We" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "me me me me me me me!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "you you you you you you!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "WEEEEE!" ] . :74 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "anger", "boundaries", "codependence", "recovery", "relationships" ; :title "Selfish" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "you you you you you!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Focus on yourself, Eunice." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "No!" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "That would be selfish!" ] . :75 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "addictive/compulsive", "advice", "life", "recovery", "suffering", "one day at a time" ; :title "Speed It Up" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Live life one day at a time!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "That's not fast enough." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I wanna skip ahead to the end!" ] . :76 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "boundaries", "codependence", "recovery", "suffering" ; :title "Volunteers" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "There are no victims..." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Only volunteers." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Sign me up!" ] . :77 :published "2010-07-27" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "art", "spirituality" ; :title "Haiku" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Three panel cartoon" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Haiku of sequential art" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Comic strip koan" ] . :78 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "ip", "law", "money" ; :title "Problems" ; :website "" ; :author_comment "This was inspired by lawyers." ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "My job is to solve problems." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "But if the problems get solved, I'm out of a job!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "That's a problem." ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I ain't solving it!" ] . :79 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "ip" ; :title "Scarcity" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Attention is scarce" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Information is not." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I rest my case." ] . :80 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "learning", "life", "recovery", "spirituality", "suffering", "weird" ; :title "Imbalance" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "This leg is my intellect!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "This leg is my emotional and spiritual development." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "No wonder I run in circles!" ] . :81 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "feelings", "memory", "psychology", "recovery", "suffering" ; :title "Freud" ; :website "" ; :author_comment "My friend Barry Solow made this awful pun." ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I'm treating my memorrhoids with psychoanalysis..." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "But it's even more painful and irritating!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Now you have frrhoids." ] . :82 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "delusions", "fear", "feelings", "recovery", "suffering", "weird" ; :title "Meltdown" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "The situation in unclear." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Nuclear! The situation is nuclear!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi", "eunice" ; :text "AAAAUUGH!!!" ] . :83 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "delusions", "fear", "psychology", "recovery", "suffering" ; :title "The Power of Negative Thinking" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "If I just worry hard enough, it'll fix my problems!" ] . :84 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "advice", "anger", "feelings", "psychology", "recovery", "relationships", "slapstick", "violence" ; :title "Therapeutic" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Relax." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "POW!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "AHHH..." ] . :85 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "delusions", "fear", "psychology", "recovery", "suffering" ; :title "Catastrophizing" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I like to predict catastrophes!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "That way, when things go wrong..." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I can still be right!" ] . :86 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "ip", "love", "money", "relationships" ; :title "Price vs. Value" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "How much does your love cost?" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Love is free!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Don't you value love?!" ] . # Number 87 doesn't seem to exist on the website. :88 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "anger", "arguments", "recovery", "slapstick", "violence" ; :title "Persuasion" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I'm right and you're wrong!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "POW!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "It's going to take more than a punch in the face to convince me!" ] . :89 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "addictive/compulsive", "psychology", "recovery" ; :title "Brain" ; :website "" ; :author_comment "Eunice is a compulsive ear-chewer. Mimi is an alcoholic. They have so much in common." ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Why do you drink, Mimi?" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "My brain is trying to kill me!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "So I'm gonna kill it first!" ] . :90 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "art", "god", "religion", "spirituality" ; :title "Fertility" ; :website "" ; :author_comment "This is a metaphor." ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "God, grant me fertility!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "POOF!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "AAAAUGH! Too much fertility!!" ] . :91 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "fear", "learning", "psychology", "sex", "suffering", "travel" ; :title "Travel" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Travel is like sex:" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "It's fun at first but then you pick up terrible diseases, get bored, and develop anxiety around it." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Also you get better at doing it alone." ] . :92 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "happiness", "slapstick", "violence" ; :title "Punching the Clock" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Sure I punch the clock." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "onomatopoeia" ; :text "POW!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I punch it in its big ugly face!" ] . :93 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "art", "learning", "life", "perspective", "recovery", "slapstick", "spirituality" ; :title "Journey" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "caption" ; :text "The journey of a thousand miles" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "caption" ; :text "Begins with but a single step" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "caption" ; :text "Off a thousand-mile-high cliff." ] . :94 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "fear", "life", "suffering" ; :title "Death!" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Death!!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 1 ; :character "death" ; :text "Hello, Mimi." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Have you come to take me away?" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 2 ; :character "death" ; :text "Nah." ] , [ :order 5 ; :panel 3 ; :character "death" ; :text "I've come to worry you constantly about your mortality." ] . :95 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "arguments", "life", "spirituality" ; :title "Boring" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Why can't we live forever?" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 1 ; :character "death" ; :text "You'd get bored. Nothing would change." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Why can't we live forever?" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 2 ; :character "death" ; :text "You'd get bored. Nothing would change." ] , [ :order 5 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Why can't we live forever?" ] , [ :order 6 ; :panel 3 ; :character "death" ; :text "You'd get bored. Nothing would change." ] . :96 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "fear", "help", "life", "slapstick", "spirituality" ; :title "Chase" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Why do you keep chasing me?!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 3 ; :character "death" ; :text "The exercise keeps you young and supple!" ] . :97 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "anger", "arguments", "boundaries", "delusions", "recovery", "relationships", "suffering" ; :title "Pie" ; :website "" ; :author_comment "Mmmm…lemon meringue." ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "I know what you're thinking: terrible things about me!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Well screw you and your judgements!" ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I'm thinking about pie!" ] . :98 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "anger", "boundaries", "feelings", "recovery" ; :title "Angry Person" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "Want some friendly feedback?" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "You're a very angry person." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "I am now!" ] , [ :order 4 ; :panel 3 ; :character "evince" ; :text "See?" ] . :99 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "feelings", "life", "recovery", "spirituality", "suffering" ; :title "One Of Those Days" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "It's been one of those days..." ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 2 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "Followed by another one of those days." ] , [ :order 3 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "You're living one of those days at a time!" ] . :100 :published "2010-07-28" ; :license license:CC-BY-SA-3.0 ; :tag "anger", "perspective", "recovery" ; :title "Sheep" ; :website "" ; :transcript [ :order 1 ; :panel 1 ; :character "mimi" ; :text "People are such sheep!" ] , [ :order 2 ; :panel 3 ; :character "eunice" ; :text "What've you got against sheep?" ] .