On this instance:

R   peers/ghm2017-talk.git
GHM 2017 talk
R   peers/wotas.git
Configuration files for
R   torr/pasy.git
Pasy - password manager built on symmetric encryption
R   torr/wssrv.git
Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
R   zplus/InternetRadio.git
R   zplus/archive-webextension.git
Firefox WebExtension for archiving web pages.
R   zplus/clif.git
CLI Forge source tree.
L   zplus/clif.mlist
CLIF mailing list.
R   zplus/dokk.git
DOKK graph source tree
R   zplus/
DOKK website source tree
R   zplus/freepost.git
Source code of
R   zplus/pagure-forgefed.git
ForgeFed plugin for Pagure.